Whether you followed the 2008 American presidential election or not, I’m sure you heard of one Sarah Palin that was running for Vice President on the republican ticket. She was a huge comic relief! As in, the woman had jokes for days — and she was not even trying to be funny. By now, you can probably already tell that I was not (still am not) a fan. Besides, I’m no fan of anyone who speaks ill of President. Obama, that is.
Anyway, HBO is coming out with a movie about Sarah Palin. It’s about her campaign (not her entire life). Julianne Moore plays Sarah Palin’s part, and although you probably never saw the resemblance between Julianne Moore and Sarah Palin, Julianne Moore definitely morphed into Sarah Palin in this movie. If you’re subscribed to HBO, then you get to see the movie for free – technically not free since you’re paying for HBO anyway – when it premieres on Saturday, March 10th 2012. Watch the trailer after the break.
wats the point of this movie? i’m sorry but i dont get it. Its not like she won or anything!
I guess they just wanted us to know what happened behind the scenes.
Sarah Palin was one of the highlights of the 2008 elections and beyond. That woman has got to be the most delusional thing walking. I can’t decide whether to be more baffled that there are people who actually think she’s competent or that she herself actually thinks she’s competent. I think I’ll go with both.
Miss Fab,
Honestly, I don’t know myself which one is more baffling. I guess it’s okay to believe in yourself, whether or not it makes sense. But what about other people who hear this woman talking and still think she should be the Vice President of a nation? I’m still tryna figure out how she became President.
I wonder why GOP takes that clown seriously. She takes badluck with her everywhere she goes. Meanwhile got my Obama Biden sticker already as in i am in d campaign swagger now o. Hope u are doing great sha. Blessings.
Thank you, Colyns! And yes, I am doing great. I’m all for Obama too. I have my sticker and all. Go Obama!