1. I love your blog! Do you accept guest posts? At this time, I, unfortunately, do not accept guest posts. Maybe in the future.
2. I think I’d make a great blogger, but I don’t know where to start. Do you have any tutorials about starting a blog? Absolutely!! I have a whole post written on this, and it’s current (January 2020). Click here to read it.
3. What kind of topics do you speak on? Women’s happiness, culture, following your passion, perseverance, blogging
4. What kind of consulting do you do? I do
5. What kind of events do you host? So far, I have hosted weddings, birthdays, corporate events, baby showers, and bridal showers.
6. What kind of advertising options do you offer on your blog? I offer quite a number of options, and they are very, very affordable. Check out my advertising page.
7. I have something I want you to review. What next? To have me review anything, please contact me first, then we’ll go from there.
8. May I send you a press release about an awesome event/organization? No, you may not. I do not accept, respond to, or publish press releases. Please let me know if you are interested in sponsoring a post instead.
9. I would like to send you a proposal for a fun campaign! I won’t pay in cash, but you’ll gain exposure. Are you interested? AB.SO.LUTE.LY NOT. Please don’t try it. Here’s a post that tells you exactly how I feel about that.
10. Are you Igbo or middle-belt Nigerian? Quite Igbo actually.
11. Are you willing to travel out of State or Country to host an event or speak at an event? Yes, absolutely.
12. So I hear you were born in Russia. Why??? Was it a mistake? Why, because people get born in Russia, too – yes, even Nigerian people. No, it was not a mistake. My parents actually deliberately had sex without condoms, and then, went ahead to deliver me there. They lived there at the time. No, they were not illegal residents.
13. Why are you so crazy, Vera? Honestly, I don’t know. I suspect it has something to do with my mom falling off the bus in London when she was pregnant with me. True story.