Sex Thing….
*ahem* Just had to clarify that. You know how you can get.J
Are you ready for tomorrow? Are you ready to hear me, Ekene Agabu, NaijaBloke, and Nkechinyere battle it out about sex (to have it or not) on Verastically Speakin Talk Radio.
Again, I feel compelled to explain here: we will not be battling out if all four of us should have sex on Verastically Speakin – during the show. What I meant was — it’s a talk radio show, and during the show, we will talk about sex. You get? Great.
Have you participated in the poll? It’s on the top right side bar. Thank you. I feel compelled to say a lot of things today. Right now, I feel compelled to ask: you do know that whatever you vote is anonymous, right? I have no way of knowing who you are or how you voted. Okay. That’s all I’m going to say on that.
So the show is going to be on Saturday, October 10th 2009. Yeap, that’s tomorrow.
To listen, go here:
Time: 10am U.S. EST (3pm GMT / 3pm Nigerian time).
To call into the show: 1.646.929.1905
If you have comments/questions/suggestions:
Need to reach me via telephone before or after the show: 1.443.934.9039
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Verastically Speakin’ Group on Facebook: Click HERE
Miss Jayla had another interesting Tweminar yesterday about tomorrow’s show, but even more interesting is that she did the same poll (yes, the very same one here), but the difference in results between her poll and mine are staggering. You can view the poll HERE.
Alright folks…. bring it all on!!!
good luck on your show. hope I remember to tune in.
Note to self – Must tune in. Thanks for dropping by, appreciated :).
I will be right there, keep up the good work.
Oooh. I can't wait for this show!
I'm so going to try to catch it this time.. Can't wait!!
Thanks for the timely reminder.
Let the sex talk begins
Hmm, I checked out both polls and that IS an interesting difference between the results of the two different polls! I have to admit I thought is of utmost importance. Must test b4 buying would have the most votes.
Hee hee…2mrw is anoda day.
Vera If you can do a quick blurb about the scholarship link in the next scheduled post when he makes it available to you I'll appreciate it. Thanks!
Vera, I have to say Ekene said the dang thing on your show. As a christian, he made the most sense to me. As a woman, he made the most sense to me. I am not one to push my "no sex before marriage thing" in peoples faces but he made so much sense it is ridiculous. If I ever had any doubts about not having sex before marriage.
I do not get to listen to your show on Saturdays but I always have a listening party because the show makes sense jo. I quote what Ekene says "If I sleep with her, I am not valuing her and if I truly love a woman, I wont touch her til I marry her". Talk about valuing one of the most sacred things on this earth. Sex makes things so complicated, people are hurt because of premature sex and relationships are "salvaged" only because of that bond that people think they share. This bond between people is the strongest thing on earth, there has to be a reason why the Word (and different religions) says we should keep it closed till marriage (as difficult as it is to stick to this commandment, He had a reason for saying it).
Very interesting show today, great job Vera. Great topic. Listening to the commentaries and some of the callers…my heart broke over and over again. It was exciting to hear some of the men saying what they said about waiting and it was heartbreaking to hear the girls on there speaking about sex in such a frivolous manner…where did we go wrong?
Yes sex happens but where has self control gone? why are we not thinking about these babies who will grow up without their fathers in the picture? why are we not being truthful about that spiritual connection that happens when we do have sex with someone? wow is all I can say.
"Sex is forever and if he/she is not forever, don't give it to them"-Ekene Agabu (that is making an appearance on my facebook profile).
I love the live chat during the show! My goodness! The chat room is even more interesting than the show itself. I must tune in again!