Yesterday, I went to Walmart with my mother to do some lil shopping; in fact the main reason I went there was to get a new lotion. You see, I have this thing about me; I am always looking for my soul mate in everything: partners, lotion, toothpaste, soap, toothbrush, hair creme, mouthwash, etc…it goes on.
Lately, I have been tryna find my soul mate in lotion, so I went to Walmart’s lotion aisle. I had gone there previously a week before, and I tried all the lotions, and I narrowed my “spectrum of possible soulmates” to two lotions: dove & olay.So when I went there yesterday, I had the intention of making my choice bw Olay & Dove. I tried them both; I rubbed them both between my palms, I smelt them, I read the contents on the back, I considered their names (Olay, weighing more). I had Olay on the left side and Dove on my right side, so I stood in the middle of the aisle thinking about what to do. To me, this was a serious decision; I mean, how often does one get to make such a choice?
@ this point, my mother was irritable, so she said “Nne, pick one quick let’s leave! I’m sleepy.”
And I said, “Mom, don’t be in such a hurry. Be patient. Picking this lotion is a life-altering and emotional event for me. You don’t xpect me to go pickin any lotion all willy-nilly!”
Well, I could tell from the look in her eyes that she did not find my humor so humorous; if anything, she was ready to forget her hands on my face.
Anyways, finally, I went with Olay.When night came, I could not wait to take a shower! Not because I wanted to, but because I had a new lotion, and I was just dying to use it, so I did. After I rubbed the lotion, it felt so… perfect, and I was thinking to myself “this lotion is too perfect; something has to be wrong with it. It’s just a matter of time b4 I figure out what it is”. After I got dressed, I sat at my computer, and when I looked at my palms, they had some glitter in them. Crap, the Olay lotion had glitter. I hate glitter!
But there it was, the flaw my lotion undisputably had. At first I sat down there wondering how on earth I was going to deal with a big bottle of lotion that has been infested with glitter, and I could not even begin to fathom it. I could see the glitter on my thighs too, and for a minute, I hated it. But then, when I looked at it later, I liked it. In fact, I fell in love with my Olay.
Now, what’t the point of this Olay story? The point is that I want my human soul mate to be the same. I don’t want him to be without flaws (not that it’s even an option), but I do want to be able to live with (and be happy with) the flaws…just like my Olay lotion. In the same manner, I want to find my soul mate in everything too. You understand what I mean?Well, with that being said, my body deserves some Olay (so I better go hit the showers!)
wow nice analogy!