First of all, how are we in 2022? I don’t know about you, but I’m still stuck in 2020, right before the lockdown happened. You know, the one that started in the middle of March and was supposed to last for just two weeks but is still going strong almost two years later. Yes, that one.
Nevertheless, they said we’re in 2022, and the New Year – even if it does not quite feel like one – is a great time to set new goals and dream new dreams. And most importantly, execute said dreams. In light of that, here are 22 things your should do in 2022. And please, drop a comment with your ideas, too.
22 Things You Should Do in 2022
1. Travel somewhere new: It could be the next city, the next state, or the next country. Shoot, go to the next street! I think sometimes, we are intimidated by the idea of traveling, and sometimes, the travel could be right in place. Just explore somewhere new.
2. Create a vision board: There’s something about seeing your vision on print. It feels tangible. I have printed out my vision board for 2022, and I will be glueing them on the posterboards over the weekend. I generally keep my vision board private because it’s quite personal, and I don’t necessarily like sharing everything I’m planning on doing.
3. Learn a new skill (professional or leisure): Even the words “new skill” can be intimidating. Learning a new skill does not have to be something as daunting as piloting (but yay for you, if that’s what you want). It can be something as simple as learning to not take pictures like our parents or something more intricate skills like programming.
4. Create a bucket list (and cross something off): Create a list of all the things – big and small, mundane and otherwise – that you want to accomplish before you meet your ancestors. I think that generally, Nigerians and Africans are reluctant when it comes to doing anything that implies their mortality, but I promise you, creating a bucket list does not mean that you will be gone immediately. Or worse, that you will die after you cross everything off.
5. Create a new stream of income: The average millionaire has at least seven streams of income. You may not plan on becoming a millionaire, but an additional stream of income, especially in these COVID times, isn’t just nice, but essential.
6. Take yourself on a date: Listen! Have you ever enjoyed the pleasure of talking to yourself and getting to know yourself? No, seriously, have you? Have you dressed up and admired yourself? Have you taken a walk on a shopping strip and caught yourself admiring yourself in the window?
7. Visit a museum near you: Museums tell stories, but with more than words. I don’t want to shame myself and tell you how long it’s been since I last visited a museum, but this year, I will be taking my own advice. When I do, I’ll tell you all about it.
8. Write a daily to-do list: I have been doing this for years, and I still do it now. There is a special kind of satisfaction that comes from crossing things off your list. And for me, it has to be hand-written, but do what works for you. I actually title each to-do list as ‘Today’s Intentions,” and I always write the date. I used to do it on a piece of paper that I would eventually throw away after the entire list is crossed off, but now, I do it in a notebook, and I just cross the entire page off when everything is crossed off. Having a list helps you stay on track and accountable.
9. Give your loved ones their flowers right now: In 2021, I lost two loved ones, and it reminded me again how precious and fragile life is. Tell the people you love that you love them right now. Not tomorrow. Right now. Sometimes, we’re afraid of sharing our emotions because what if our affection isn’t returned? But in the big picture, what matters most is that they know how you feel.
10. Shoot your shot(s): Shooting your shot is more than sending a DM to your crush. It’s also applying for that job that scares you. And it’s also starting that business you have been dreaming of. And it’s also finishing that book you have been writing (hi, Vera!) And yes, of course, telling that crush that you’re crushing on them. It is all of these things.
11. Say yes more often: Stop overthinking and say yes first, then figure the rest out later. Sometimes, overthinking and overanalyzing can paralyze us, and I am also speaking to myself here. This year, say yes first.
12. Say no more often: Yes, this is the opposite of number eleven because for some of you, you say yes too many times and end up biting more than you can chew. For some of you, you need to learn to take some time to process things and then turn them down because you just do not have the mental/financial/emotional bandwidth to take it on. Say no.
13. Practice gratitude: It is amazing how your outlook will change when you stop to be thankful for what you have (and what you don’t have). There’s something about being grateful for what you have that makes the things you don’t have yet seem so small and insignificant. Next time you’re feeling down, take a piece of paper and write down ten things you are grateful for. You will be shocked.
14. Be present: No time is guaranteed like the present. You can’t go back because that is in the past, and you cannot move forward because that is in the future. But here, right now, you are here. Take some time to enjoy not only where you are, but the process of what you are currently going through, even if it is not a pleasant one. As a mom, I am especially invested in being present with Ada Verastic, and the way she smiles from ear to ear tells me that I’m doing the right thing.
15. Dream new dreams: It does not matter who you are, how old you are, or how many times you have failed. Don’t be afraid to dream new dreams. They could be dreams related to the dreams you already have or brand new dreams, but if you can see it, then you can be it.
16. Stay positive: This isn’t just about the catchy ‘positive vibes only’ phrase. It’s a lot more than that. Research shows that our positive or negative mindset determines how far we go and what we accomplish. Think about it: are you happy or sad after your mind is consumed by negative thoughts? Do you feel encouraged or discouraged when your mind is constantly thinking about all the bad things that could happen? For the past week, I have been intentionally positive about things on my vision board because although they look mighty and intimidating (and sometimes impossible), I am remembering to think positively about them.
17. Spoil yourself a little: Have you heard that funny TikTok/IG Reels audio that says, “Any money wey I get, na enjoyment?” I absolutely love that audio. Of course, you should not go and squander all your money because you are enjoying life, but remember to spend your money on yourself. Sometimes, we are so stuck on spending and doing for everyone else that we forget ourselves. Spoil yourself! My birthday is on Friday (January 14th), and I am currently trying to decide between an expensive bottle of perfume or a new watch for my birthday. Something tells me that I deserve both — because any money wey I get, na enjoyment. 😁
18. Exercise: Don’t let the word scare you (although it scares me too). Exercise is not just about losing weight, but also about being well. Our bodies need to move, especially these days that a lot of us are working from home. Exercise could be just a walk outside or dancing to your favorite songs. I, too, have been lagging behind on exercise, but I will do better.
19. Deal with your unhealed trauma: Do you know where your unhealed trauma shows up? In your romantic relationships. Please deal with your trauma, so that your relationship doesn’t have to. Find a therapist. Read a book. Talk to a priest. Do whatever works for you, but please, heal.
20. Journal: I journaled all of 2021 and parts of 2020, and let me tell you, it is amazing! Even when I have as little as a few weeks in between journal entries, it is amazing, really, to see how much has changed. Every single time I have thought that I wasn’t making progress, I go and read my journal, and I am blown away. Keep a journal. You’ll surprise yourself. By the way, remember when I used to do monthly journals on the blog?
21. Save some money: Money is very important! Everything you dream of doing will cost money, directly or indirectly, so be sure to save some of what you’re making. It is only a fool that will work and eat everything he/she has worked for. Save some money. Save it for rainy days. Save it for your future. Save it for your children. Just save. You won’t lose a limb if you don’t spend everything, I promise.
22. Pray unceasingly: I deliberately saved this one for last. I was tempted to call it ‘meditate regularly’ because meditation would be more neutral, less intrusive, less offensive. But I would just be pandering to the masses. The truth is that if you want to be semantic about it, you can argue that meditation is not prayer, that while meditating, you are not calling on to a higher power, but for me, meditation is also a form of prayer. Call it anything you like, as long as the end justifies the means.
Happy New Year again, Sweet Potatoes!
P.S. Coming up with a list of 22 things you should do in 2022 was a lot easier in my head. For 2023, we will be recycling this list and adding just one more. Ha!
3, 5, 6, 21 🖊
Mr. Aiwa,
Tehehehe. You found my little internet space. I had to go back and read the numbers you mentioned. For my new skill, maybe I should finally take excel seriously, but I don’t wanna! 😭