Before I go any further, I wanna take full responsibility for this outlandish situation that I now find myself in. Yes, it was my fault. Yes, I have learnt my lesson. No, I will never make such a mistake (I hope).
I met TAB @ a wedding a few months ago. He asked for my number and I gave it. Why? I dunno. I guess I was tryna be nice. (Chemistry = zero. Attraction for him = zero. Possible Future = NEGATIVE). The wedding was on a Saturday. Three days later (Tuesday), he called for the first time, saying he called to hear his baby’s voice before going to bed. Hold Up!!! Baby?? Who? When? Tufai kwa!
TAB lives in a different State, so I have not seen him since that wedding months ago, thank God. He has tried to come and visit me several times, but I’ve been coming up with excuses. What am I gonna be seeing him for?? For a while, there was no communication between us. Well, there was a one-way communication. He comminicated. I didn’t respond. So he stopped calling. Recently, he started calling again. I spoke to him once. Other times, we just texted. I told him clearly that under NO circumstance will I enter any kind of relationship with him. Problem? TAB apparently doesn’t understand anything I’m saying. Either that, or I’m speaking alien.
Oh, did I mention that TAB is very guilty of four of my major pet peeves??
1. He can’t speak English – although he’s a college graduate.
2. He can’t write English – this is evident in the fact that I cannot understand his texts.
3. He can’t spell English – he just spells something that he thinks is English.
4. He doesn’t understand ANYTHING I say. Does any1 know how 2 translate alien?
He doesn’t know my last name, I think. He’ll never discover this blog, I hope. Will that stop me from blogging about him? Abso-freaking-lutely not! I’ll show you exact texts that have been shared between us. I’m not gonna edit the spellings or any kinda errors, so that you can see what I have been seeing. The texts you see here are exactly the same way on my phone.
Wednesday, Aug 27th 2008. 12:49 AM
TAB: Hi I am not happy with u response why all this yanga
Me: What yanga are you talking about now?
TAB: I told u that I wanna come see u since then u are telling me this week I have a wdeng next week not sure thats yanga I mean the business when I saw u I think u are d one
Me: TAB, I cannot be the one. I told you I don’t even want a relationship. I am not the one.
TAB: What do u want I love 2 take care of lady but I hate yanga
Me: This is not yanga. This is me saying no.
TAB: Saying no to what? 2 me?
Me: To you and to a relationship. I cannot give you what you want.
TAB: I want u but I not cracy about u but I got feeling 4 u if I am chanced.
He spelt crazy as cracy. That was the last straw. At this point, I didn’t even bother replying again. I just went 2 bed.
Wed, Aug 27th 2008. 8:48 PM
TAB: Why are u still make things hard 4 me?
Me: I’m not making things hard for you. You’re not crazy about me. I’m not crazy about you. What are we supposed to be doing with each other?
TAB: Ok I m cracy about u thats is why am still asking u
Me: I don’t have time for these games, TAB. You’ve already said you’re not crazy about me and that’s fine with me. Whether you’re crazy about me or not doesn’t matter because I do NOT want a relationship with you. Please understand what I am saying. I am trying very hard to not be mean to you but you’re making this very difficult.
TAB: Whao u said u don’t wanna to be mean this is my point there nothing wrong in disagree 2 agree let move on 2 d next chapter.
Me: And what is the next chapter?
TAB: To know each other differences dos n dont personality etc. That will help in building a strong n good relationship it will to allow each other for who we are n makes us 2 be constructive n criticising
Me: So you didn’t understand me when I said I didn’t want a relationship, right? Goodnight, TAB.
TAB: Goodnight my Vera (your Vera??? Boy, you done lost yo mind!)
Ever since then, TAB has successfully sent @ least one message everyday. I don’t bother replying anyone of them. Two days ago, he sent this one, “Hi I havent hear from u for a while all am looking for is good woman that is going to be committed caring n loving I am trying 2 communicate this 2 u but if u cannot this requirements let me know then I make a pick d day I saw u”
My response? None. For starters, I don’t even understand the text. If any of you wonderful readers understand it, please do explain it to me. I cannot burn valuable brain cells trying to decipher this jargon. The fact that TAB has my number is embarassing enough to me sef. Can you just imagine me and him having a conversation? I will be bald by the end of it because frustration and anger would have led me to pull out all my hair. If I were dead and TAB came to my grave to ask me out, I will wake up and say, HELL NO!!! If I were to take a man like TAB to my parents, they will definitely be disowning me. How will he talk with my parents? I have a blunt, sometimes-impatient mother and a very, very sarcastic father. Oh, and a Grandma who looks sweet as can be but her words can hurt a rock. The rest of my family will gladly tell him to repeat everything he said, just so that they can laugh. Lai lai.
Mr. TAB, abeg just arrange your dignity and leave me alone oo! You are beneath my capacity! Gosh, I’ve been longing to say that for so long. I dunno why I keep volunteering myself into this kind of trouble. I need to go wash my head in the river 4 real. The question I keep asking myself is: How and why did I let this get this far? Better yet, why did I even let it start in the first place?
Anyway, after you’re done answering my questions and explaining TAB’s text message(s), please take a minute to welcome a new blogger, Temite
Yay Yay Yay i am first!
That guy really need a new English teacher! Vera your family is kind like mine. They would even record the statements so when they have a dull moment they can relive that. Besides you will never live it down!
Lusciousron: Ah, yes oh, my dear. My family will certainly never lemme hear the end of it. “Hey, remember when Vera brought that illeterate home…??”
Ah, no oh. lol.
Yes that kind of statement will come from my brother! I really should go back to bed but I went to read temite's blog, nice.I am glad I beat her to first comment (Another double Yay). I love your blog, Afrobabe, Omotee & Chari. You guys keep me going!
Lusciousron: Temite will be sad to find out that you’ve beat her to it. Oh, well. I’m glad you like my blog. Love yours too. Will add it to my blog roll tomorrow. Right now, I gotta shut this baby off and go 2 bed. It’s 1:12 AM.
anyways, I just came to tell you that all the epistle u wrote on my blog is just the beginning. I want a very long apology post. I am waiting, and I will not be as patient as Mr TAB!
Bumight I will do anything you ask of me as long as you restore the love you had for me. I will dedicate an entire post to you, darling. Anything for you. Don’t remind me of TAB, please. lol.
Just stumbled on your blog and love it!!… i’m a stickler for the preservation of the english language too… But this dude murdered the language and came to the funeral… “Why are you still make things hard for me??”… KAI!!! not good at all… i blame whatever school system he graduated from!
but wait oh, are you sure he’s not jus catching his trips on you?
and, STOP CORRECTING HIM joo. he said he’s cracy about you ah. stop doing yanga. :-p
OMG! Pèlé, Vera. Ah ha!
Can u imagine, he even said he ain’t ‘cracy’ about u! This post only reminds me of ur ‘Poles Apart’ post. Fine, u said u gave him ur nö cos u were trying to be nice, but i can almost swear (on ur sweet behalf) that u had no idea he’d not be able to send a simple comprehensible text! O ga o!
Thought i’d be able to explain his text, but sorry dear, d oyibo pass my level! lol.
Lol, my dear, infact for guys like that just ignore him or better still like me if i want to laugh, i would just send texts that are all scrambled up and unreadbale to the naked eye. That way he would have to use his limited vocabulary brain cells to work out what you sent.
Lmao…Please vera, “gave” the brother a chance to “made” you happy…”prease”
I just hate bad English…I recently had a “Shat” experience…chat that is…
I think its time you became mean to him though, you have more patience than I do…
Hi I havent hear from u for a while all am looking for is good woman that is going to be committed caring n loving I am trying 2 communicate this 2 u but if u cannot this requirements let me know then I make a pick d day I saw u”
I think he is saying that if you cant meet the requirements let him know so that he can pick someone else he saw (so that I make a pick) from the wedding (the day I saw u.
Firstly, why do you have a problem with his ‘cracy’? I thought you lived in the States. Have you ever heard a Latino say ‘crazy’ before? You didn’t say whether he was Latino or not. Secondly, maybe he has Latino friends.
Seriously, I feel sorry for these guys. Guys who just dont take ‘no’ for ‘no’.
BTW, If I were the guy I’d sue you for violation of my Data Protection rights just for the kick of it. Why should you be publishing my text messages on your blog. Anyway, maybe such rights dont exist in the States. Dont mind me, it’s just the lawyer in me talking. Besides, me I only ask a girl out ONCE and that’s it!
Read your comments on Bumight’s blog. You’re something else.
Anyway, how you dey?
Ehen, about that my application I hope it’s moved up the pile a bit now. Or are you still dealing with Aloofar’s?
Still laughing my head off! Tab must be dyslexic or something related to that…now the last text he sent just blows the roof off!
Absolutely hilarious stuff! Go gal! I’m sure you can handle him and cut him to size (shivers….poor guy!).
kai kai kai! i can just imagine y u r so upset. his english is just terrible. dis one pass typo oh. e pass am well well. & he's just a thick-headed man. does ur phone has a blocking option, where u can screen out some numbers? daz wot 2 do wit him. cos being mean 2 such a man doesn't make a diff 2 him. some dudes enjoy being pains n ass
I thot I was the only one that got to deal with this kinda pple. Now it’s ma Vera —lol
sorry i just had to laugh first…haba!!! which kain man be this o…kai!
men i am glad u have ignored me totally cuz he isn’t worth the time…
i think his last sms means if u still dey do yanga he will pick somebody catch the drift?
ehn hen u too no dey give man ur number again..hehehehehehe
Im just going to laugh, and just keep laughing. Its not your fault you are so “seductively” attractive.. thats why he can’t seem to communicate this across. Best to keep ignoring it, hopefully one day he’ll get the message. Be blessed dearie.
(Chemistry = zero. Attraction for him = zero. Possible Future = NEGATIVE)……..Vera, i have concluded that u don craze…..u are something else o. u got me cracking out.
Oh goodness…I began developing a headache trying to make sense of his texts. My geographical fantabulous wonders that are tantamount to ingrandacious irresponsibility (courtesy of Chief Zebrudaya 🙂 )!
Abeg, block the guys number ohh. That’s the only way you can get rid of him, cos such guys don’t hear the word, “NO.” Don’t respond, answer his texts, calls, or anything because, next thing you know, his sister, aunty, “senior” brother, or mother will be calling to talk to you and beg you to marry their brother/son.
Vera, i wan die. OMG, i’m laughing so hard, i can’t even post a reasonable comment.
The only thing i can say at this point b4 i come back is, why r u denying ur soulmate, eh vera? U need to open ur arms wide open and grab him wholeheartedly b4 he slips away. That’s the message from Amadioha through me to YOU.
You just made my day with this post! LOL.
y cant guys just understand when no is no is no.
Vera oo. I am on my knees. I beg makuna forgif me o. I thought you meant 12Pm on friday. So I woke up around 9am so I can walk the 2 miles to school and get my daily vera fix and alas I discovered that 28 people already beat me to it. Sorry. But I shall be first one day, but there is nothing wrong with number 29 sha. Insert: Tears… You this woman or man LusciousRon, I know where you live and I am coming fo u o.
Vera- thanks so much for mentioning me o, I feel so special. I feel all warm and toasty.
Vera I cannot stop laughing at u. But I feel you sha, I have given my number to some Men i will not be caught dead talking to just cuz I am trying to be nice. Just be firm with him. Maybe you should give it a go, your english skills may rub off on him.
haaaaahaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaaaaahaaaaaaaaaa! OMG!!!!!
ok, im composed now….NOT!
the sms that cracked me up totally was:
“TAB: To know each other differences dos n dont personality etc. That will help in building a strong n good relationship it will to allow each other for who we are n makes us 2 be constructive n criticising”
say what????
Anonymous: LOL. He really did murder the language and then attend the funeral. See me see trouble oh. I just cannot get past this inability to speak English. Me I no fit oh abeg.
Geisha Song: This is funny to you abi? lol. Dis thing no funny 2 me @ all oh. Cracy ko mad ni. My enemies must have sent him 2 come and frustrate me, but he has failed! lol
Vivacious n Chic: You’re very right oh. I gave him my number cause I was tryna be nice, but I did not foresee dis kind of incompetence in the simple act of sending a text. Me sef, the English pass my level too. lol.
Laughter: LOL. The boy’s texts make me wanna cry. But who knows? I might get bored one day and send him a text…just for the heck of it. lol. That way, I’d have something 2 laugh about.
Afrobabe: I really am patient. Perhaps, sometimes I’m a little too patient. I really don’t wanna be mean to him. I just want him 2 understand that I will never, ever date him. I will not date him if the future of humanity depended on it. Never, ever!
Miss Definitely Maybe: Well, if that is what he was saying, then goodluck to him finding people from the wedding. I don’t know who else he was referring to sha. The rest of the female guests??? lol. Me I dunno sha. Goodluck 2 TAB.
ROTFLMAO!!! OMG! For d America again, person still dey scatter grammar like dis???
But madam Vera, d man 1st talk say he is not 'cracy' abt u, but now he has realised himself. Ehn!
Stop to dey do yanga & give a broda a shance for knowing dos & don't & personality for constuctively critisize!
NaijaLeta: As far as the text messages are on my phone, they now belong to me. The guy is not Latino. He’s a proper Naija boy. So did you like my comment (epistle) on Bumight’s page? LOL. And of course, your application has moved up a bit. In fact, you’re almost first now oh!
NoLimit: LOL. That last text was what made me decide that I just had to blog about this stuff. Every time I read any of his texts, my first response is always, “huh???” Abeg, I no fit do. lol.
Florida: No be lie you talk oh. The thing pass typo well well! I cannot take it anymore, lol. I dunno if my phone has the blocking option thingy, but I’ll check. If it does, I’ll certainly put it to good use.
Standtall: My dear, I guess it’s not just you. Amazining, innit??
Aloted: I don learn my lesson. B4 I give any1 my number, I go dey check him status quo well well. I wish he would go and find someone else already. I can even help him find someone else sef. lol
Life of a Stranger: If the boy vexes me too much ehn, I will use holy ghost fire to pursue him for real. I dunno what else to do but laugh. That’s pretty much all I have been doing. lol
Dee: LOL. I’m not the crazy one oh. The crazy one is the mad man, TAB that keeps assaulting my phone with badly spelt text messages.
Archiwiz: My sister, my sister na so I see am oh. Imagine how many headaches I have already developed. lol. I don’t reply his texts anymore anyway, so he can keep texting and/or calling. When he’s tired, he’ll stop. Meanwhile, I love Zeburudaya too!
Sting: Tufia kwa! I rebuke u! If na curse ehn, I send am back 2 sender! TAB, my soul mate? **Vera spitting** I reject it in Jesus name. Sting, don’t make me terminate this our relationship o. lol.
Rayo: Beats me, babe. I dunno oh. Some guys are just persistent. But this guy, his own pass being persistent. This one doesn’t even seem to understand (or hear) anything I’m saying.
Temite: LOL. No problem. Bet you were logging on to the net confidently abi? lol. Pele, my love. You surely will be first some day. If my English has not rubbed off on him by now, it never will. And I can never take the chance of being with him oh. Tufia kwa! lol
Buttercup: LOL. So you see what I have been seeing abi? You see how I have been suffering?? Bad text messages have been attacking me and tryna make my life miserable. Abi I no fit sue for this kin harrassment??
Mizchif: LOL. Thanks for helping. You’re having fun with this, I see. He kuku said he’s not ‘cracy’ about me, so wetin him want again? I dunno. LOL. If this is not proper madness, then what is it???
Laugh ma butt off when i read this. Absolutely entertaining. D bobo no gree o, which one be him own na. Nice one. Love it so much i gotta go read it again.
“If I were dead and TAB came to my grave to ask me out, I will wake up and say, HELL NO!!!”
Ok, at least you stopped responding to his text messages because with guys like him who WON’T GET A CLUE, the worst thing you can do is continue to respond, even if just to say “I am just not that interested in you”. In their head these guys seem to just remove the words “not”, “no”, “can’t”,
“won’t” and all other negatives from any conversation and that is why they don’t get what you’re saying.
Good luck getting rid of him! Maybe he will attend another wedding and find some other innocent woman to prey on.
OMG! “cracy” about you? How about just plain CRAZZZY. He’s a nut job who is in serious need of a shrink, and a straight jacket, and a padded cell…no wait, forget the padded cell, let him bang his head on a real wall, maybe then he’ll speak better english. 😛
Do you value your phone number that much? Because if I were you, and this nonsense didn’t stop, I would just change my number. I mean, if he just doesn’t get it, you need to be mean “GO TO HELL, LEAVE ME ALONE, YOU PSYCHO” But since he is in fact a psycho, he’ll probably just start texting or calling you from a different number. So Vera dear, I would consider changing your number (unless it’s something cool like 867-5309, then you MUST keep it).
Good luck
Omo Calabar: The bobo really no gree oh. Na by force?? Talk about love by ambush. lol
Good Naija Girl: Oh, yeah, I’ve definitely stopped communicating with him. He even sent a text today asking if I got his text from wednesday. I didn’t reply as usual.
SaturnMoonie: LOL. He’s surely in need of a stray jacket and much more. I don’t wanna change my number because of one crazy Mr. TAB. Too many people have it.
i have come to realise that having a good command/grasp of english language in nigeria depends largely on ur background.b4 u crucify him,crucify his background!
LOLL!!!! chei! Vera has killed me..possible future=negative??? haha
This gurl…..u too funny. I feel so sorry for the ‘yanga’ bobo…lol
Musco: Me, I don’t give a rat’s ass about his background oh. It doesn’t make any kinda difference to me. If his command of English were good, he probably still won’t be my type. I mean, he still doesn’t understand that I don’t wanna be in a relationship.
Reverance: My dear, it’s true now. Our possible future was (still is) negative. So why waste each other’s time?
Anonymous: LOL. Why are you feeling sorry for him? You should feel sorry for me instead. I’m the victim here oh.
Madam Vera, I am reporting to your bedroom/office with everything you’ve asked me to bring.
Why do I get the impression that I’m going to enjoy this punishment?
*taking off my clothes*
“he called for the first time, saying he called to hear his baby’s voice before going to bed? Hold Up!!! Baby?? Who? When? Tufai kwa! ” LMAO. I have read this thing about three times and I am still laughing!!
I personally will not do what the guy did, but you really don’t know what type of girls he has interacted with. Have u heard Aliyah’s track, I cant remember the name but it goes something like “at first you don’t succeed, dust urself up and try again”. Some babes are raised on the notion that the guy has to toast like 5 times before they agree.
GAWD that guy is soooooooo unreal!!! GEEZZZ!!!!
I don laugh die on top floor already chai my vera!!! ahnahn!
u sure know how to reel them in I swear!!!
this is yr best yet!
NaijaLeta: LOL. Why you dey commot cloth? Who said you should take your clothes off? lol. I never said anything bout taking your clothes off, but since you’ve already done, I won’t trouble you and make you put them back on. Ehm… just lie down on your back on my bed…ok? You’ll be very sorry by the time I get on top of things! lol
Mr. C: I understand that sometimes we ‘front’ but when a gal is fronting, trust me, you’ll know. When a girl is not returning ANY of your calls, that one no be fronting again oh. Dat one don pass yanga. Nothing in my voice [in my opinion] remotely suggests that I am interested in him in any shape or form, so I dunno why he keeps pestering me. I no blame am anyway. I’m the one who messed up and gave him my number. I have learnt my lesson.
Chari: He’s really unreal as you said oh. And yes, I really do know how to reel them in. lol. What can I say? The weirdly insanely are insanely attracted to me, but I do NOT wear it as a badge of honor. lol.
LMAO! Girl this is hilarious! How did he ask for you number? You might have been able to decipher his English (or lack of) then.
I suggest you keep him around for laughs, especially his texts. Too funny!
come to think about it……maybe he wants you to be his english teacher …..lolz
but the guy is irritatingly entertaining(if a phrase like that exist)
Abbie: My dear, I did not bother telling him not to call me anymore oh. He doesn’t call, but he still texts everyday. His latest text was yesterday where he said nawa for me. As usual, I didn’t bother replying. I don tire for the boy. lol.
Beyond: No be lie you talk o. He really is irritatingly entertaining. Unfortunately, I cannot be his English teacher. He’d have to pass second grade English first.
Vera,Vera! TAB Magnet! LOL!!
Calabar Gal
Hmmm…. Dont think I’ve been here before.
Really nice blog.
You know you could win $20:00 with just a line from that guy’s text messages.
There’s a chat-up line competition taking place on now
Good luck!
this is wrong on so many levels!!!!! i had a headache by the time i got to the 4th text!! and dis dude went to college?????????????????????
Lord have mercy!!! lol
I think where u made a mistake was when u gave him ur phone number.
why did u give him if u didnt want him to call u?
Meanwhile, you’ve been awarded the ‘Honest Blogger’ prize. Check my Monday, September 8, 2008 entry for details!
OMG!!! u made me laugh soo hard.. this is too funny.. my goodness.
like abbie said, abeg keep him around to entertain us bloggers. i need some comic relief during the day!
Afronuts: I’ve been awarded a prize??? Yippee! Can’t wait to go read! My dear, I have acknowledged my mistake oh. Na me wey go do myself. I honestly dunno why I gave him the number. I knew (before I gave him the number) that this was not a guy I would ever have much to do with. So why go on? *sigh* There are questions I might never have answers to.
Simi Speaks: lol. So this is all about you and Abbie ehn? I should keep him around for both of your sakes (even though I’ll silently suffer the consequences)? Una too try.
Okay, I dunno how I missed three comments and replied the three that came after them. My apologies.
Calabar Girl: Stop laughing & go update your blog b4 I lose my temper. lol @ TAB magnet.
Kay-Shawn: Thanks, love. Will definitely check it out right now. Hope I win! Wouldn't mind winning something. It'll certainly make me feel better. lol.
36 Inches: Yes oh. He went to college. He's a graduate. I dunno how he did it. You had a headache?? Imagine what I have been going thru. Keep in mind that I only put up his most recent texts oh. I didn't bother putting up the old ones. lol. Dis one na scandal o. lol
nna babez i read dis post yday but blogger no gree make i comment.
i swear to GOD!! this was XCTLY! like readin sumn i wrote!!!
For real dis time o.. i’ve found my twin!!!
I used to have one oloshi like that doin the same with me!! I tried everythinnnnnnn!! Rudeness.. politeness… remanin juju to resort to!!
These ppl are just hopeless!!
This Vera sef. I tire for u!
vera, i am cracy about you. u think i will not find this place. information for you, i find it. so it me you calling TAB. i say tell me final now that NO an i will ajust to your yanga. i dont like all this your disrespecting. although i know you the one for me, i will allow u, becos i know one day one day all this will allow us build good/strong relationship. i will continue to imagine you and me together as we grow to know each other. vera i mean the business i have been tell you.
i’m in the office and they are asking why am i laughing to myself… not ready to share with them that I am hardly working…
This is completely hilarious and I need space to ROTFL…
I cannot imagine this college graduate being the one sending such texts…please tell me he is only trying to tease you…(more like frustrate you?)
Tis not fair at all at all, mayby the 9 button on his phone is bad thats why he substitutes with the 3….or mayby he thinks 9 is 3…wo all in all give the guy a shanse, cant you cee? he is crasy cracy crasee just tinkin about you babay! lol
dude is crasy about u babe
u sef fall small….lol
cuss him out!!!!!!!!!!!
Am rolling on the floor with laughter here o!
You know why, i also have a toaster like TAB so i know what u are passing thru my dear. Funny enough, these days his texts have improved. Am suspecting, he’s gotten someone to type them for him.
Just keep ignoring him, he go tire,lol!
Ha ha ha haha
@chiefo, are u for real?!!!
Mz Dee: That juju idea no sound bad @ all oh. Do you know if there is a website where I can order some from? I need 2 order some immediately 2 TAB.
Aloofar: I love you too, darling. Just hurry up and get well soon.
ChiefO: Errrr, no thanks. You are beneath my capacity too. In fact, now that I think about it sef, I think that TAB guy is your brother. Abi na lie I talk?
Rita: My dear, if only you could see my face each time I receive one of his texts. Na serious frustration oh. In his head, he’s making sense. lol. I’ll send area boys after him one day, for real.
Badderchic: That one na your own palava oh. lol. You can come up with any kind of hypothesis you want. Me, I no go do! Full stop. I cannot be communicating with someone who does not understand anything I’m saying. Abi you want make I hook una up?
Ibiluv: Nah, I won’t cuss him out. How I go fit shape my mouth to dey cuss this kin pesin out? He probably won’t even understand me when I cuss him out. He’ll think I’m saying I love him or something.
Princesa: That is exactly what I have been doing. I no longer bother responding to any of his texts. He’s lucky I’m not being charged for them. **hiss**
Princessa, don’t mind ChiefO. Madness is doing him, that’s all. He wishes I’d give him my number. LOL.
What university (college) did he go to? any school that awarded a degree to him for a course taught in English needs to be avoided.
In My Head & Around Me: You're right. I don't know what college he went to. We didn't get that acquainted. I don't know how he made it past elementary school sef. **shudders**
Next time, screen the bobo before u give digits.
Rosie: You don’t have to tell me twice, babe. I have learnt my lesson. I will screen and rescreen next time because me, I no fit do deja vu 4 this kin nonsense next time.
“All we are saying, give us update.”
“All we are saying, give us update.”
“All we are saying, give us update.”
Naijaleta: lol. Okay, your song has been heard. I will give you an update. I’m gonna start updating right now.
Lmaooo, this guy just made my day…
OMG… you are too much! You have me in tears here. Poor TAB… lol
mumu u forced me to accept ur number. by the way on a seriouser note. i need ur help in finding our isi-ewu lady o. she went to naija since may o. she never return. i owe funmie some serious isi-ewu delivery. please we need ur help in unlocking this mystery. i for call scooby doo and shaggy but dem dey on late summer vacation.
Omosewa: LOL. I'm glad it did. Please help me laugh @ my problems.
Naijagal: Poor TAB ke? Poor me! lol. I'm the one that suffered oh, not TAB.
Chief: You're not serious at all oh. You want me to help you find the isi ewu woman that I have never set my eyes on abi? lol. Maybe the woman has relocated her isi ewu business 2 Naija. Tell Funmi to get over it. Her time has passed. She does not deserve any isi ewu – obviously. The people that deserve it (me) don chop am clean mouth, so Funmi should go & sleep jo.
Hillarious…..The guy is funny…great entertainment. This one don pass wahala.
too gorgeous!!!!
very funny tooo!!!!!!!!
loves it!
“TAB: To know each other differences dos n dont personality etc. That will help in building a strong n good relationship it will to allow each other for who we are n makes us 2 be constructive n criticising”
My boss caught me laughing head off! He had to ask me if there were any problems
IAmMe: It really don pass wahala oh. I dunno whether he was trying to test my patience or something…
Ashirwaad: Yes, indeed very funny. I might be laughing @ this for years to come.
Naapali: My sentiments exactly
Anonymous: LOL. Sorry oh.
Vera you are just playing hard to get. Reading between the lines of your posting about TAB I can clearly sense you are head over heels in Love with him. You are “Cracy” over him. Stop all the yanga and give bro the green light jo!
Kush: LOL. Don’t make me hurt you oh. Playing hard 2 get ke??? You go wound oh. lol.
damn, that must’ve been really hard. Oh well…I hope Tab has stopped the shenanigans now.
Anyaposh: He still calls and texts. I just don’t bother picking up or replying anymore.