I don’t know if it’s fair to say that from the time of Adam and Eve, men have fallen because of women, but I will say it anyway. Granted, men – Adam included – should know better. By now, I’m sure you have all heard about the “disgraced General” who cheated on his wife of 38 years with a woman who is married with two kids. Yes, General David Petraeus.
What is it that will compel a man of such power, such achievement, such caliber, and such responsibility to do that which he knew before doing would be his downfall, if ever found out? And he’s neither the first nor the last. General David Petraeus was the Director of CIA. Freaking director … of the CI freaking A!! And he cheated with his biographer, 40 year old Paula Broadwell. It all “came out” when Paula sent a threatening e-mail message to Jill Kelley, demanding her to back off of her guy (Gen. Petraeus). Oh, ye mistress of little brains. You should have known better.
According to NBC News, Broadwell met Petraeus in 2006; in 2010, Petraeus became top commander in Afghanistan. In August 2011, Petraeus retired from U.S. Army and departed Afghanistan, and in September 2011, he became director of CIA. And on November 8th 2012, Obama regretfully accepted his resignation. The affair is said to have started in November 2011 (after his job as top commander in Afghanistan) and ended in July 2012.
Jill (pictured above) says that her relationship with the General is strictly platonic. I tend to believe her, not that the FBI or CIA would give a flying saucer what I think. And the plot thickens! US General, John Allen who succeeded Petraeus as the military commander in Afghanistan is also said to be under investigation for exchanging “inappropriate” emails with Jill Kelley. Hiiiiiaaaaannnn! I don’t know yet the nature of these inappropriate messages, but I hope for the sake of everyone that it isn’t another case of infidelity.
I like this Petraeus man – again, I am aware that my likeness is of no consequence – and I wish he did not have to resign his job, but being the director of such a distinguished and sensitive department comes with certain expectations, like integrity. And what kind of integrity do you expect from a man who cannot be faithful to his other half of 38 years? And what do I say of 40 year old Paula Broadwell who is also married with two children? My dad says that a fool at 40 is a fool forever.
- Paula Broadwell and her doctor (radiologist) husband, Scott Broadwell
So what are the spouses of these two adulterers supposed to do? Two grown and married adults who have everything to lose decided to risk it all anyway and engage in an affair that they knew from the beginning could be the end of them, and none of them cared enough about how this would impact their spouse, their supposed better half? What was this all for? Sex? Power? Conquest? What???
Sources: NY Daily News ||| NBC News ||| The Daily Beast
When a young fine and new p**sy is chasing us, we can’t run that fast……not even bolt could!
Wow. So the onus of a husband being faithful lies on the morally-depraved women around him??? Interesting.
exactly!! your score: A2!
That’s unfortunate. Really. But I disagree with you. And I think that it would be very cowardice for any man to hide behind this cloak as his reason for being unfaithful.
Wait, wait, wait. She was 2 when he got married. Is anyone else doing the math?
Indeed I am doing the math now. 🙂
Lol. You and Azuka would be just fine.
Azuka, so that is the one that is doing you ehn? Lol. Okay nah.
We were talking about this earlier this morning (or should I say a couple of people were talking about it near me this morning and I was listening) and someone brought up the fact that she spent too much time with him as being the reason.
Apparently, as his biographer she had some hundreds of unsupervised/alone time with the man, and when an opportunity presents itself (dot)(dot)(dot)
Not to defend the act but na overfamiliarity cause am, or as the white guy that was talking about it this morning said “when there are no boundaries in relationships and interactions, anything goes”
When a person is married, a person should keep that in front of everything he/she does. I don’t have the experience of 38 years of marriage, I know, but mehnnnnn, thisis crazy. I just feel sorry for his wife and her husband,
apparently inappropriate consists of “can we have sex under the table”? the best summary of the love hexagon is this article on slate http://www.slate.com/articles/life/dear_prudence/2012/11/dear_prudence_gen_david_petraeus_paula_broadwell_jill_kelley_and_gen_allen.html
Mehnnnnn, the plot just keeps thickening. Everyone is getting implicated. I suggest that anyone who has any kinda skeleton in their closet should just not take any part in this investigation. Lol. The FBI agent that initially started the investigation is now also under investigation. Haba!
I have to admit that I am enjoying this soap opera. Frankly I need to make a chat to connect the dots because there are so many people involved. Not that I am taking the general’s side but what the hell does this have to do with his job? Same with Clinton, Edwards, etc, just to name a few. I know they are in positions expected to be held with high standards but the last time I checked, part of taking an oath and also obtaining security clearance does not include “not being a cheating ass dog” lol. I am just saying.
Adabeke, you do have a point that it doesn’t technically have to do with his job, but like I mentioned in the post, I think it becomes a matter of integrity. One begins to wonder, if he cannot be faithful to his wife (whom he also took an oath to love and protect), then what can he do for the nation? I wish he had not resigned, but it’s what it is.
Per Edwards, his own vex me pass sef. His wife freaking hard cancer, and he was busy making babies with another woman. I don’t want to imagine what his wife felt or the level of anger she felt in her dying days. May her soul rest in peace.