Dear Diary,
I am ashamed to admit this, but I did not write my book yesterday, and neither did I today. But I have an excuse for today: I was cleaning (saturday cleaning) and after that I started my Literature assignment. It’s due on monday, and I have three stories to read and answer questions on, but I have only completed one. Excuse for yesterday? Urh, it was Friday, and I was tired. Good enough? With all the time I had today, I’m supposed to be done with my assignment by now, but this spirit of procastination that dwelleth in me will not let me be. I am a lot better now than I was before though; I mean usually, I would start the assigment on the day it’s due. Don’t get it twisted; I don’t do a shitty job…I just do it @ the last minute.
Sometimes I wish I could be one of those students that do their assignments days, months, or hell, even years before the due date, but please! let’s face facts… I am 100% Ezimoran and history shows that we are not capable of doing things when they are not in the last minute, although I must point out that I am a lot better than my father (whom I miss very very much). You can check out my article, The Beauty Of African Time to understand me better.
Anyways, I’m cooking the water out of the tomato, so I can cook some stew with it. And I will be starting on the chicken soon too. Uju will be here anytime soon for our movie date. Before you go having any wild ideas… allow me to stop your wandering mind. We have a Nigerian movie (Women’s Cot) to watch. I think it’s pretty cool, and it’s starring good actresses like Joke Silver, Onyeka Onwenu, and a whole bunch of other people.
G’Nite Diary!