If you have no idea what bastard married guy I’m talking about, it’s okay. Rest easy, I’ve got this covered. The post is about Omoba, a married man with a standard bastard behavior who had the balls to say he dreamt of me and wanted to know what I thought about it. Read it HERE.
The post was written in 2011. So why am I bringing this up now? Because sometime last week, I received an e-mail from a girl called, Seun. I’ve never met her before, but somehow, she stumbled on my blog, and her message is below. She gave me permission to post this message, and she even said I could show her last name, but I chose to black that out.
After reading her story (and also speaking to her on the telephone), I concluded that this Omoba guy is very, very wicked. He let her move to Maryland for him knowing that he was not committed to her? There’s more that went down between them, like what it is that she did to him to make him never forget her. And by the way, Seun is not the only one who has contacted me since I wrote the piece about Omoba. Sad, huh?
But you’re gonna have to wait till Saturday to hear more about it. Yup. Seun will be live with me on The Verastic Show to discuss her ordeal, and more importantly, to talk to – and hopefully encourage – people who may be going through the same thing. So set your alarm. It’s gonna be one heck of a show.
Saturday, February 9th 2013
Time: 12pm EST | 5pm GMT | 6pm Nigerian Time
Listen here >> www.gidilounge.fm
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Contact me: radio@verastic.com
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Talk to you on Saturday. Don’t forget to set your alarm!
P.S. Ravens won the Super Bowl on Sunday. Wooooot!!! And I’ve lost my voice from all the screaming. Hopefully, it’ll be back by Saturday.
Hot damn. I heard he tried it with some girls. They laughed in his face however, one said sure but she was hip to his ways, so she invited girl 2 to d “date”. Home boy looked like a fool. Its scary wonder how many more side chics he has dealt with during the course of his marriage. The worst part is he doesn’t have enough sense to mess outside of his circle.
That’s ridiculous! It’s like everyone has a story about him. Isn’t that crazy? And yeah, I don’t know why he doesn’t go outside his circle. We know he has no respect for his wife, but apparently, he has no fear either. *shrugs*
Went back and read the old post (ofcourse I googled the guy too)… Aaaah! It’s just tuesday and I can’t wait for saturday already
Hahahahaha. Gossip mongers. Now you can’t wait till Saturday because you want to hear someone’s yansh spread open on air, abi? Carry go. Norrin do you. LOL.
Damn this guy is vulture! See how is preying on ladies.
Serious preying. A predator, like Seun said.
HEHEHEHE, Wahala o the sad part is how some woman called wify could still be going around with ring on her finger and thinking she got a diamond for a Man. Infact this guy is not worth given for free to my chiwawa dog….Yea heard some girls in baltimore treated his fuck up few years back. Trust me He ll remember. One advise to you SIR tuck your raggedy *** in your pants IT STINKS!
Timmy Tim!! Don’t forget to tune in on Saturday sha. I really wonder how many people (women) he has dealt with. Oh, well. And err, since when did you get a dog?
I would like to know what they did to him. Guys like that ehn? …… they need to be set up and their naked pictures spread all over the internet. I’m a christian oh but in cases like this, revenge is not for the lord.
Come Saturday, we’ll find out what she did to him. But yes, people like him need to be taught a lesson.
OMG saturday too far naa..
Did you listen?
dint ohhhh i ate one amala like that,that took me to lagos in sleep lol! and just forgot but i went on twitter after and just made bits of the tweets and the hashtags..is there a way to still listen??maybe archives or sumfin??
Awww. Well, you can catch the podcast http://verastic.gidilounge.fm or you can download it via iTunes. Search for The Verastic Show