This isn’t something that happened a long time ago oh. In fact, it was quite recent. So, I was at a home-event of a friend where there were lots of friends and acquaintances, and that was when this lady decided we should have this conversation in the kitchen (I am not aware that anyone else heard our conversation).
But first, let me tell you about this lady. She’s someone I’ve known for years. When I say that I have known her, I don’t mean that we are friends, or that we are close, but we know each other. I know her and I know her husband, and I know her first-born son. I know she has at least one more child, but I don’t know that child or any other child apart from that first one. We do not have each other’s numbers, nor do we know each other’s homes. I have been to her house once, but that was about 7 years ago, and I don’t even know if she still lives there. I know the nickname of her first name, but not her first full name. She knows I’m married, and she knows Igwe by face. I don’t know if she knows his name, but even if she does, I doubt if she knows much else. I like this lady, by the way. She’s nice, but she definitely overstepped her boundaries with this conversation.
So there I was in the kitchen when this lady – let’s call her Titi for the purpose of this conversation, and yes, she’s Yoruba. Oh, I’d say she’s in her early 40s. While in the kitchen, Titi decided to question me about my womb and when it will be producing a child – because you know once you’re married, that is automatically the next move, and since I have been married for over three years, I was probably making her uncomfortable. She asked me when I’ll be having children, and I responded, “Some day.” Fun fact: I was already five months pregnant during this conversation, but I wasn’t showing.
She proceeded to take the conversation further. She encouraged me to have children sooner than later because it was not the best thing for me to wait till I get much older — Β you know, the whole biological clock thing. See, I know that the biological clock exists, and I know that this is a thing, and we cannot blame anyone for it, except God. But I did not want to discuss my biological clock with her.
But wait, she was not done yet. She continued by asking me if I was at least trying. I did not think that there was any right way to answer that question. Honestly, I mostly smiled throughout this conversation. She then asked if I was trying and having problems. I must have had a perplexed look on my face, so she added, “No, I’m only asking because I love you, and I care about you.”
Oh! Well, that explains everything then.
She spoke some more and told me to confide in her if I or my husband was having issues because she really just loved me and was worried about me. Hian! I could have shut this conversation down by telling her that I was already pregnant, but I did not think that I owed her that. Or I could have simply told her off, but I didn’t. Like I said, I like this particular woman, and for some really strange and unknown reason, I was in an exceptionally good mood. I have no idea how I got through that conversation without saying something vile to her.
I don’t consider myself a mean person. In fact, I consider myself a nice person – although my friends may beg to differ – but the Vera I know would usually have a verbal strike back. I don’t know if it was the good mood I was in that kept me quiet or the sheer shock that this woman was actually standing in front of me and asking me to tell her if I and/or my husband was having fertility issues.
Sometimes, people ask these questions not out of cruelty, but out of ignorance and insensitivity. I have never had fertility issues, but I do know friends and family who have, and I cannot imagine the sting of this question to them. I would never, ever, EVER ask a woman why she has not had a child or worse, if she’s having issues. This is so personal and so intrusive, so I don’t know why anyone – especially a woman, and most especially a mom – would think that it’s okay to ask such a question.
I know that my people – Nigerians and Africans in general – sometimes just don’t know when to quit. I know we have that community-type relationship where everyone is in everyone’s business, but we can only use this as an excuse for so long. It is not okay to say or ask things that may personally tear people down or disrupt their lives. You just never know what someone is dealing with; every single person has their own struggle.
Spot on. Such insensitivity. Yesterday, I tweeted that every pregnant woman should wear a shirt that says “Get out of my uterus”, especially in Nigeria. I guess I should expand that to include every married woman. People. Are. So. Rude! You even tried; I would have found choice words for her and told her to mind her damn business. But, what would Jesus do? ?
P.S: you were 5 months preggos at the time?? ??
MsDawari that would be a good tshirt oh because the busy bodiness don pass the point of no return. Yes, I was 5 months pregnant at the time. My belly did not start showing for a long time, and then when it finally did, it just exploded — or so it felt anyway. Lol.
First, I actually thought the picture up here was an “isi Efi”. You know, the horned bull or the head of an African buffalo with twisted antlers π
Thou shalt not be aggravated when thou hast a free kitchen-gynaecologist. But if you have to, please smile and excuse yourself before you get a yoruba nickname meaning “that impotent/barren couple” with a dose of Nigerian sympathy.
hahahaha…ur comment killed me
Lol is it the very very Nigerian sympathy or the pic? Don’t die, please stay with us O.
Favour, I feel the same way every time Breathe leaves a comment.
Breathe, I don’t blame you at all for thinking that was isi efi. It looks like it! Lol. Walahi, I get excited every time I see your name cause I wonder, what will Breathe say now?
For making me…
Oh am I nervous now?
Welcome back.
I think you should have said something to her, without losing your cool. Otherwise, she will continue to “love and care” until she says it to someone that is really having fertility issues.
Manny, I normally would, but honestly, I was speechless. I’m sorry in advance for anyone whose feelings she hurts with her love and care. I wish I had said something to her.
I quite agree with you especially the way and manner they ask as if you owe the an explanation.
But in a situation where the person you asked is very close , I mean really have a personal relationship with you, can you ask?
I wouldn’t ask anyone at all – no matter how close – if they are having fertility issues. It’s so personal and intrusive to do so. If they are not having fertility issues, it might be offensive and insulting, and if they are, then it’s hurtful. If a person wants to share the happenings of their uterus with you, they will. But don’t ask.
She loves you but has never been to your house….
Oh Kay oh !!!
Lol. It’s a different kind of love, one that I don’t understand and have no interest in.
The old “I’m only saying this because I love and care about you”. If you love me then help me knock out some of these bills instead trying to get exclusive details into my life.
Lady G
Don’t mind them. Rubbish. Love indeed. I did not fall for that nonsense.