For the past several weeks, I have had somewhere to go and something to do, and I have been looking forward to a lazy weekend. Well, this weekend was just that for me. I did not do anything on Friday, except prep for The Verastic Show on Saturday. And on Saturday, after the show, Uzo came over to get some blog-related issues sorted out, and I was glad to help. I cooked moi moi, white rice, goat meat stew, and pepper soup for her. Ask her oo!
She was in my house till past one in the morning, and we just talked and talked. And talked. And talked! Even when she was ready to leave, I walked her outside where we talked for another hour. Meanwhile, Igwe was having a “boy’s night out” with his friends. He didn’t come back till past two in the morning, and I was still wide awake.
I didn’t go to bed till past 3am, and I did not set my alarm for church the next day. I did wake up though, and I was on time this Sunday. And by “on time,” I mean I was only 45 minutes late. I took a picture after church, but I don’t care much for it, so sorry, it’s another picture-less weekend recount. This may be a boring weekend recount, but it was a fabulous one for me. I got to be absolutely lazy.
Meanwhile, my friend, Busola just had a baby girl yesterday. Woooooot!!!! We’re taking her out drinking next weekend. I’m talking about the baby, of course, not Busola. Busola is a new second-time mom. It’s too early to force alcohol down her throat. We’ll wait till the following weekend. I wonder if Funmie will drink Busola’s breast milk this time like she did when Busola was lactating three years ago.
How was your weekend?
R u using style to tell us u r married, vera?! I’ve been suspecting u since I saw that ring on your finger during the occupy Nigeria protest. Oya, confess.
LOL! See accusation oh. Sweetie, I wouldn’t wear a wedding/engagement ring if I was trying to hide said ring. I’m not that careless. The ring is mine.
When do we get the cohabitating post?
Taynement THANK YOU!!!! i have been suspecting this girl oh…..i never hear anything about mom coming to her room etc nowadays…..mmmmmh Vera Vera Vera how many times did i call you?
Pendo, you called me three times. I promise I will answer your question. Lol. And lol at mom coming into my bedroom. Tehehehe.
Lol. Yeah, I know I owe you one. Okay. Will work on it. Promise.
Ohkay! Now my interest on the cohabitation is very piqued. 😀
Did I just read that Funmie had some of her breastmilk?!!!! #dead#
LMAO, how come she hasnt come here to defend her honor yet? Funmie, Vera is here attempting to soil ur honor and u arent saying anything? Issokay
No, she really did have some breast milk oh! And I blogged about it too, but I can’t remember the post now. Maybe I’ll google it.
Found the post in Funmie drinking breast milk