The baby on the right is a famous woman today. Can you tell who she is? I’ll come back to update you on who she is. Don’t worry, I’ll keep my word. I won’t leave you hanging.
Any ideas? If you guess right, there’ll be an extra pillow in your room in heaven – assuming you make it there 😀
UPDATE: Yup! This is indeed FLOTUS, Michelle Obama! (I think I need to make these a little harder)
The FLOTUS, Michelle Obama
I cannot confirm or deny your allegation. LOL.
yes flotus!
*looking away* I don’t know what you’re talking about.
FLOTUS indeed! Looking like her mom in this photo!
I can’t say for sure. For now anyway.
I too think it is FLOTUS but then Vera said “Child Star” was FLOTUS a Child Star?
Ehm … EDJ, maybe I didn’t word it well. And I’m not saying that’s it’s her oh! 😛
She’s a copy of her mum and her brother hasn’t changed much either. It is MO to the BO.
I cannot confirm or deny! LOL.
Aaaaah MO is a STAR oooo, how much more star than being the wife of the president of the united states can you get…hian..
I think EDJ was saying that FLOTUS wasn’t a star as a child. I don’t know. Just thinking. Not that I’m confirming that this is FLOTUS!