Is it just me or has there been a recent influx in the number of posts/videos of people giving women all kinds of advice about what men can and cannot do? For example, I read a long rant the other day (from a woman oh!) saying that women who post fondly about their husbands on social media are basically to be blamed for their husband’s cheating because writing about their husbands made them (the husbands) appealing to other women. And then today, there’s this one.
Usually, when I hear something like this, I get really enraged. The reason I get so angry is that I’m so tired of men and women alike acting as if a grown adult man is incapable of controlling what vagina his penis enters. This is ridiculous. Yes, men cheat. And so do women. But I digress. Today’s video isn’t actually about cheating; it’s about the duties of a married woman.
Like I said, I usually get very angry at messages like this, but with this video, I laughed hysterically. I have watched this video over and over and I cannot stop laughing. The combination of her choice of words and her cute accent and what seems like genuine exhaustion and frustration on her part … I am seriously amused.
She used words like “marginalizing” and “outsource” and “servicing” to drive her point home. In her opinion, by the time a woman is married with kids and has a career, coming home to service a man is just too much work. But if the woman outsources to the side chick, she (the wife) will come home to a happy man. And while we’re talking about side chicks, she also wants the society to stop marginalizing side chicks (because the work they do is very important, I suppose).
I personally think it’s crazy for any woman to be okay with her husband having this arrangement, but for the sake of argument, let’s assume that wives are generally okay with outsourcing the fucking of their husbands to side chicks (who I’m sure are well certified and accredited in their field of work). Still, I’ve got questions.
1. If the woman is too tired to have sex because of motherhood and her career, then why isn’t the man tired, too? Doesn’t he also have kids and a career?
2, Will the wife also be getting serviced by a side dude?
3. Who will pay this side chick? I’m assuming this is a career for her. So who pays? Husband or wife?
I was going to ask if there are women out there who agree that the job of servicing their husbands should be outsourced, but I think the answer is a resounding yes.
But how do you feel about this, Sweet Potatoes? I’m particularly curious about how the men feel. If your wife offered you this service, would you accept it? Be honest. You can comment anonymously and speak your truth.
It is just too sad to see how indiscipline is becoming a well accepted norm. Infidelity should never be encouraged in any marraiage. If people can not respect themselves or the sanctity of marriage then it is best they remain single to mingle with their kind.
This women is just delusional and covering the pain from infidelity with foolish logic. Please it is possible tostay faithful even with kids, career or whatever.
I think in this particular instance, it was some sort of satire, as apparently the woman is a comedian and makaes jokes like that. However, I think people genuinely think like this, and it’s ridiculous, just to say the least.
obviously the girl is very uneducated to even think of something like this…what say wetin!
I think women in today’s society are under a lot of pressure and it’s our duty to teach our younger women to have self esteem.
It’s only a woman with very critically low self esteem that would agree to that nonsense perhaps garbage. Let’s not forget there is a high chance of contacting sexually trasmitted disease because your side chick will be messing around with some other dude.
I rest my case…very sad case.
Any married woman who agrees to this is perhaps sad, depressed and married to a loser. Life is too short to be married to a man like that.