So, the point of this post isn’t just to serenade your eyes with pictures of people that have jobs and look very good and happy while doing it, but rather, to give ABC a subtle hint that they may want to consider having a Nigerian blogger on their show next time. At this time, only one Nigerian blogger comes to mind: one Miss Vera Ezimora.
Like I said, subtle hint.
*** All pictures were gotten from ABC.COM
Where is a pic of Ocho Cinco!!!!!! #drooool! He is the only reason I watch DWTS….
I am also a big fan of dancing with the stars. They motivated me to start dancing lessons with Atala, now I'm a star dancer, (I wish, lol). Maybe by next year sha.
I think Nicole should win, I don't like her partner though, my fav professional is Max, lol
Something about Derek turns me off. I think its unfair he gets all the leggy beauties that can dance. I am happy Anna finally got someone that can dance but Evan better come out the closet quick quick. I am rooting for Ocho(no chance in hell) cuz I like Cheryl.
@ taynement am glad am not d only one whose gaydar was set off by evan haha
maxim is hot. ocho cinco too, derek is goofy……annoying sometimes; take him in tiny doses………truth is i take DWTS in small doses, never sat through an entire show…………
i love anything dance!
looking fwd to seeing vera dance atilogwu dance, ha ha ha!
Hope you're up to it. Dancing is a lot of work. Perhaps you should start practising on your own – an hour a day? At the end of a few weeks, you will know whether you would want to be on a dance show.LOL!
I'm not quite much of a fan of 'Dancin with the stars', Well to tell the truth, I'm not at all..
But my dad's crazy about it..
Well the essence of my comment before you kill me is the live you have in you, Its infectious!..
You too love yourself haba!
Ms. O: Get over yourself! Your Ocho went home last night. Sorry, love. LOL.
Myne: You take dancing lessons? Gosh, I'm soooo jealous. What kinda dance do you do? I'll be hurt if Nicole doesn't win.
Tayne Ment: Yeah, really, no chance in hell for sure. LOL. I like Cheryl, too — especially when she does her Latin dances. She's good. For some reason, I don't care Erin, though. She berra not win!
Formerly Stealth Reader: I totally understand what you mean by taking Derek in tiny doses. LOL. Please, stop saying Evan is gay! You're hurting my feelings. The man is a pro ice skater. Let's leave it at that. Anything else you say, I refuse to hear! lol
Omotee: Now, you're talking! I shall show them!
I will dance egwu ukwu for them sef. LOL.
DayLight: No be say you talk am oh! I once took a 50 minute Hip Hop class, and it wasn't easy! Funny enough, the hardest part for me was dancing on stage —- in front of the entire school. Say what?!
2Cute4U: LOL! Haha. Sweetheart, I have to love myself naaaa. If I don't, who will?
lol!better go get a trainer and start preparing! they will call you tomorrow!