There are all kinds of days to be celebrated. Some of them are national holidays, and some of them are just days for stores like Macy’s to use as an excuse to have yet another sale. Like Labor Day, President’s Day, Grandparent’s Day, Potato Day, Pumpkin Day, Independence Day, Children’s Day, Mother’s Day, Literacy Day … do I need to go on?
But as I just read right now, there might soon be a Bisexual Day, too … in Berkeley, California. But of course. Word on the street, however, is that San Francisco is the gayest American City. I don’t know for sure. I’ve never been there. I did, however, just come back from San Diego, and let’s just say it was interesting.
Back to the Bisexual Day, apparently, bisexuals feel like they don’t fit in with either gays, lesbians, or straights. No kidding! Turns out that the gays and lesbians often discriminate against them and make them feel like they are neither here nor there. And bisexuals are often judged based on the gender of their current love interest. Example, if you see a girl dating a girl in September, she is judged as being a lesbian. And if you see the same girl three months later with a boy, that means she is straight. [But what are we supposed to think na??] So, bisexuals don’t like this. They want us to understand that it is possible for them to love different kinds of people for the rest of their lives, that it is not just a phase.
See, what I don’t understand is why bisexuals think that the rest of us – gay or straight – should not be confused by their indecision. I have consciously decided not to say they are confused, as I foresee some ugly comments coming in. Hold your horses, this is my blog, and I have a right to be confused. I don’t understand anything but being straight. I probably will never understand, and so, I have decided to leave it alone.
The hope is that the Bisexual Day will be celebrated on September 23rd, “the same day bisexual activists around the country have been holding Celebrate Bisexuality Day events for over a decade.” I did not even know this. For the past decade??? Where have I been? So, if you live in the Berkeley area, prepare to celebrate – maybe.
But uhm … does anyone else think we need a World Straight Day?
Vera, sometimes, on some issues, you are ahead of the curve, on other issues, you remain behind the curve. I guess, you can always take the girl out of the bush…. lol
Maybe i can put it in terms you’d understand. Sometimes, you like egusi, and on other days you like bitter leaf soup. It doesn’t make you confused because you like both, it just means that you appreciate the different taste, textures, qualities of both soups. You see, what I did there ?
Yes ooo! I need to be taken out of the bush. See, I understand what you’re saying when it comes to food because no one likes to eat the same thing over and over. I just don’t comprehend it when it comes to sexuality. Cause in my head, I don’t see the woman to woman attraction. For this reason, I have decided to not try to understand it. I have left it alone.
Bisexuals are just confused set of people….the thing is if ur hot urr hot if ur cold ur cold there’s nothing like being lukewarm. Dosnt make sense to me sha
I don’t understand it either. And for that reason, I have decided to leave it alone.