UPDATE: Thank you all for all your wonderful comments, e-mails, and offline messages. I’m sorry I didn’t update yesterday. I’m feeling a lot better. Expect my update tomorrow. Thanks!!!
I know I’m supposed to update today, but I’m not feeling too good. I’m running a mysterious fever and just generally feeling sick. Can’t explain how I’m feeling. Mom asked, “How am I supposed to carry someone who has broken hips? If you don’t tell me how you’re feeling, I can’t help you.” I’ll tell her how I’m feeling once I figure it out.
I’m cold even though it’s hot. Cold goosebumps have nested on my arms, telling me I’m cold. Yeah, thanks for telling me. Every deep breath I take, the goosebumps fatten. They must feed on oxygen. Or maybe they feed on carbon dioxide. They fatten when I exhale. Yeah, definitely carbon dioxide. I’ve popped a couple of ibuprofens. Hope to be better by morning. Will update in three days. Hate feeling like this.
Anyone know if goosebumps can be auctioned on Ebay? Everything sells on Ebay. When I exhale, my scalp itches. Feels like the hairs on the center of my head are all standing. They must be congregating, literally having a meeting on my head. They ought to keep it quiet – or at least limit their movement.
Seriously feel like crying. Did I mention I hate feeling like this? Maybe my body is just tired. Mom thinks I’ve eaten too many peanuts in the last couple of days. [Funmi brought some Naija peanuts back, and I’ve been munching away – with soaked garri, of course. Come to think of it, that’s all I’ve eaten today. A bowl of garri, peanuts & sugar]. Maybe I’ve taken in too much sugar recently. I don’t know. Doubt if it’s the peanuts. They’re so pretty. They have to be innocent. But sugar is evil. It tastes so sweet, but one never knows its intention in the body.
I’m asking, praying, and hoping that the long, healing arm of God touches me and cleanses me completely – from the crown of my head to the sole of my feet. I’ll also prefer for the blood of Jesus to replace my blood. His blood is wayyy cooler. It heals, protects, and cleanses. Mine is just blood. Regular good ol blood. It’s Verastic blood, but blood nonetheless. I’ll be well tomorrow. I’ll be cleansed completely. It’s been written. So shall it be. Amen. I’ll feel better tomorrow.
Well, I just wanted to come here and write two lines or so, telling you that I’m down. So much for being too weak to update. I think I’ve just updated. May the Lord be praised. So have me in your prayers, please. Even if you have other things to pray about – which I’m sure you do – just cancel them all and put me first. No, it’s not selfish of me to request that of you.
I’ll be back. Miss me. Seriously, miss me. I’ll be checking everyone’s Verastic Missometer, and God help you if you’re not missing me. Don’t be found not missing me.
Aww pele dear…here’s to hoping you get to feeling better soonest ((hugs))
wait i’m fursttt??? and second tooo??? wot! wot!!
okay sorry eh…lol.
Good to see u didn’t loose ur humour! Get better soon o! U’ve spoken the Lord has heard, and I say an Amen to that!
Ndo nwanyi mma. Anyi na ekpere gi ekpere..ahu gi ga adi mma o? enweghi ihe mere gi.i di too much! Lol
hugs Vera…..hope u feel much better soon. easy on the nuts! i mean d peanuts
Get well soon Vera!!!!
I wish I could post you some of the peppersoup I just made!!You are healed in Jesus name!
missometer haha. and yea, i will be praying that His blood will heal your verastic blood. go and find sth to eat dear. and hope u feel berra soon.
Eeeeeya, ndo!
No be small Verastic missometer, me i shall not be found wanting, i shall miss u properly.
Oya do and get well soon. And where is Mr.shoes?? Are you sure this illness is not just an excuse for him to kiss you and make it all better? hmmmm….
Pele love. Hope you feel better vereee soon. It;s only natural that you take first place in our prayers.
Seriously my Vera missometer is overshooting, hope it will not malfunction.
Feel better soon. Wishing you soonest recover ala Shina Peters!
Number 10? Not bad. not bad at all.
Pele dear, Funmi should have warned you about peanut flu going on around Nigeria. The cure? Three teacups of pee…mind you, not yours, Obama’s.
You’re in my prayers.
lol. Even in sickness, u’re tres funny.
*Goes into doctor mode*
Those are the symptoms of piggy flu o. Lol. I kid!
Hope u get well soon girl.
P.S. I miss u o. 🙂
Get well soon vera:) Have pleanty of REST!
** my darling**
Hope you feel better now?
First it was forgetfulness, now its goosebumps n fever. Nne, ndo… but i think at this point the real “Mr Shoes” needs to stand up. One dose and u’ll be singing like a lark.
Do get well soon.
I guess you are feeling better now
I hope u feel better.
It is not H1N1,Amen!
Wish you speedy recovery!
I was thinking it’s swine flu but I realized Black peeps don’t get swine flu lol..wish ya quick recovery..
Methinks you need some lovin and cuddlin,…hehe..
jk–Get well soon..
get better soon honey, stay in bed and catch up with some rest and sleep.
Think its the flu? Drink lots of fluids with plenty of rest. Stay away from garri…not good for you. Drink soup and eat some crackers. Get well soon.
Vera ndo…I’m sure He’s heard your prayer n u should already be feeling the manifestations…come back soon ok? n u really need to EAT something…
verastic missometer? neva heard of that…lol
ehn.. not the porkish flu is it? try some oliver de coque music!
Ndo, you shall get better in Jesus Name, and blogsville said AMEN!
Don’t worry you are on my prayer list ( yes oh i have one abi na more than one, which one concern u people, the fact be say i get list and vera don enter the list whether na number 1 or 2 or 365, i no matter, i shall get around to it na the main thingy, kini big deal)
what does cyber hug look like?
just wondering
Hope you get better soon..hang in there and get enough rest eh!
eya sorry
hope u get better, its probably FLU…
i will miss u like crazy.
love the fact that u still saw time to update ur blog feeling as sick as u are..
get better soon.
we will be waiting…..
Miss ya Vera…really I do…please get well soon hon!! And btw I misss you sooo much *whispering to self*’Maybe I’ll get special mention!!’
Awwww, feel better Vera. Big hugs! It is well, I will definitely keep you in my prayers.
Repressed One: Thanks, babe!! But on top of my sickness, you still dey claim first. *SMH*
Undercover07: Thank you very much for the AMEN. God has indeed heard. I feel a whole lot better. LOL @ not losing my humor. My dear, one just has to laugh in spite of whatever is going on.
Dante: Dalu ooo! Chineke anugo ekpele gi. Adigo’m mma. Amaro’m ife melu’m yesterday, mana ife obuna adigo mma. Dalu.
Funms: LOL @ easy on the nuts. Yeye. I don dey take am easy o. But sheesh, those peanuts are just yummy. How does one resist them?
Tinu: AMEN!!!! But ehm…. why can’t you post the peppersoup na? You know it will act as a catalyst to the prayer abi? Biko find a way to post the soup
Omo Oba: I feel better already. Thank you so much. God is good. Jesus’s blood is totally awesome, I tell ya.
Mizchif: Hahahaha. Well, I wasn’t gonna admit that, but now that you have caught me… hehehe. Yeye gal. Speaking of which, you’ve even given me an idea sef. Hmmmmm.
Luscious Ron: Hahaha. You just had to quote Shina abi? Soonest recover indeed. Hehehe. I’m glad your Verastic missometer is overshooting. Na so it suppose be na. lol @ it being natural that I come first in your prayers. Hehehe.
Woomie: Tufia kwa! Fine babe like me to drink “urinate?” LOL. Mba oo! That is a taboo in my village. You scared me for a moment with the peanut flu. No dey play rough play like that o!
Confessions: Hehehe. Piggy flu ko. Lai lai. I cannot be brought down by the swine. A whole 100% Naija babe like me? Mba nu! Impossicant.
Purple Streak: Hahahaha. You and Mizchif are both mad. But come to think of it, I like this your diagnosis sha. This is the first time I’ve ever liked a diagnosis. And I love the treatment even more. Say, doc… how long do I need to take the treatment for and how many times per day? I hoping it’s all day, everyday till His kingdom comes. That should take care of this manlaria. And thanks 4 missing me, love.
Gochi: Thank you!!! I’m working on getting that rest now.
Fluffy Cute Thing: Yes, actually, I do feel a whole lot better. Thank you all for your prayers.
Quaggar: Hahahahahaha. You people are just too bad. The real Mr. Shoes needs to ‘stand up?’ Explain yourself, Quaggar! Me, I don’t know what you’re talking about oh.
Olufunke: Yes, I am definitely feeling a lot better. Thanks, babe.
Sting: My dear, I’m already feeling better sef. I thank God.
My World: LOL! AMEN oooo! Biko, I refuse to suffer swine flu. Nope. Not the swine flu. I am free of that illness.
My Own Thing: Black peeps don’t get swine flu? Wait, are you serious or are you joking cause I really don’t know. There are some illnesses that certain races don’t suffer.
Trybes: Me thinks so too! 🙂
Word Merchant: Yeah, I will definitely try to do that today. But goodness…. so much to do. Soooo little time.
Rosie: Ah, ah. What’s wrong with garri now? Why are you spoiling our relationship? I love garri ooo. Well, I’ll drink lots of fluids too.
Just Doyin: Thank you!!! I’ll eat something today, I promise. The verastic missometer shows how much you miss Vera. Never heard of it before today either. lol.
Danny Bagucci: Hahahahaha. Honestly, you’re not well. How exactly is Oliver De Coque going to help me get over this? LOL! And no, it’s not the porkish flu.
Chayoma: Bia, you better remove me from number 365 o! I said I want to be number one on the list. I’m feeling better already. Dunno what cyber hugs look like. Guess they can be anything you want them to be.
Blogoratti: Thank you. I’m trying my best. I’m resting right now. Thank you!!
Optimistic Alyzz: Thanks a lot, babe. I’m feeling a lot better today. Not quite there yet, but definitely a lot better than yesterday. Thank God you like the update.
Shona: LOL! You extortionist! Just keep missing me. The person who misses me the most wins a special prize.
Original Mgbeke: Nne, dalu. I hope I’ll be @ the top of your prayers oh. I don’t want to play second fiddle. LOL
Pele dear..heal quick abeg. Gbadun ur posts
Aww feel better boo!
hahahahaha. abeg hold on make i finish laughing….everybody better miss you, you said?
i hope you feel better my dear. Must be something for you to start thinking of CO2 and O2 in relation to your goosebump and to wanna sell them. get better soon, else, else…..i will cry ooo
ah pele oh.. by the stripes of Almighty Baba you are healed…
and even when u are sick u are funny – “selling goosebumps on ebay” kai… see even sickness can’t keep you don’t.
fight it oh and come back and update sharpish… much Luv x
Somebody has Swine Flu…. 😮
Missing u, missing u and missing you but you know what, I lied!
Love u hun, so get well soon.
pele oooooooooooooo
come back in one piece to us oooooo
Hope its not the pig kind of flu o?
Wait I cant get it by visiting ur blog can i?…lol
Praying u feel better missus
Hope you feel better soon miz Vera…hugs!
I wish you speedy recovery my dear
u are just too much girl, can’t get over how u write, u mean u feeling down and still have u great sense of humor.
Well from a nurse’s perspective, have lots of clear fluids and get plenty of rest……if this economy allows u do that..lol
The fever and chills might just be the plain old flu that will run it’s course but popular 9ja adverts if no improvement after 7 days consult ur physician, lol just thot to add a little humor.
Get well soon girl.
You are a strong somebori oh..wowies!
I’m sure u feel better already..:)
Man what a blog. One day late and u have 46 comments? That makes me confident u will definitely be missed. I hope you feel better soon hun.
Awwwwww get well soon love..
tylenol{acetaminophen NOT ibuprofen aka advil} + cool shower should help ur fever!
feel better soon!
verastic nne don’t be sick oo God is your strength
Ndo Nne! Sorry! I hope you feel better soonest.. if you sell it on Ebay, I’ll buy so you can come back and blog happily!
get well soon luv, i miss uuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu(shey na me miss u pass)
Vera…….you sound preggers……..*wink*
kpele another few months and you’ll be fyne…….
sweetie hope you are okay now.
Aww…poor you. I hate those kind sickness that you cant realy define. Ndo. Just drink plenty of feud and take lost of fresh air. Shud make you feel better.
whatever is the highest value on your verastic missometer, place me in the 90th percentile. above 90 percentile is reserved for 'you know who'.
pele oh, wishing you speedy recovery
Beulah: Thanks, babe. You're wonderful. I'm a lot better now.
Ms O: Thanks, babe. I feel a lot better. In fact, I'm completely better now.
NaijaGal: I know my response is rather late, but I'm back now, and I hope you missed me ooo!!! Or else, wahala go dey big time. I don't play that you know. lol. But yeah girl, the goosebumps seemed to be feeding on CO2. I'm serious.
Remi: LOL. My dear, as I was typing this post that day, I was really feeling down oh – in spite of what it may seem like. LOL. But thanks for the prayers. By His stripes, I am definitely healed.
Anonymous: LOL. No, I no get swine flu ooo biko. Tufia kwa. I am healed.
Temmy Tayo: You lie!! You miss me jo. Stop lying jare. I know you miss me loads. Don't worry, I miss you too.
Kafo: Thank you!! I feel better already. I've returned already.
Brokeass: LOL. Very funny!!! Me & you no follow dey laugh ooo.
Write Freak: Thanks, babe. I feel better. I'm good now. As good as new.
Teslim: Thank you, dear. I am good now.
Anonymous: LOL! Hahahaha. Well, I felt better before 7 days, so I didn't need to see my physician. Thanks, darling. Your words are very encouraging. You're now my personal anonymous nurse. 🙂 I'm glad you found the post funny.
Taymee: Yes, I definitely do feel better already. Thank you.
Adaeze: Well, let's say that I am missed because I threatened everyone to miss me. Hehehehe. Thanks, babe.
Afrobabe: Thank you!!! I feel a lot better.
Anonymous: Thanks for correcting me. Actually, I took Motrin. Box said it could reduce fever. Anyway, I feel a whole lot better. Thanks.
Anonymous: Indeed, He is my strength. Thank you. I feel better.
Bob IJ: LOL. Girl, I shouldn't have taken the medication ooo. The moment I took it, I felt better, so the goosebumps went away. And there went my very smart business idea!
Jayla: Awwww. Better person. Thanks for missing me, love. I miss you too oh. 🙂
Ibiluv: You're mad! Preggars ko? Hehehe. How that one take happen na? Well, if I'm pregnant, then may His name be praised because this has to be an immaculate conception.
Poetically Tinted: Yes, darling. I'm soooo much better. Thanks for checking up on me.
Parakeet: I do feel a whole lot better. Thanks for showing so much love & concern.
Webround: No, I do not know who. Please enlighten me. Silly guy. I said I want everyone as in EVERYONE to miss me bad!! When I check your Verastic missometer, it berra be above the 90th percentile. I no dey play o