Anyways, Sola’s thanksgiving was great. It could have been better, but Sola is a very stubborn human being who refused to heed any of my advise. As they say, ‘advise most needed is least heeded’. But I don’t wanna go into details and put her business on the internet (although I woulda been more than happy to do so).
Uju and I went to Bare Feet Shoes again on saturday in search of the perfect shoes, but found nothing; well, at least I didn’t. I want to buy a shoe so badly that I was ready to settle and take any shoe just for the sake of it, but I imagined the pair of shoes I picked to be a man, and then I remembered that I really would not settle for just ‘any’ man for the heck of it. So I had to drop the shoes; I didn’t like them, and I didn’t want to take them for the hell of it. Thank God I listened to my heart.
Anyways, on saturday night, we (Uju, Sola, Ibukun, and I) went for A.Y.’s surprise party for his fiancee, and it was a good party. I guess I was finally in need of a party tune up, and that’s why I was in the party spirit, right? Or maybe it had to do with Uju playing loud party songs in her car on saturday on our way to the shoe store? Either way, I got the dance I very well deserved.
I’m gonna go wash the dishes right now (even though it’s pretty late). After that, I will work on my “Project 2007″… and don’t ask me what it is. When it’s time, you will know. By His Grace, it will be ready in the summer of 2007. Shout a big ‘Amen’ for me, please.