So Overwhelmed, my dear, after carefully reading and digesting your love letter, I have come to the decision to not share your pictures after all. It wasn’t such a tuff decision seeing as your love for me is just so genuince.
In retrospect, I have a few promises to make to you:
# I promise to never steal any other online man from you…unless of course, he really wants to be stolen
# I promise to always supply you with cranberry juice
# I promise never to make you wear ankara thongs (like Bloke did 2 u). From now on, it’s damask thongs all the way!
# I promise to constantly supply you with black nail polish and blonde weaves
# I promise to never, ever post the enlarge copy of the picture of your breasts online.
# I promise to return your call.
# I promise to keep my promises….for now. :))
I have been mighty busy recently, so I have not been available to take calls and/or chat online. However, some people have called and not left messages. Abeg, if you want me to call you back, then leave a message with your name and number because I’m not just gonna start calling any number I see. (Yes, Overwhelmed, I know you left your name and number, and I know I owe you a call. I’ll call, I promise). I have just been really, really busy.
I mentioned last wednesday that we are planning my Grandma’s surprise party, right? Well, I am inviting bloggers sha, so if you care to attend, email me and I will send you the details. Of course, I know that not all bloggers will attend, which is why I am gladly inviting all of you. I mean, what are the chances that you’ll all wanna attend? LOL. If that happens, I will be really screwed, but I know it won’t, so I’m not bothered at all. Anyways, like I said, email me if you wanna attend the event…BUT on one condition: YOU CANNOT POST MY PICTURE(S) ONLINE.
On Saturday, I went to see Zodiac with boyfriend, Uju and her boyfriend. Twas a good/wonderful movie, but it was flippin long! Three whole hours watching a big screen is not a joke. The movie started at 9:30pm and it did not end till 12:21am – not cool! It’s a true life story of a serial killer in California called Zodiac. I cannot tell you the present situation of things with Zodiac because that would mean telling you the end of the movie, which I obviously do not wanna do. Anyways, if you love thrillers, then you will probably love this movie.
Alright, I think that’s it for now, beautiful people. Happy Wednesday and see you next Wednesday!!
yay, am first
well i claim second beebe. I never read wetin u post sef,be bck later…
lol @ your promises to ONB.
You know most of us would love to come to the party, but we are just not close to the venue.
Have a wonderful week!
I am coming for the PARRY!!! I am sure I can hitchike my way to your State from London… right? LOL!
I’ll be back to comment later…
Happy Wednesday… I miss you o Vera.
i suspected u must be very busy. I will come. so which city is gawnnnnnnnn…abi u want me to get lost. can I invite my friend. LOL. Have a blessed week.
I hope ur grandma many more happy years ahead and pray that the surprise party is a surprise indeed or if some niece and nephew does let it slip mistakenly that she’s having a surprise party, do sincerely hope that she remembers to act ‘surprised’. LOL!!! Do have a wonderful party and dont forget to fill us in on the details afterwards.
lol at your promises to ONB. have a great wek girl. Are you writing another short story?
I want to come, shey it’s in B’MORE, lol!!!
Ok what day is it? So I know if I’m free before I email…hehe!!!
Where’s BHOOKEY? You wanna team up to go too?
If ONB reads this – I wanted to leave a comment on your blog but it’d have been lost in the sea of anonymous comments!
Kimor is back right?
Hope you are ok.
I don’t know about that Zodiac movie o…3hrs? We’ll see sha. Hope the party is fun for your grandam and you guys don’t upstage her and turn it into your own, hehe.
LMAO @ ankara thongs!
Chai ankara thongs?doesnt bear thinkn about!Send me plane tikt and am there!i luv a party oh!!!
U this girl, u r out there for realz, well done, I like the list, lol
I wanna come for the party, if only I can hold my nose n transport myself to the location now:( o well anoda time n u berra invite me too.
i will be there. I-95 here we come. baltimore straight no change o! no change o! if u no get change make u no enter o!
vera come we need to talk o. call me asap. u need to supply me with the address biko let me navigate my way to baltimore like say i dey go grocery store.
Funmie: I see you’ve joined the blogger madness of being first abi? LOLBabzent: Are u still coming back? This boy, u go wound o!
Nilla: Wetin u dey talk sef? Shebi you’re here in America. Just take the highway and you will find urself down here very soon. No waste time o.
London Buki: Don’t they have molue in that ur London? Take a cab; when you get to America, make a left..then keep going down till you see me standing outside. Hurry!
Life Of A Stranger: I don’t care wat part of the world you live in, but you berra show up o! It’s in Maryland, so go and start getting ur outfit ready immediately.
Calabar Gal: My dear, I hope no niece and/or nephew lets it slip o…cause I would be pissed! I go vex no be small oh.. ah ah. But seeing as it’s a Naija party, I would not be surprised if that happens.
Confused: I have been writing a buncha things. Don’t ask me what I’m writing abeg cause I’m just as confused as u are, maybe more.
Ceecy: Oops, I 4got to include the date. Yeah, it’s Bmore; it’s the 31st of March. It’d be nice 2 meet ya!
London Buki: You this gal, u no fear o! So u came 2 my blog 2 leave a comment 4 Overwhelmed. You go wound o! Just be glad that I am so full right now (ate poundo & ogbono soup); if not, I woulda come 2 London right now 2 panel beat u very well.
JJ: Did u say we should not upstage her and make the party our own? Why not? That’s the fu now! I intend 2 upstage her o!
Naija Vixen: Go and buy ur plane ticket jo. Tell them 2 put it on my tab. Once u tell them it’s 4 Vera Ezimora, they would let u in, don’t worry.
Biodun: I demand that u leave Naija and attend the party ASAP! When u’re done partying, you can go back 2 Naija. By the way, wat r u bringing me sef?
Chief: I know I owe you some mad phone calls, but e mabinu (sp?) please. This party thing no dey funny @ all!!! But yes, I will definitely give u the address b4 time.
lmao… this is fantastico!!! I’m going to buy a horny goat and kill it and call Naijadude, madsoulsista and Naijadyme to watch me eat it!!! hehe… cranbery juice, black nail polish and blonde weaves for life.. all for me? chineke… why am i so lucky for? Vera… you see why i always call you sweet potato… in fact your next birthday i’m going to invite awilo longomba to perform ‘happy baiday’ in congolese french for you… although it was not too good that me i dedicated a whole page to you and you only gave me half.. you have to make that up to me… yes i wear size 31 skinny jeans.. so feel free to purchase as many as you want… i prefer lightwash with backpockets… to highlight my small bum-bum… lol
awww londonbuki… i heart you… thanks luv… I dey oh… i emailed you… checkirrout…
Ms. Vera you know you love ONB. Just admit it.
Darn! That’s my own birthday weekend! Shucks! And seeing as I’m loved, I mightn’t be free, sike! But we’ll see sha. And Oh! My birthday is the 29th of March, so even though I don’t blog, I must feel the love from y’all.
Verastic! Missing you, dear!
vera you’re quite popular o. i mean my cousin from “away” was like Check out this girl…in i was like I KNOW HERRRRRRRRRRRR… he asked PERSONALLY??? sadly…NO… he’s also looking for your pic… lol… so I just might have to make it down for your grannie’s shindig
Overwhelmed: Gee, thanks baby (for calling me ‘sweet potato’ – now I feel all special & stuff). Size 31?? Okay, I’m beliving Canada has a different size cause 31 in America will be too big 4 u…judging by your enlarged pictures which are hanging on my wall. Whatever you want baby, just lemme know.
Simply Gorgeous: Alright fine, I admit it. I love her. I cannot get enuff of her. She’s all I’ve got.
Ceecy: Don’t worry, sweetie, you won’t have anything planned on that day. You might be allegedly loved et al, but you’ll be free on the 31st.
Eagle’s Nest: Wetin dey! Long time. I miss you too, boo.
Diamond: LOL. If it is to come and take my picture that u wanna come 2 my granny’s party, then stay @ home o! He’s lookin 4 my picture ehn? Is he a fine boy? *wink wink*
Hi Vera, thank you for stopping by and for your kind, encouraging words. Please, save me some bush meat from the party…what? no bush meat? Then, some palm wine, abi?
Oooooohhhh Vera gave us an open invitation…silly me, I’m just getting to read this amidst my busy schedule. How could I have missed this opportunity?
Send me an IV o…
Loved this post once again, u’re always making simple things fun to read…like how u saw “Zodiac” with boyfie…
Have a wonderful week ahead Vera…
Am I invited to this party?
Tinkerbell: Bush meat ehn? Okay, no problem. I will lay ambush in front of my house tomorrow night to catch one of those stubborn squirrels. I will then proceed to cook you a beautiful pot of Squirrel pepper soup. Good enuff?
Jaycee: Jaycee, of ou’re invited. In short, you’re hereby summoned to attend the party. And u betta show up o!
Nija Femme Fatale: Yes, of course you’re invited! You’re not a serial killer or anything like that, right? LOL
squirrel ke? kekwanu? they are not having grasscutter for your side? What about my palm wine?
Please when is the spirit moving you to update again??? Abeg UPDATE!!!
I’ll be back.