For as far back as I can remember, I have always known that the Nigerian presidential villa is called Aso Rock. Problem is, I have never known anything else about it. What does it look like? What color is it? How big is it? What street is it on? Mba. Nothing. As far as the inside is concerned, I was sure that I’d have an easier time laying an egg. At a point, I started thinking it may not even exist sef.
But what did I find online today on Uber Naija? A picture of the president sitting in his office – pretending to be doing work, when we all know that he’s just eating and sleeping – in Aso Rock! I fainted six times. On my way to the seventh faint, my God vindicated me, and He reminded me that seven is the number of perfection – Hey, that’s what they always say in RCCG churches.
I wonder what he’s looking at. Must be desktop calendar — trying to check how many more days he has to chop all of Nigeria’s money — and possibly pay a tutor for his wife’s English.
Does he know what ‘work’ means?!!!! He is looking at all the English Patience has been blowing and wondering how much stolen money coming into account.
I don’t think he knows what work is either. He just sits there to decorate the office.
You haf finished the Goodlucks š
He’s praying, may patience get better and come back with a flat tummy.
I did not even have to finish them. They did it themselves.
come on now Vera, I think the president actually does his best as he knows to. It’s just that his abilities and capabilities to be president are actually limited.
Yeah. I’m sure he does the best that he knows how to. And that just confirms that he doesn’t know enough to be running a country.
First thing i thought of when i saw this was whoever was in charge of interior designing has great taste because i know and i’m sure as Jesus is coming a second time, Jonathan in lightyears couldn’t have come up with this. LOL Keeping in mind that the design’s permanent and has being around for a while. that being said… i agree.. this smacks of a photo op. He probably cant read properly whats in front of him. *sigh*
Yeah, the design though…. I know this sounds unpatriotic but some part of me likes to see this as Presidential Office, Republic of Nigeria, USA branch or something like that, LOL
It’s probably just s tiny little corner of it that we’re seeing. I’m almost completely sure that there is more to it than we see, especially considering all the money that us allocated to “interior decoration.”
Lol. Do you don’t trust good ol’ Jonny boy to come up with this design. It definitely has to be a photo op cause there is no way Johnny boy would have been sitting there unaware that a person with a camera was standing in front of him. Lol. Maybe this picture was inspired by Obama. Who knows these days?
Bia, this girl, stop laughing at your presidential office!
I still can’t stop laughing and Nna made it worse when I sent the link to him. In his words “da na angry bird in they play ooh.”
Hahahaha at playing angry bird. And it is so possible too! I don’t put anything past these people.