Dear Vera,
I have been sleeping with my married ex husband. He knows I’m in love with him, but he doesn’t seem to want to leave his wife. Could he really care about me like he claims, or would he have not cheated with me if he wanted to spare my feeling?
Dear Sweet Potato,
Thank you for your Dear Vera mail. Ironically, your mail/question is the easiest one I have had to answer recently. My dear, your married ex husband will not be leaving his wife for you. If he wanted to, he’d have left her already. I get that you probably feel as if you have first dibs on him and since you were married before, he’s yours first. But it doesn’t work that way. A man always knows what he wants, so when he lags in doing what you think he should do, it’s because he doesn’t want to do it. For him, you are comfortable. After all, according to Okafor’s law, the easiest person to sleep with is the person you have already slept with. Leave that man alone for his wife, and move on. Go get the man who belongs to you. Goodluck!
Thank you for writing, and please keep me posted. I wish you the very best.
Thank you for reading!Β Β Please understand that I am not a professional and I am only giving you my opinion, which you can act upon at your own risk. Read my disclosure for details. Meanwhile, if you are interested in sending me a Dear Vera mail, you may do it in one of three ways:(1)Directly via email [blog at], (2) Through my contact page [and this can technically be anonymous], and (3) Completely anonymously through my ASK.FM page. Every means of contact can be found here.
Dear vera, my own ex has been trying to sleep with me for more than a year now….yesterday my neighbors ex stormed his house drove hi girl off and forced him to sleep with her. I’m begin I g to feel a clock ticking in my head too…..just a matter of time!
Hahahaha! Vera is on fire today!
Dear Ex Wife,
I am in accord with Vera – Okafor’s law is real. Do not deceive yourself!! He will not leave his wife for you. Put yourself in her shoes – would you be happy to know that his ex is servicing your husband around the clock? Mba Mba Mbanu! STOP IT NOW!!
He is your ‘Ex’ for a reason. If the sex was so great, then you should have stayed and not walked out the door.
Well said Vera. Though most of our people dont believe in therapy, this is one case where this person really needs therapy. When you keep reliving a particular dynamic and you want a different experience, I think you need help.
Na wah for this Okafors law me there are some exes I will not touch with a twenty foot pole leave alone ten foot hahaha great advise Vera