A lot of people don’t know I’m Igbo. They think I’m either Yoruba or Middle-Belt Nigerian, and I can’t say I blame them much. Ezimora isn’t the most Igbo name. It’s not like Okoroafor or Nnamdi. And those that don’t know my last name assume that I’m Yoruba because of my association: Funmie, Busola, Ajoke — and the likes. I can’t blame them either. If I wasn’t so sure, I would think I’m a Yoruba girl, too. Whenever I meet an Igbo person, it’s like a treat to me, but this isn’t about me. This is about Umu Igbo Unite.
I first heard of Umu Igbo Unite two years ago, and although I wanted to go, many things held me back. This year, however, the Umu Igbo Unite convention is taking place right here in Maryland. Umu Igbo Unite has chosen a central location for their convention: Annapolis, Maryland. If you’re in the DMV area, then you know how central Annapolis is. This time, I will be present at the Umu Igbo Unite convention. Of course, I’m not just telling you about Umu Igbo Unite because I feel like taking up blog space. I’ve got news for you.
Dates: Thursday, August 4th to Sunday, August 7th 2011
Location: Annapolis, Maryland
Cost: $75 (this cost covers the entire convention. However, there are options to buy for specific days only. Example: Only Thursday or Thursday + Friday, etc.)
Purchase here: www.uiu2011.eventbrite.com
Wait!!!!!!!!!!! It gets better. Enter code: VERASTIC and receive 10% off your ticket price. I am so, so happy about this convention. I need to go figure out what to wear, what to do to my hair, and what perfume(s) to wear. I have to go and sell my market!!! Pun intended. If I am lucky, J Martins will be in the area and we can consummate our love. Yes, he is my latest obsession. I just found out that the boy is foiiinne! I don’t know why he’s been using cap to hide his face.
If you’re going to be in attendance and would like to meet, buzz me.
P.S. If you have any questions about this convention and are considering asking me, please don’t. 😀 Use the e-mail address and numbers on the flyer above.
P.P.S. Did I mention that I will be coming with my pet, Funmie?
Enjoy this audio file. It’s the promo that plays on Verastically Speakin’.
[audio:http://www.verastic.com/site/wp-content/uploads/2011/07/umuigbounite2.mp3|titles=Umu Igbo Unite Promo For Verastically Speakin’]
Umu Igbo Unite promo for Verastically Speakin’
I proudly stand behind Umu Igbo Unite as a media partner. Gbam!
~ Remember: Enter code: Verastic HERE and receive 10% off~
lol. Oh no u didn’t just call Funmie a pet. I’m so tell on u. I will come if u pay for my ticket. wink, wink. By the way u can stay in my house if u don’t want to pay for hotel for the weekend but u have to bring ur own food, toilet, bed, tissue paper, pot and so on. lol. U see how nice i am.
Solachi, not to worry, Funmie already knows she’s my pet. Keep waiting for me to pay your ticket oh. Yeyerish somebody. I think we’re staying at AY’s house. We’re yet to tell him. LOL! We’ll just land there that day.
How could anybody think you were not nwa afo igbo with your iwa anya huh? Wish I could come. O ga-adi kwa hot. Better add that umu okorobia na umu agboghobia very plenty :p
Who cares about umu agboghobia? Umu okorobia is all I care about! In short, let umu agboghobia not come sef. That way, there would be more umu okorobias for the rest of us. Tehehehehe *evil laugh* Too bad you can’t make it 🙁
Have you filled my form? its for my thesis. Pls I need your say 🙂
Nne, I have not filled it oh. I was gonna say I’ll do it later, but lemme respect myself and do it now. Anything for you!