You know there are so many inventions out there. Like the sex toy that connects over wi-fi, and the Kelloggs bag that costs $750, and the virginity kit. Now, I’ve discovered a new one: the Shewee! So what is this Shewee that I speak of? Well, you know as a woman, you have to squat to pee – when you are not on a toilet – while men, on the other hand, can just whip out their members and aim it where they please. If you give them your mouth, they will aim it there, too.
For centuries, women have suffered – what, with having to squat and all. But alas, freedom has come in a plastic funnel with an extension tube: the Shewee. With the Shewee, women can now pee while standing. Sure, women may have fought for their rights to drive, work, and vote. But no one thought of the right for she to wee while she stands. Until now, that is.
For only $28.95, you, too, can own a Shewee … plus the extension tube. Now, let me explain to you that this Shewee isn’t made for you to carry around for no reason. It is made specially for outdoors, like for camping and all that good stuff.
At first glance, I thought it was ridiculous. Like who wants to walk around – even in the woods – with a pee cup? And since when did squatting to pee become obliterated? Not to mention, urine stinks, so why would you want to carry a pee cup in your bag? But then, I began to think of it. I’m sure we all know at least one person whose bathroom we would not be caught using, so perhaps, this here is an alternative. The question now is, when you go to said person’s house, where do you aim the pee? I don’t know why this is coming to my spirit, but I’m thinking kitchen sink. The follow-up question here is, where will this person be while you’re aiming your pee in his/her kitchen sink?
When you figure out the answer to this question, you can go on over to Shewee and order yourself a Shewee for when you have to wee. In the meantime, enjoy the videos. And I don’t know about you guys, but I’m not completely sold on this Shewee. I’m gonna need a Sheshit before I buy it.
P.S. Will this be good as a birthday gift?
P.P.S. How do you like my new design? There is only one correct answer by the way: I love it! It’s not completely done yet. There are some blank pages, especially at the bottom. But I’m getting there.
Too much stress for convenience. lol
btw, the new design looks good….so far
I was just thinking right now, would we have to take our underwears off to use this? Or do we just pull it to the side? So many questions. And thank you for liking the design. You just had to add, “so far” … LOL.
You don’t have to take your underwear off at all Vera, the ‘X’ front pants are available to compliment the Shewee! see here:
thanks Sarah x
Ooooh. I see. Thanks a lot for letting us know, Sarah.
for regular day to day?…. this idea is absolutely stupid
but for sports… i reason with “them”
But when will you stand to use the funnel? I think I’d be more comfortable squatting than standing and inserting this thing inside me. I don’t know. Maybe I have to see it being used first. Ehm, Fufu, buy it now, let’s see 😀
Wonders shall never end….smh. My question is how do you aim in the item properly? Even peeing in a cup at the hospital is difficult. And the worse part of this is, if 1 million people (which is not even half the population of chicago, let alone the entire world) buys this, they make almost $30 million….gbam, get rich just like that. Maybe I should invent my own product.
Nne, that is the way forward oh! Invent your own product. I don’t know either how one rightly aims the urethra into this thing cause women’s pee isn’t straight and narrow like men’s. Sometimes our pee goes sideways, so I don’t know how exactly one will use this without peeing on themselves. I’ve volunteered Funmie to buy it and let us know how (and if) it works.
Lmao….yes Funmie let us know how it goes :-).
Gbam!!! And so it shall be
I might have peed on myself before even figuring this thing out. Do I have take my underwear? If so, I will just pee regular lol! And pee doesn’t go straight….hissss to this product…give me a bowl! 🙂
Fufu & V oya, try it and let us know 😉
Love the new Verastic 🙂
LOL. I know, right? I’d have totally pee’d on myself before figuring out the right place to “set” it. I don’t know if you have to take your underwear off, and I do confess, I have pee’d in a bowl before. It was the only way out. LOL.
Glad you love the new look 🙂
Dear Vera, On the issue of where to aim the pee, you can like to read the dear prudence dilemna below. The things I read on dear prudence will shock you.
Dear Prudence,
I found out entirely by accident that my husband urinates in sinks. He does it not only at home, but in other people’s homes as well. Afterwards, he rinses the sink with water from the faucet, so at least he’s making an effort at cleaning after himself. When I spoke to him about it, he responded that it wasn’t a big deal, and that he was doing his part to “save water.” How do I handle this? Is he really saving water?
Hahahahahahahahaha. I’m laughing my head off here. Pees in sinks, ke? And even in people’s sinks? To save water??? By dashing them bacteria, and possibly an infection? Errrr, that’s just disgusting. Lol at rinsing it off with water from the faucet. Biko, her husband needs to stop that rough play. Ah, ah. That’s wrong on all levels of wrong. Imagine walking into your kitchen to find your guest peeing in your sink? Hiiiaaannnn!
I’m sorry for ‘butting in’ into ladies’ gist o, but NA WAH O!!! At this rate, someone is going to ccome up with a device that has me carrying the baby on madam’s behalf for 9 months!!
No be only shepee o, na original sépè the inventor drink!
Aunty mi, your hubby pees in sinks? He hasn’t been caught, abi? In my opinion, you should free the bloke jo; I’m certain he’s developed a modus operandi that works for him.
On the whole, nice blog you’ve got here Vera, I hope its okay for me to drop in now and then to do ‘aproko’. In return, I’ll give free advice on doggy issues (that sounds kinda wrong here, I know, but I do mean DOGS sha).
Cheers ladies
You’re a trip! Modes operandi on peeing in people’s sinks? Hahaha. Thank you do much for dropping by, and I’m glad you like the blog. Feel free to drop in ANYTIME to give us advise on anything – doggy or dogs. We like them all. Per men carrying the baby for women, I’m pretty sure there is some kind of research or experiment going on concerning that right now. So a few more years, you might just be able to do that. Lol.
All I can say is LOL. You are too moosshh. Love it! But yeah sometimes old school ways are better. Why would I pay for plastic to do something I can do for free?
Lol at plastic doing something you can do for free. Oh, well. Some of the people who ave it swear they like it, so I guess it’s whatever works.