The rumors are true.
I, Vera Ezimora, am now a mommy. Igwe and I welcomed our baby girl on Tuesday, October 20th 2015 at 5:19 PM. She weighed 8 pounds and 10 oz and measured 20.5 inches. For those who measure weight in kilograms, she weighed about 3.8 kilograms. No, she was not a small baby at all. But then, we cannot be surprised. A lion can never give birth to a goat. Ha!
For now, she’s a yellow paw paw baby, but there’s no telling what color she will eventually be. When I show you her face, you can determine for yourself who you think she looks like. Yes, Igwe won the battle of the sexes. He wanted a girl, and I wanted a boy. He won. I guess we’ll continue the battle next time.
Sooooo much has happened in the past few days — as you can imagine. I’m looking forward to telling you all about it soon. The story is just too much for one post. I haven’t even finished my journey to baby posts and it’s already become a journey after baby. Not to worry, I’ll continue the story. I might make a video if the spirit moves me. I finally have my maternity pictures, and I’ll be sharing them here tomorrow, so come back!
For now, we are prepping for the naming ceremony, which will be held tomorrow. If you’re a Sweet Potato in the area and you want to come celebrate with us, please email me! I can’t put the address here, but if you’re interested in coming – and I would absolutely love to have you – please email me. The naming ceremony isn’t my culture, but it’s Igwe’s culture. Left to me, I won’t be having one. Igwe was kind enough to give me that option (of not having a naming ceremony) but I don’t want to take the naming ceremony experience from him either, so naming ceremony, here we come.
Meanwhile, I shared the above picture on Facebook and Instagram, so I’m embedding it here for you to be following us to be laughing and to be rejoicing.*Trying to sound like the characters from Beasts Of No Nation*
Thank you, everyone for your love and support. My baby is here now. She’s a girl! She came at 5:19 PM on Tuesday, October 20th 2015. I can’t believe I’m a mommy now. #ThankYouJesus
Posted by Verastic Vera on Thursday, October 22, 2015
P.S. If you have called or texted me and I did not pick up, call back, or respond to your text, please forgive me. I have been so busy. I have barely charged my phone in the past few days because I have not been using it. I’m only able to type this post today because I finally had some sleep last night.
Congratulations Vera.
Am so happy for you.
May she bring wealth and more beautiful things of life.
Amen. Thank you very much, Chizzy.
congrats vera
Congratulations Vera!! May she bring you and Igwe loads and loads of joy!
Amen! Thank you, Calabar Gal.
Congratulations Vera and Igwe. This is beautiful!
Thank you, Dede.
Congratulations!!!! She will be a blessing. Enjoy motherhood
Amen. She’s already changed so much. Thank you, Joie.
Oh my God, congratulations & God bless y’all!!
Your princess & I are birthday mates (mine too was on Tue Oct 20)!
God bless her real good.
#TBW xo
Yay for October 20th!! Happy birthday to you, too. I have gotten so many comments from people who share the same day. Beautiful.
Oh my God, congratulations & God bless y’all!!
Your princess & I are birthday mates (mine too was on Tue Oct 20)!
God bless her real good.
#TBW xo
Congratulations! Some cultures believe that a girl opening the womb is a mighty blessing to that family or mom. Wishing you more blessings.
Yes, I know. Isn’t Igbo part of said cultures? I know I was told by my aunts and grandma that a first child being a girl is a blessing — which is why a lot of them are called Ngozi.
Thank you anyway.
This is sooo cool. Congratulations Vera and Igwe!!! I know we all were expecting a baby and all but it still felt like…i dunno. And now she’s here. Vera is now a mommy!!!
I am so excited and considering the fact that I am far away and we’ve never met, it’s a bit scary to me how excited I am.
But a baby! A big baby gurrrrl!!! *loud scream*
Awww. Congratulations again. May the little one be blessed with so much goodness in this life that she’s awed by it. May she find favour in the sight of all and everything she touches turn to gold (figuratively abeg, no Midas things here). And may God help Daddy Igwe and Mummy Vera be the best parents ever. Welcome to the world Ada.
You have spoken my mind! I just kent believe it!!!!
Aww. Thank you, Honey Dame. You rock!
Amen!!!! Thank you, Oma. If you think it’s so strange that I’m a mommy now, then imagine what I feel like. I carried her for over 9 months and I still cannot believe that I have been given the great privilege of being someone’s mother. Wow. Plus, me I’m still a small girl oh. Lol.
Congratulations to you and Igwe!!
Estee, thank you.
Big congrats to u n igwe!!!!we got a mini vera now.awwwwwww.may God keep u all in good health n provide all ur needs.cnt wait to read all d fun posts!and amen to the prayers in other comments
Amen!! Thank you, Hamira
And i literally just came back from MD yesterday. Missed it by *that* much! Congrats to you and Igwe!
Vera congratulations to you and Igwe. What a change in lifestyle a baby must bring. Give her a sexy native name or names and tell us waht it is…Welcome to the world little one!
Vera congratulations to you and Igwe. What a change in lifestyle a baby must bring. Give her a sexy native name or names oh. Welcome to the world little one!
Congratulations Vera and Igwe! ?????? I’m so happy for you; I was literally screaming when I saw the picture on IG.
May she bring happiness and joy to your family and may God provide for all your needs.
Can’t wait to see the photoshoot (There better be naked pictures sha ??)
P.S: This woman, you’re harsh o. You actually told us (your sweet potatoes!!) about the pregnancy 10 minutes to delivery. Hian!
Congratulations Vera!!!!
Congratulations Vera and Seun! I’m happy that she’s here and you’re doing well too. I’m looking forward to seeing pictures of your cutie pie’s face!
I’m team #firstborngirlsrock so I’m delighted you had a girl!
Awww bless! Congrats to you both and God bless the little missy! Can’t wait for the full story and pictures!!
Amen! Thank you, Tola. I’m looking forward to sharing so much more with everyone.
Congrats Vera and Igwe!!!!! You’re such a strong woman with good convictions and I know you will be a wonderful mummy.
God bless your baby girl!!!
Awwwwwww. Manny, don’t come and make me cry oh. I have been so emotional since the baby came (will blog about it later) and now you’re here calling me a strong woman with good convictions. Thank you *hug*
Congratulations vera! May God continue to bless you an your family. This is great news.
Amen. Thank you very much, Dazzy.
Congratulations vera! May God continue to bless you and your family. This is great news.
Amen! Thank you, Dazzy
Congratulations to you and Igwe! May the baby bring blessings in unfathomable measures to your family. God bless her.
I knew Vera must have been quarter to born when she shared the news…hehehe
Hahaahahahaha at being quarter to born. Just look at you people. If I had not said anything now, you people would have accused me keeping secrets. Now I don talk, and still …. lol. Amen to the prayers oooh. Thank you!
Congratulations Vera!!!!
God will grant you immense wisdom to raise her.
Amen. I have been praying for that. Thank you, Oyenike.
Congratulations Vera and Igwe! The Lord has blessed your home and this child will bring you joy always and you will never morn over her.
Strength has also been made available for the task ahead.
Amen, Amen, Amen. Thank you, Lajay. Lord knows we need the strength.
Awwww Congratulations to you Vera, and your family. I am soooo happy for you. I pray that joy will never ever cease in your life!!!
Now, we await all the juicy stories. haha. take your time though, I imagine how busy you are.
Amen!!! Thank you, Ife. Kai, you people have just serenaded me with prayers. Thank you. I’m so grateful. I’m still trying to figure out if I should tell the story via video or written post. But for sure, I will tell it.
Pendo, thank you!
Well done Vera. So beautiful
Thank you, Omotola.
Congratulations Vera,this just brings back memories of when I became a mom for the first time. You r indeed blessed. Your daughter shall be a continuous source of joy to you n your husband. Such joy…. I know u both shall make great parents. Congrats once again. Abeg rest small go for round two, we all want u to win the battle of the sexes next time. Lol
Haha. Thank you, Oge! I still want my confusingly identical twin boys sef, so make una pray for me. I have so many stories to blog about the pregnancy, but so little time! I will keep trying sha. And yay for the time you became a mom for the first time. I’m looking forward to referring to myself as a second time mom. Lol.
Congrats Vera, God bless the little one
Amen. Thank you, Dalu.
My Di!
I’m so happy and so proud of you! My heart is so full!!! Congratulations and God bless you all!!! Welcome my little princess ???????? Aunty Makxxy loves you! ????
Awwww. Thank you, Makxxy! I really appreciate your kind words. Ngwa hurry up and come and do omugwo.