I tried to put up a post today, I really tried. I was going to blog about how I lost my virginity (as in…?), but I thought about the consequences of such a post. Then I was going to blog about the hope that dead people apparently have. I couldn’t make it funny verastic enough, so I quit. I attempted to blog about the bad company that surrounds me, but that post couldn’t get verastic enough. I also tried to blog about the many lies that men have told me [that I believed], but I realized that it’s not yet time for that post either.
What to post, what to post?
Why not tell the people about how to you tried to blog, but couldn’t quite be possessed by the verastic spirit of writing and blogging?
Yeah, I’ll tell them that, I decided.
So, have I told you about how I tried to put up several other posts but couldn’t really make any of them worthy of this blog?
Interesting..not quite sure what is, but it was interesting nonetheless.
You manage your make each blog interesting enough… Lovely.
At least u tried to try…
Then came up with this…good enuff
[Caramel Delight in a zen like tone]
"What is important young grasshopper? The destination, or the journey?"
You Did It!!!!..lol
this woman ehn
ur level of sanity is questionable
ahn ahn
MAD Girl!
no not My Adorable Darling…I mean mad as in crase gal!lol
Ahh I think this is okay. Its only temporary, at least you put up a blog post. I have so many posts sitting in "draft" that I was gonna publish but decided not to almost immediately after finishing them.
You'll figure it out! Btw, I'd love to see the post about the lies men have told you. A bit like my "Things Men Have Told Me" post. But then I probably only want to see it as "man bashing" is my part-time hobby (at least according to Enoch, lol).
Well this is a post, I'm sure the rest will come. Enjoy the rest of your week.
Good thing you didn't give up…and err technically it is a post!
lmao….Vera oooooooooooooo
why didnt u just blog about how fabulous i am
TayneMent: LOl. Not to worry, I'm sure that many other readers share your sentiment.
Mamuje: My sister from another mother, thanks, boo!
Nutty J: Now, what would I do without words of encouragement like yours? Nothing. Absolutely nothing.
Caramel: The destination! The destination!!
His Treasure: Thanks, darling! It was all for you 🙂
BBB: Believe me, it runs in the family. Even within the family, we question our sanity.
No Limit: Ah, I for say naaaa. LOL. I know you love me too much. Ehm, but this one you dey call me crase girl sha…
EDJ: LOL @ male bashing. Honey, who can blame you? They make it fun for us by giving us so much material to bash them about. It's soooo not our fault! That said, I'll put the post up … just before the next radio show on the 22nd.
Myne: Nne, dalu. The rest is being worked on. I still have to do the post for Mother's Day on Sunday — which I'm currently working on.
Blogoratti: Thanks, boo!! Yeah, technically, it is a post, isn't it? Yay!
Funmsdrebirth: LOL! Funny enough, I was gonna blog about that, too! Oh, what was I thinking? Darn! I shoulda totally done that.
I guess this is a blogpost too. lol.
Waiting for the verastic one.
Ah, the big green elephant sitting in the room that no one wants to talk about is the "How Vera lost her virginity" post.
Come on Vera! Out with it this second 😉
Guess who.
Lol.. You're a case! you sure do know how to twist someone round your lil finger.Beta write a book oh!
You have absolutely 'tried' to tell us smtn!
since u 'tried', i will keep my thoughts flying about how you ….(naughty me abi?)
Isnt that a sure reason for us to have "Writers' Bloc Day"?
Vera, I want to know about the many lies men have told you, and how you lost your virginity. That should be Verastic enough 🙂
yes u have! lol…
NBB: I guess it is a Verastic post, too! LOL.
Anonymous: Oh, now wouldn't you like to know? lol. Well, I'll definitely blog about it — but so not fair telling me to guess your identity. A little clue, please?
2Cute4U: I should [write a book], shouldn't I? Don't know what the heck is holding me back.
Musco: Out with it already! About how I did what? You know you can tell me anything *wink, wink* Whadya wanna know?
Kenn-Knotty: It most definitely is! I don't know why I didn't think of this sooner. There should be a national (in fact, global) day for Writer's Block.
Favored Girl: Before the 22nd of May, I will blog about the many lies that men have told me, that's for sure. The virginity post will probably come after that, depending on my mood.
Ms. O: And yet, you love me so 🙂
Anoda Phase: Thank you, my sister. I knew you'd totally understand!
NO COMMENT, how about me comment on how I tired to comment but I did not know what to say to you?
How are you doing?
As per the virginity thing…I guess mazel tov is in order? Pray tell!
I felt simplified. You can't capture what a mother is. I see my mother and father as my earth and my sky. I exist because of them. The earth grounds me, the sky covers me.
Thank you for bothering to put this together.
God bless you