Happy mother’s day, mom! I just wanna wish my one and only mother a happy mother’s day (even though I know she won’t read this…thank God cause some of the stuff I write… but anyways…)
I don’t have much 2 say really, so I’m just gonna end this post here.
But I also wanna wish all the other women out there a happy mother’s day. And 2 all the expectant mothers and women prayin and wishing 4 the miracle of childbirth, I pray God grants you all your heart desires.
I also wish myself some wonderful kids…. but not now o!!!!! God, lemme just make it clear 2 u that I am not sayin I want d kids now o! I mean, I want them when I get married…shey u get? I want 5 of them, and I don’t mind having a set of twins… as long as they don’t damage the uh… passageway…u know wat I mean, abi?
And 2 all the men, u know I won’t leave u hanging! I wish u all a happy mother’s day too! Yes, I’m wishin u a mother’s day cause frankly speakin, some of u are more woman than I am sef. You whine 2 damn much!!
Good nite…