You know that saying, “you fool me once, shame one you; you fool me twice, shame on me.”? Well, I been fooled twice….and by the same person. And even under the same circumstances. I dunno why I let it happen…especially since I literally saw it comin’. But that’s by the way sha. There are somethings in life one may never be able 2 explain, but for everything else, there is master card. Needless 2 say, I do not wish 2 discuss the details of what I just said – no matter who wants 2 know.
I’ve been so cranky today…for several reasons. One is because Ms. Flow has gat me right where she wants me, and the other reason is because of something that will happen tomorrow. I was so hurt/pissed by it but when I tried 2 talk about it 2 some who usually listens, the person said “yea, whatever!”. Sometimes I really dunno why I bother. I am used 2 sorting my mess out myself, so I dunno why I went and got myself all tangled up. It’s not even that serious! So basically, I’ve been goin thru a buncha emotions 2day – happy, sad, pissed, angry, hurt. And I’ve reacted in different ways – laughed, slept, cried, read my book. took a long shower, took a long walk, etc. (And no, I do not wish to talk about this with anyone either! Lemme get ova my last attempt 2 ‘talk about it’)
I dunno why life just can’t go the way we want it to. Why must life take several detours into Too-Bad land? Why can’t we just have it the way we want it? I guess that wouldn’t be life then. That would be us dreaming! It’s only monday, and I already feel pissed about tuesday, wednesday and thursday. Thursday will be a lil betta, I hope.
My eyes are so bloodshot, you’d think I guzzled down a bottle of hot vodka. But that isn’t the case @ all. My voice is almost gone – I dunno why. I haven’t been screamin.
I took a long walk this evening and it was great. I left my house past 7pm and came back past 9pm, so I was gone 4 about 2 hours. By the time I came back, the sun had been replaced by the moon. A fine moon, by the way.
…and for all the people who read this blog, y’ll really need 2 learn 2 leave comments, damn it!
Alright, that’s it 4 now.
well, i usually leave comments 4 u sha, its part of my internet routine to check vera’s blog…. na wa oooo babygal, a lot of emotions going dere, i hope u are ok! u know damn ritee dat i will ask u… so prepare to yarn. take dis and feel betta…. muuuuaahhhhh
Vera, you’re funny girl. I like the way you take life so simple. Many thanks.
Humphrey Nwanne Maduakor