Welcome to April.
And just like that, March, too, is over. March was an eventful month. For starters, Igwe and I became god parents to Solachi’s 3rd baby, Amaka. See her pictures and read about it HERE. Unlike February that sped past me with a blur, March had a number of days where all I wanted to do was stay in bed. I didn’t want to work. I didn’t want to blog. I didn’t want to do anything. There were times that I didn’t want to take a shower sef, and I cannot confirm or deny if I eventually did take that shower. But I always snapped out of it anyway.
I am so hungry right now. Not for food, but for the next step in my life. I’m plotting ways to take Verastic to the next level and I find myself resenting anything that is taking my time away from it. I need all my creative brain cells to do the work. More than that, I need to take a leap of faith and go for the jugular – not literally. I’m sorry if I sound like I’m speaking in parables, but I cannot quite say everything here yet. You never know who is reading. In the words of Chris Brown (and I promise to never quote him again), these hoes ain’t loyal.
Igwe and I are still reading the bible. We are now in the 27th chapter of Numbers. Good stuff! The more we read, the more we are grateful that we weren’t around during those times. God was less tolerant back then. Small thing, someone will die. Small thing, plague will catch you. We scream and shout when we hear of one person dying of Ebola, but back then, people would die in several thousands from a plague because they disrespected God. If things were like that now, I know for sure that I would be long dead. I have disobeyed and disrespected and dishonored Him in every way possible. So for His grace, I am eternally grateful.
I read about how the Israelites grumbled against God in every turn, and I am tempted to say, these Israelites sef! But I quickly remind myself that I am just like them. It’s easy to praise God when the going is good, but the moment something as little as someone cutting me off in traffic happens, I begin to question Him without thinking twice: God, why? Again, I am grateful for His grace and his faithfulness, especially when I am not faithful. I am not faithful in anything.
I read a book called, Soul Sessions, written by Carson Gage. And I’ll be reviewing it [sponsored post] in a few days. It’s about reincarnation, but I’ll talk more on that when I do the review. I don’t believe in reincarnation by the way, but one very important thing I took away from it is the importance of not letting little things ruin my day or control me so much. For example, at Amaka’s naming ceremony, I was so pissed and visibly irritated at the greedy guests who wanted to eat all the food. In retrospect, I should have brushed it off my shoulders. Same thing happens when I get cut off in traffic. One time, I even flipped the bird at a driver *gasp* This is a big deal to me because I do not ever flip the bird. By the way, this is especially dangerous because one never knows the mental state of anyone. What if he was having a bad day and had a gun? Help me, Jesus. Your daughter needs help.
I’m looking forward to April, and as usual, I am praying for divine grace and favor from God. I need it. I need it badly in every aspect of my life. No, I am not in trouble, but I know that the devil stays plotting. He cannot possibly be wishing me well, so I need God’s fierce and ferocious protection and grace and favor. Please pray for yourself. In everything that you do, please pray. Okay, Vera the Preacher will now exit the building. She might be back in May.
That’s it for March. By His grace, I’ll be back in May to tell you all about April. Thank you, and I love you for reading.
P.S. I didn’t forget that today is April Fool’s Day. I just don’t have anything to fool you with.
Thank God you didnt have anything to fool us with. Unlike you, I forgot.
Had so many days like your in March and you cant help but snap out of it and trudge on.
Hope and pray April brings better tidings.
Hilarious election memes – HERE
Wait, Vera no fooling us today? 🙁