A Sweet Potato asked me in a recent post to tell him who/what is a Slay Queen or Slay Mama. Well, let me, first of all, tell you who a Slay Queen is supposed to be.

Beautiful dark model with big hair over gray background. Fashion and beauty with African dark skin model.
A Slay Queen is supposed to be a woman who has beauty, brains, and power. What she says, does, and wears should “give you life.” In case you don’t understand the figurative meaning of giving you life, it basically means that she’s inspiring you, hitting all the right notes. You love what you see her doing and wearing, and you love what you hear her saying. She’s basically the real-life Wonder Woman.
That’s who a Slay Queen should be. But who is actually celebrated as a Slay Queen (in the Nigerian community at home and abroad)? She’s a woman who dresses well and is usually attractive (although not always!) but has butter for a brain. She has the newest clothes and shoes and bags and jewelry, but may not be gainfully employed. She can tell you what Kim Kardashian wore yesterday, and she can tell you the latest asoebi trend and how to have brows on fleek, and how to have cheekbones as high as the Empire State, but she cannot tell you if The New York Times is a newspaper or a timezone. She’s active on social media – especially Instagram – and she tries to convince you that she’s living the life she says she’s living. But those who know her personally know that nothing she portrays on Instagram is real life.
Today’s Slay Queen boasts of material possessions, but you cannot have an intellectual conversation with her. Her biggest goal in life is to grow her Instagram followers. She’s famous for being famous. She tags all her pictures with #AsoebiBella and she would rather not pay a bill than miss an opportunity to show you her newest shoes. She is more interested in appearing to have money than in actually having money.
The money she spends most likely comes from a man. It could be her boyfriend, her husband, or someone else’s boyfriend or husband. It could be her father, but that is most unlikely. She depends on the men in her life to make her Instagram life come true. She does not understand that being a Slay Queen is not a profession, and Instagram followers are not legal tender. One day, she will find out. She thinks of herself as a celebrity, although she has no substance and no reason to be celebrated.
To put it very simply, she’s the glorified runs girl of Instagram.
P.S. Share this post with a Slay Queen.
Thank you for this Vera. I hope it was my question that inspired this post. Am glad you took the time out to expatiate. God bless.
IyaOsagie, you are so welcome, darling π
Spot on Vera! In a way i think society encourages slay queen lifestyle. few weeks back I was bashed online for posing in a dilapidated building so actions can encourage one to live a fake lifestyle. May God help us!
Yes, indeed! People say they want “real,” but they really don’t. What Nigerians seem to prefer is life as they wish it was, not as it is. That’s why people like posing next to cars they don’t own and taking pictures in stores they cannot afford to shop in – all to impress their virtual friends.
Lol Vera doesn’t mince words haha.
Mincing words is for the young. And weak. Lol.
Double Gbam!!!!
Damn Veraππππ
What? Ham just explaining it nah! For the people who may not know.
Thanks Vera for the enlightenment because Nigerians girls won’t stop disturbing us on Instagram with slay queen wahala
Hahaha. You’re welcome. It’s Vera at your service!
Only problem with sharing this with a slay queen is that she just wont get it.
You’re absolutely right. They won’t get it at all. *SIGH*
Nice post Vera,you are spot on…I wish most girls today can understand this narrative. Most of them are just slaying their lives to debts,poverty,diseases and even death.
Yes, they really are. The other day, I read about a fashion blogger who was arrested for trying to use someone’s credit card to buy stuff for her slay life on Instagram. She’s in jail now.
they will slay and slay themselves to death. when they come to a point of purposefulness and a sense of conviction if usefulness they would not laden themselves with this slay queen trash. they just need Jesus to put their lives right.