I have come across too many couples sharing social media accounts, and I am so baffled. It does not bother me at all, but it does confuse me. I keep trying to figure out why two people have to be a couple even on social media? So instead of continuously pondering about it every time I see another jointly-owned social media account, I figured I could just write about it. And if you are one of the people sharing an account with your significant other, please do enlighten me. I’m curious!
So, here are 10 questions I have for couples who share social media accounts:
1. Why?
2. Did you discuss this with your friends, family, and therapist? And did they give you 738201630 reasons why you shouldn’t?
3. Is it to prove that you trust each other – or maybe that you don’t trust each other?
4. Whose idea was it?
5. Are you doing it to save some internet?
6. Who replies to mentions and messages?
7. How are people supposed to know who they’re socializing with or who’s leaving a comment on their stuff?
8. Whose birthday is on the profile?
9. If you divorce/breakup, who gets the account?
10. Seriously, why???
Yea!I A new post.
I honestly dont get why they do it. A friend of mine and her bf share the same instagram account and she said it is for transparency. To each its own but that is not and will not be my cup of tea.
Transparency??? Lol. It’s lack of trust and lack of understanding that being a couple should not mean the end of one’s self.
I’m not sure why anyone would do this. I mean I know 2 become 1 and all, but really there’s still 2. Unless of course you guys are literally fused together, then maybe it begins to make sense.