A girl becomes unmotivated.
Maybe sad even.
And she needs a hug here and there
Even an e-hug would do.
She needs to hear that it will be alright
That this, too, will pass.
She needs to be told that it’s not her fault
And that these things do happen.
A girl wants to be spoiled
She wants to be spoiled rotten
She wants to be bad and be rewarded for it
She needs to be given attention
She needs to be listened to
Really listened to
And laughed with.
And prayed with.
And, of course, played with.
But a girl is always, always grateful to everyone who has called, e-mailed, texted, and checked up on her – one way or another. She’s very grateful for all the encouraging words that have given her hope, for the humorous words that have her laughing at ungodly hours of the night, and for the commitment.
Right now, a girl has to go to bed. She hopes to be back in three days, feeling more like her self. But she does hope you’ll listen to the Verastic Talk Show today (at 10am U.S. Eastern/ 3pm Nigerian time). It’ll be co-hosted by Catwalq.