I woke up this morning and did the regular job of Ekaite the house gal. I cooked, I cleaned and cleaned and cleaned. I know I have said it so many times, but I just wanna say it again that these kids are drivin me insane. I have more advils in the past three days than I take in a month. Nawa o, I really have 2 think well b4 having kids (especially since I want 5). Chei!
My aunt’s house usually has four people (my aunt, her 4-yr old son, my other aunt, and my grandma), but now it has eight people – 10 if you count me and my mom who have been here since Friday….in the name of welcoming the new family. Well, I don ready 2 pack my kaya and go home. I’m done welcomin people abeg.
This afternoon, every1 (xcept the kids) went 2 bed. The kids were supposed 2 be sleeping, but they kept jumping up and down the bed, running up and down the stairs, and of course, shouting up and down the house. Every1 was irritated. You know how it feels when you’re sleepy but can’t sleep because something is hindering you. Anyways, I was sleepy too, but out of the goodness of my heart, I decided to watch the kids so that every1 else could sleep while I remained sleep deprived. I had 2 take a cane and sit by their (kids’) door and watch them night a watch-guard. Of course, seeing the cane made them remain on the bed and eventually fall asleep.
After that, I went in2 the kitchen and cleaning up…. again! My aunt bought a lot of disposable plates, cups and cutleries, but I wonder how come the sink is always full of dirty dishes. It remains an enigma…that I am not really in the mood 2 solve.
Anyways, here’s why I am actually pissed: this evening, the kids ate and made a mess everywhere. While they were eating, I decided to power up my laptop (4 the first time 2day o!) and what did my aunt say? She had the liver 2 tell me I have not been doing anything. She said all I did was stay on the computer all day. See me see wahala o! She seemed 2 have 4gotten so soon how she was sleeping soundly while I was sweating like a nama in the kitchen. She seemed 2 have 4gotten how I went 2 bed late, woke up early, and remained awake while every1 else took naps. Let’s not 4get I have been the housegirl by default o. Na so so clean clean I dey do since. Ah ah, which kin wahala be this? I didn’t even write my book sef. Nothing. My head dey nack like say band dey practice 4 inside. Anyways, my housegirl profession ends 2morrow cause I am going home.
I am so pissed right now that I have promised not 2 come back here, but I know I will. Of course, I will. I will probably even be the one 2 call and ask if they need my help. Of course, I already know the answer will be ‘yes’. I won’t feel comfortble stayin @ home and lettin them do all the work…or maybe I will, who knows? Body no be firewood abeg.
We go babble later sha…. :KISSES: