Just last week, I put up a post about 4 reasons why Kim Kardashian should keynote BlogHer16, and one of the reasons was because although blogging itself is social media, having other active social media channels is a necessity when you’re a blogger, and if nothing else, Kim Kardashian is a social media mogul. In that regard, I have much to learn from her. So today, I have a blogging tip about social media.
Blogging Tip Ahead
However, one thing I have noticed some bloggers doing is locking their Instagram. Here’s the thing: your social media channels are an extremely important part of your blogging life, especially if you plan on monetizing the blog or making it a part of full-time career.
For the purpose of this post, let’s assume that blogging is a business or wanna-be business for you. Therefore, your social media presence across the world wide web is important and should have a uniform feel to it. Example, if you talk about motherhood on your blog, then you should talk about it on your Facebook page, your Twitter, your Instagram, etc. It does not mean that that is all you are allowed to talk about, but there should definitely be the same virtual ambience in all channels.
Whether you are already monetizing your blog or still planning on doing so, you just never know who watching your page. Imagine if a brand of PR Rep stumbles on your blog and they like the content and they have a fun Instagram campaign that they think you will be a great fit for, and then they check out your Instagram and are greeted with the “This account is private” message. You think they want to request to follow and then wait for you to accept so they can go through your page? No, they don’t and they won’t.
There are countless blogs out there. No matter what it is that you blog about, there’s someone out there who has something similar. Granted, that person is not you, but brands and PR reps don’t have time to beg you to let them ask you to work with them. Unless you’re maybe Beyonce or Kim Kardashian or something like that. And Beyonce and Kim both have their Instagrams unlocked.

If you have an Instagram that is the space for you to share pictures with your friends and family then that Instagram can be private — as long as it is not associated with your blog. Do not link to your private Instagram because that defeats the purpose of being social [for business].
Having a private Instagram means:
1) You don’t want to be found and connected with.
2) You are not interested in any opportunities that may arise through or because of your Instagram.
3) You are running a haphazard business and brands and readers should treat you as such.
4) Your blogging career isn’t that important to you.
I understand the need for privacy, I really do, but I’ve got news for you: if you post it on any social media channel – blog and Instagram included – it’s no longer private, so if you don’t want the content to be seen by people you don’t want to see the content, then don’t post it anywhere. “Locking” your space does not make it private. There’s like this thing called screen shot, and people can take it of the content.
If you are a blogger who has a private Instagram associated with your blog, go right now and unlock it immediately so the gods of social media can stop frowning at you. While you’re it, make sure your the name on your social media channels match your blog and brand. I’ll elaborate on this in another post.
For now, unlock your Instagram. And if you are a blogger – aspiring or actual – and you need some guide starting or growing your blog, hire me to help you and save your time. I can work you through all you need to know via telephone, Skype, or face-to-face meeting. Just fill out this short questionnaire, so I know exactly where and how I can help you be great, and we’ll take it from there. All my consultation is customized to fit your individual needs.
Lolz @ goan unlock your account now….
Favour, it’s true now.
Tell them oh.
Hahaha. Clearly, you’ve wondered the same thing, too.
Let me also add that they can have a private account for their lives, and a separate unblocked one for their blog/branding.
Absolutely!! I mentioned that in the post, too. For me sha, I cannot deal with two of any kind of social media. I’m barely keeping up with the one I have. Lol.
Wow, I really needed to read this. My instagram is private, I’m going to unlock it immediately. Thank you for this lovely post. xx