So Abuja has been bombed again. At this point, it has become a regular occurrence. We are slowly becoming desensitized to it. It happened before. It’ll probably happen again. As I read the accounts of the bombing in Abuja today, I was angry. My spirit was angry, more than usual. It is not just that the UN building in Abuja was bombed in broad daylight, it is also the fact that I know something could have been done to prevent it. And even after the deed was done, the management of it was poor. The fire department brought only one crane (of course), and just as it was about to be used, it gave up (naturally).
Our dear President, the one they say brings with him a lot of alleged good luck, has issued a statement through his spokesman, Reuben Abati, spilling out all the usual bullshit that he and the rest of the government usually spill. He wants Nigerians to know that he believes the attack is an assault on the United Nations and what they stand for (you don’t say), that he has ordered for the security to be heightened (from nothing to a little less nothing?), that the federal government is dedicated to vigorously combating terrorism (story!), that the perpetrators will be brought to justice (the dead suicide bomber? Or the living ones coming after him?), that Nigerians should aid in exposing those who promote violence (but Mr. President, you know where Boko Haram resides), and that Nigerians should continue to go about their daily living because the government has it all under control (there’s really no need to mislead the people).
If Jonathan were less Igbo and less Christian, would there be this much violence? And if Jonathan were more assertive and more presidential, would there be this much violence? I am puzzled. I cannot comprehend why a man who knows his enemies by face, by names, and by residence is so reluctant to wipe every single one of them off the face of the earth.
Since I was born, I have been hearing about the potential of Nigeria, and granted, we do have a lot of it. But when potential perpetually remains potential and never actual, then what is our worth? Our biggest accomplishments to date are having the highest number of cell phones in Africa, having a “booming” music industry, having the biggest and loudest generators, and being the giant of Africa – whatever the hell that means.
Whether or not Nigeria is a failed State should not be up for debate anymore. It is a failed State. The question now is if anything can be done to remedy the situation. In the meantime, it is every Nigerian for him/herself.
May the souls of the eighteen people who lost their lives today rest in peace. May God grant their loved ones the fortitude to bear the loss. May the injured people receive speedy recovery. May the perpetrators die an unnatural death, and may they die slowly. May the people in power who let this happen choke on their spit. And may competent people rise to rule Nigeria fairly. Amen.
Photo credit:Sahara Reporters
I cried today. I was so sad.
Sad for the innocent lives that were lost.
Sad that their lives were lost for nothing.
Because nothing is going to change.
Sad for the survivors, because some of them would still die in the hospital
because they are not equipped for disaster.
Sad for my country because the only time the world sees her is when she is crying.
I’m with you Mizchif. Nothing will change — at least not yet. We will be angry. We will leave angry comments. But nothing will change. Police will patrol the area for three days. And then, everything will go back to the way it’s been. In a few weeks, maybe months, there will be another attack, and Mr. President will heighten security again and promise one more time to bring the perpetrators to justice *hiss*
Dear Mizchif, I agree with everything you wrote except the last line about being sad for your country. You see every day reasons why your empathy is unnecessary and yet you persist. That kind of “hope” for “change” should be reserved for your children only (until they reach a certain age). Nigeria is not worth the headache!
EDJ, I see where you’re coming from oh, but it is almost impossible to become apathetic toward Nigeria. I don’t know about anyone else, but I too want to be proud of my country. I want my country to be the one that people want to go to, instead of the one that people are running away from. Maybe we’re asking for too much, but most of us want change.
first of all Jonathan isn’t igbo.
secondly, i don’t get the ‘if he were a little less Christian’ bit.
thirdly, i do hope the people who died rest in peace.
Leggy, by general Nigerian standards, he is Igbo. As long as he is not Yoruba and he is not Hausa, then yes, he counts as Igbo – whether he accepts it or not. His name is even Ebele, so good luck convincing people otherwise.
The suicide bombers are Muslim extremists who would do anything to undermine his presidency. He knows it. If he were a Muslim, things would be a bit different. That, too, is known.
Abeg. Na today. United Nations don dey Naija since when. What difference have they made? What exactly is their role in that country sef? To monitor Census activities every 10 years? Bllood clot!!! Make I no vex fully oh.
Sad about the bombing, yes. But lives will continue to be lost until top public office holders begin to apply themselves to getting things right.
I mean do we have any statistics on the the number of people who die in that country from acts of non-violence alone?
When you think am na to dey cry everyday nah!!!
Ikedot, when I saw your name in the comment list, I thought, “Chei! Ike has come oooo….” LOL. I knew you wouldn’t have anything friendly to say about “your” people. You bring up an interesting point about the role of UN in Nigeria. I don’t even know. But even if they’re completely inactive and all they do is collect money every month, it is clearly because the government lets them do so.
Oh, my country.
LOL you think the UN doesn’t do anything in Nigeria? I’m personally insulted by that statement, even though I don’t work for them.
My entire life in Nigeria the UN did SOMETHING. Whether it was sponsoring a TV show to teach about “life lessons” OR actually coming into secondary schools to vaccinate children OR handing out food to poor people. I assume this has not changed just because Nigeria has not really improved in a way that would negate the country’s NEED for the UN. The UN does more for Nigerians than Nigerians are aware of. Excuse you.
Aside from that, yes Nigeria is an often ridiculous place, etc etc.
Well, those are some important things, if the UN is really doing them. But it’s sad when the UN is doing more for Nigeria than Nigeria is doing for itself. Whatever the UN is doing, I bet they can do more — but typical Nigeria, who cares what they do? 🙁
It is very difficult to keep hope alive in Nigeria because what I see makes me believe that there will NEVER be change. I am very scared for my country, I do not want to think about where we will end up if we continue like this.
Because of this I am distributing free visas every Sunday afternoon at the Mr. Biggs near the Ikeja roundabout. Please email me for details.
I know Nigerians do not care where they go as long as it is AWAY from Nigeria so the visas encompass many countries. From Libya to Lichtenstein, I can help you escape. Call 0803-ESCAPE-NOW for details.
Thanks but no, thanks.
EDJ, you’re a mad woman. What sucks is that someone might read this and attempt to call that number. You’re even offering visas to Libya? LOL.
Pearl, I know what you mean. At the rate we are going, I wonder if one day the people at the top will just sell Nigeria and put the money in their pocket. It sucks because we are the ones stunting our own growth. It’s not like there’s a foreign country doing bad things to us.
Although its not suprising,it is sorrowfully pathetic that a group of people decide to take the lives of innocent nigerians whenever they please…its also a big shame that goodluck,whom we already expect alot from,cannot even curb terrorist activities (reason being if he curbs boko haram,he must curb niger delta militants) and secure the country’s capital…2 major sucide bomb blast in a space of 6months….i dont wana sound negative,but truly is nigeria gonna ever make it??
I pray the survivors recover quickly….
May the souls of all those departed rest in peace and may God grant their families fortitude to bear the loss….amen.
C-Jay, no one knows if Nigeria will make it. Truly speaking, we are at the mercy of God. Considering all what we have done, I’m surprised that we are still standing. For how long we will continue to stand? Who knows?
If any nationals of the super-power had died in the bomb blast, they’d have sent in their peeps with or without GEJ’s consent, and would have dismantled bokoharam. Nigeria’s government has been ham-stringed by corruption and it is blatantly obvious that they are grossly ineffectual at dealing with these insurgents. If only Jack Bauer had not retired. Sigh.
Joxy, and I am wondering why any nationals of the super power did not die. These people that are bombing sef are all stupid. Why don’t they go and bomb the people they are mad at? Why bomb innocent people who are helpless?
Babbling,babbling,babbling,its in our gene.We babble & keep quite only to babble again when the next explosion rocks!Pity for the un4tunate victims but I bet like most others they’ve died in vain(ask the victims of 2011 election violence).
Meanwhile,lets babble on till the next explosion i.e if we survive it!
9Jirian, the fact that you feel this way is a proof of the big trouble we’re in. You’re not wrong for feeling the way you do, of course. And even I am at a loss for ideas on what to do. We need new leaders, yes. But who will rise up and do the job without getting his/her hands dirty too? I want to say I give up, but I know that Nigeria’s troubles will continue to hurt me.
if Jonathan were more assertive and more presidential, would there be this much violence?
That is the biggest problem we have presently…bigger than him being Igbo and Christian. Cause if he had established the first then miscreants would have thought twice about challenging him and trying to throw Nigeria into a State of emergency.
Ginger, it’s unfortunate that things have turned out this way. I keep wondering now, what is the way forward? Can there ever be redemption for Nigeria? When? And under whose administration? Yes, I know. All these ones are jamb questions.
So sad. I do agree. Its’ extremely difficult to keep hope alive for Nigeria. Expecially when you read news about a stupid ass satelite in space when the money could be used for thousands of other things like better draiinage, roads, etc. I pray that God give me the will power, strength, determination to help our country.
As for Johnathan being Igbo or not. If I remember correctly, I thought according to BBC, he is from the north. I think one of his grand parents has an Igbo name which technically makes him Igbo. Who knows sha. Vera, I love your logic better :-).
Adabeke, lol @ loving my logic better. Tehehehe. That makes me a very happy Vera! 😀
The way Nigeria spends money on everything but what we actually need it for is troubling to say the least. And I read that Jonathan said other countries have been attacked by terrorists, so maybe it’s Nigeria’s turn now. Seriously?!?!?!
Oops, meant east not north.
No wahala. Got you 😉