I know what you must be thinking: But how can Vera tell us what happens when sex happens? She’s never even had sex! As in, she’s never even seen a penis before. And you are not far from the truth. In fact, you have spoken the truth 😐 Remember my last spotlight post? Well, yours truly has officially been invited. And this is totally different from when you’re just handed a flyer and/or tagged in a facebook picture. This is huge! As in, it came with Vera Ezimora and Verastic on it.
For those in the DMV area, you should definitely come through. It’s gonna be a different kinda Friday night. I’ll be there with Funmie and Igwe. It’s gonna be a townhall kind of meeting, and I’m super excited. I have been asked to represent my listeners. What do my listeners think about what happens when sex happens?
This would be so much easier if I had previously done a show on sex. Oh, wait. There was that show, The First Time I Did It, and there was What Your Mother Didn’t Tell You About Sex Toys, and there was Old Things Have Passed Away. Or Haven’t They? There was also Let’s Talk About Sex [Within Relationships] (hmmmm. Wonder what that one was about?) And of course, there was Yes, We Can … Abstain From Sex. So perhaps, the problem here is that there are too many options? Too much material?
Either way, by God’s grace, I will be at this event on Friday, March 23rd. Come through if you can. There’ll be FREE food and entertainment. Did I mention it’s all FREE?
P.S. While The Verastic Show clearly has a lot of sex-related titles, I would like to clarify that this is not a representation of the things that go on in my head. This is just a representation of the naughty, naughty people I have as listeners. 😀
See you Friday, then? 😉