If you are on any kind of social media – Instagram especially – then you’d notice pictures tagged with #NoFilter. These are supposed to be pictures showing natural beauty et al, sans make-up. Great idea, right? Well, not really. At least not all the time.
I have put up at least one picture of me with no make-up, but I didn’t tag it as no filter, not that I see anything wrong with that. Usually, when I put up pictures with no makeup, it’s not because I want you to see what I look like without make-up, but because I just want you to see that picture, and coincidentally, I have no makeup in it. Besides, most of my days are totally makeup free. This post, for example, has pictures of me without makeup.
Now, I understand that not everyone is comfortable with posting no makeup pictures, and it’s okay. But in my case, as much as I love makeup, it’s just so much work to put on, so sometimes, I just don’t bother — which is how I end up makeup-less in pictures (and not giving a hoot about it).
Then there are the other people. The ones who constantly put up the #NoFilter pictures. It’s not bad at all if the pictures look good, but let’s face it, they don’t always good. You’ve got women with bad weaves, greasy faces, chapped lips, and under-eye bags assaulting our eyes. Ladies, please stop it!!! A lot of things are not for everyone. This whole #NoFilter thing is one of those things that aren’t for everyone. The next time I see such a picture, I will be reaching into my phone and snatching your wig off. You better believe it.
#NoFilter means that you posted the picture without using anyone of Instagram’s filters (i.e. those special formatting edits, like Hefe, Lo-Fi, Maryland, etc
PS: Don’t be mean 😛
Gbam…..Vera take note 😛
Lol. No comments for you.
I should have been clearer in my post. The #NoFilter tag has been used by both types of people (people who don’t use the Instagram pictures and people who are all natural). This post was specifically for the latter mentioned people. And I am honestly not trying to be mean oh. I’m just saying what a lot of people think and aren’t saying, except when we gather at the kitchen sink. I’m being nice sef by putting it out here for everyone to see (and know). Lol.
you are beautiful without your makeup, Vera
Thank you, Chris 🙂