No, I am not a wedding planner, but in the past few weeks, my best friend, Sola (Busola) has kept me up for hours talking about the wedding. Of course, I’m supposed to be helping her plan it, but would I get paid for my precious time? Time that I coulda been using to do something more productive…like sleeping. Nope, I won’t be getting paid.
Anyways, 2 be honest with you, I have been obsessing about the wedding myself. Being the maid of honor and all, I was thinking maybe I should sign autographs on that day. What do you think? I’m also gonna be reading her and her boo a love poem on that day, so I’m thinking people might want me to sign autographs after that. It’s not easy being a poet and a maid of honor all on the same day, @ the same time. So ladies and gents, I’m gonna be there with my majic marker (permanent ink) 2 sign away! Sola thinks I’ve lost my mind. But guess what? So has she (that’s the only reason she’d pick me to be her maid of honor – not that I’m complaining, of course).
I have been thinking about my own wedding, of course. I have been thinking about what kinda engagement ring I want et all. I know I definitely want a platinum band with a HUGE rock on it, but I dunno what shape I want the diamond to be though. I’m thinking emerald, princess, or square…I dunno… it’s a tough decision.
I’m sure you’re wondering if I’m about to get engaged, right? Well, no, not really. I just wanna plan ahead, you know? I always hear stories of men being confused about what kinda rings their women would want, so I’m tryna spare my man all that hassle – whosoever he may be.
I realise this post was supposed to be about my wedding planning for Sola, but sorry, more important things (my engagement ring) got in the way. The good things about Sola’s wedding planning is that as I research stuff for her, I also get ideas for my own wedding. Shey you get? And I don’t care what anyone says, but I am doing my traditional marriage in Naija – period!
I’ll be back later 2 tell you more about my recent obsessions.