What to blog about. What do you want me to tell you today? I actually have a list of things in my head that I could possibly blog about, but while my spirit is willing, my body fails me. My mind does not want to think, and even if it did, my fingers don’t want to type. My body, would rather do other things, including, but not limited to… and in no particular order:
- Going back to continue Chimamanda Adichie’s book, The Thing Around Your Neck
- Putting up that Facebook status, asking people what they want me to talk about in ten hours time on the Randomisity show on Verastically Speakin’ (co-hosted by Ray & NaijaBloke).
- Compiling my Christmas and birthday list.
- Finishing that Christmas article…that would have to be published before Christmas, or else it would defeat the purpose of being a Christmas article. Hmm. Today is already the 19th.
- Blogging about the e-friends I’ve met in the past two weeks.
- Replying those e-mails that have been waiting for me.
- Uploading the music file needed for tomorrow’s radio show.
- Reminding my God again about my problems.
- Or reminding my problems again about my God?
- Saying screw it and going straight to bed.
So you see, I have no idea what I should blog about today. Why don’t you tell me what you want to know? Meanwhile, I’ll be on the radio in approximately ten hours. It’s the last show of the year, and it’s going to be totally random, so feel free to call in [1.646.929.1905]- for five minutes – and tell me whatever the heck you want to – like maybe what you want me to blog about.
Tell me…