Chiwetel, a Nigerian (kind of) who is not the person I’m blogging about today, but who looks good on my blog
On Friday, I went to my former school to print some things out. I was about to walk into a building when I noticed an African-American girl in front of me. She was about my age, give or take a year, and she was walking rather slowly, so I eventually walked past her. She had on a white pair of leggings, a white shirt, and a pair of white sandals. Her leggings weren’t full in length; they stopped midway between her knees and her ankles. Her shirt had three-quarter sleeves, stopped somewhere between her elbows and her wrists. Her sandals were the thong kind, the kind that had the little thing between the big toe and the second toe.
And this, my friends, is how Vera crossed over to the other side.
Lmao…dis is so funny!!! But so true too. I see some girls, and I'm like dang, God try sha ooo…lol.
And honestly, imagine Men surrounded left right n' center by wonderful living masterpieces of God's creation….chei. Temptation is a biyatchhh…lol
I like the part where you said 'Why on earth did I not leave the house looking like her?!'
I feel you my sista many times some chicks can make one feel sooo under dresseD and just generally PLAIN!!!
yeah…. we do have it hard.. especially when its spring.. and summer 🙂 we like it that way though…………….
I understand totally what you mean…I envy people with round butts as I have a very tiny one. Yeah….men really have a hard life.*sigh*
lol..very funny..meanwhile, i have seen the change in template..nice
Actually, I like the part about having it HARD. Is there a pun in there somewhere?
…obvious u nw knw 1st hand what we go thru when ….
…lol at 'crossing to d other side'
I thought it was just me that noticed the pun. Yeah men have it hard. (I think according to some research evidence – I was not involved o – it's every nine minutes!)
Funny…I was in leggings yesterday and my butt was nicely rounded as usual. Are you sure it wasn't me you saw? Hehehe.
I thought I was the only straight female who gawked when I saw an extremely well put together gal. Honestly, sometimes you just gotta stare. I don't blame guys at all.
hmmm…vera dont tell me u are bi curious….smh..:)
LMAO…dont be too shocked if the tights dont look that way on you oh….
lmao…na wa oh.
Anonymous: LOL!! Hahaha. I wonder if that would make headline news.
Miss Enigma: I'm glad you see where I'm coming from oh, my dear. LOL. Sometimes, I see women, and I'm just like … Oh, my God! I'm short of asking them out. Ha!
Gidan Nodza: Yes, indeed. I left the house thinking I looked good. But when I saw this chic, I just wanted to run back home for cover.
Bagucci: LOL @ summer and spring. Yeah, I've noticed that chics have been walking around half naked in the name of "nice weather"
Mamuje: I thought I had a butt until I saw this chic's butt. Mm, mm, mm! Nothing do her in short.
His Treasure: Oh, thanks!!! I wasn't sure it was noticeable. I'm still working on the template though. Not done yet.
Anonymous: LOL!! You noticed. I wasn't going to stress the pun. But yes, indeed, there's a pun in there. Tehehe.
Musco: Yes ooo! I now know what you're going through, and it ain't easy. It's quite pretty, but it ain't easy.
Anonymous: You noticed the pun, too? How is it that only Anonymous people have noticed it? LOL. Now that you have said it, it just mighta been you I saw. Here's what's gonna happen: send me a picture of you in the leggings you wore yesterday. That way, I'll know. LOL.
Just Joxy: No be only you oh! We cannot help it. If anyone should be blamed, it should be God. He's the one that made them that way. Whew!
Cici: LOL. Fear not, darling. I'm curious about a lot of things. Sex with women isn't one of them. But you gotta admit, we're a hot specie!
Afrobabe: Getaway!!! What do you mean sef? Mind your sef oooo! It will look that way on me by fire. If I have to fast and submit prayer point for this, I will. No try me oh. I must own a pair of three-quarter leggings.
Leggy: Nne, na real wa! No be small matter at all.
Vera I won't lie, I wore a short dress last week and high knee boots, just to try and feel sexy. By the end of the day all I wanted to do was take of the boots and wear slippers! looking hot is hard work so my hat is off to that girl!
Hahaha, this is y i read verastically speaking=honestly brutally hilarious!!!
Hahaha,a Female finally sees things from our (vantage) point of view!Well, we sorta don't mind, until it starts to b a majorrrr distraction on a good day.
As4 the gay-becoming, uhmm,tell the truth!
"…send me a picture of you in the leggings you wore yesterday. That way, I'll know. LOL."
Haaaaaa,now i'm really concerned!Leave the checking out to us guys;)Rotfwl
Girls will always look at other girls, and possibly get really nice tips (from hair to dressing styles). I don't know abt staring at butts for a very long time though Veraaaaa! You even opened the door for her so that you could keep staring.
Men looking at other men, that's when there's a real crossing over. Hmmm…
BAHAHAHAHAHA! Only YOU Vera!!1 I know this is how all men feel when I leave my house.. but I cant help it!! LOL! I guess i should go grab some leggings right now…0
#dead @ men have it hard!
its all about the booty dearie……..
I remember walking out of one Dave& Buster's one day and seeing this very petite girl. she was small, prolly a size 0, couldnt have been more than 5'3" tall, BUT her ass??????
you could totally support a bottle of henessy on that thing! I stared and stared, till she walked away! gaddem!
Caramel: Nne, I totally feel you. Being hot/sexy is a lot of hard work. I don't know how people walk around in heels in day.
T-Notes: Hahahaha. Abeg, leave me jare!! Men are not the only ones that know or like good things oh. Our (women's) eyes happen to appreciate some of the same things. My invitation to Anonymous to send me a picture was done [strictly] for her own good. *coughs*
Jaycee: Hahaha. You know, it's funny you mentioned that. Why is there a double standard? Women can stare at women, but men can't stare at men. I'm glad there's a double standard, though. The thought of it alone is disturbing.
Blowing Blessings: LOL. Thanks!! You know it's the truth, babe!
Ms. O: Tehehe. See your mouth. This is how all men feel when you leave your house indeed. Can you prove it?? *HISS* If it sounds like I'm jealous, that's because I am!
Ibiluv: Apparently, it is. What's a girl gotta do to get more of that?
Bumight: Buhahaha. I can only imagine your face. Did you scratch and shake your head, too? For me, I was really short of whistling. That's how taken back I was by this girl.
thank God its not only me
i find myself staring at girls also nowadays……
heheheh i know am def not gay….
but i still stare
Hey Vera..
My wrath o, gay people can't become GAY…
Straight ppl can however become bisexual and so can gay ppl…
Being gay is natural … NATURAL
LMAO! Vera! Guys must have it hard for real!!!
Seriously though, sometimes it takes a woman to appreciate a woman. Plus I think we all give each other the once over all the time. In fact sometimes I wonder if we women aren't dressing to the nines to impress or oppress other women!
@ Vera o!!!!!!!! this was hilarious!!! but I am emailing it to pastor Daps! we nee some deliverance up in here (and for bumight too)!! lol!
BBB: Sweetheart, we cannot be blamed. It's not our fault that women are so darn beautiful. LOL.
Azazel: That's your theory. The fact of the matter is that some gay people used to be straight until they realized they're not straight after all. They did not become bisexual. They just straight up discovered that they're not straight after all.
Talk With Funmi: Indeed, we all give our fellow women the once over when we see them, assessing their clothes, hair, makeup, shoes, body, etc. You're right. We definitely do dress for our fellow women. If we did dress for me, we'll probably not even have any clothes on at all.
Experience of an Achiever: Hahahaha. Don't get me expelled from church ooo! Besides, Pastor D would probably side with me sef because he's been preaching about the way women dress.
Time for my squats…………
HAHA! Vera it is the start oh! For you to analyze right down to the butt cheeks! WOW!! lol
After you, it's you again! lol
LOL. My dear, it's not your fault. Sometimes, you see some babes and you just know they were created first thing monday morning when God was fresh from His rest on Sunday. They too fine, and me, I look too o! It's good to admire God's creation. But sista, you too analyze the babe. Sofry o!
Chayoma: Are you trying to buy yourself a pair of leggings, too?
Nne: Why shall I shy? Like I mentioned before, it's not my fault that God has made this woman (and others like her) so beautiful.
Naija Mom Abroad: LOL @ first thing on Monday morning. That does make a lotta sense 🙂
butt cheeks, thickness of her thighs….This post should have been titled through a man's eyes
You did a good job….I am a constant admirer of ladies….God really took extra time to make us….
Cool post
and Yes, that is how people become gay. lol
I thought it was just me…
Like some girls are just…
This is why I like you jare…
You are simply appreciating the work of God.
Lol…Vera…Dont go gay on us…LMAO
Is it wrong that i can relate?
I'm not gay but men…i saw this one pretty chick one time and i couldn't help but stare at her. And i kept sneaking to stare at her…I definitely understood how guys feel sometimes.
Staring at a cute guy is like..a good once over is enough..i can save it in my memory bank.
Staring and a cute girl needs a lot of time to absorb…
i'm just saying! lol
Vera, so u ogled at her but-tail while she walked? And the way way you said it that she was just about your size made it sound like we know what ur size is. Abeg, post ur pix make we visualise to capture what she would have looked like.
lol @ the 1st Anonymous commenter…
Issey, Uche: Buhahaha. I like how you told me at the end that that is how people become gay. LOL! If so, can they really, really be blamed?
Temite: That's why I like you, too, Sister Temite. LOL. Some girls really do leave me short of words. And I just go WOW.
The Girl With The Red Hair: Thank you, my dear. I trust you'd understand. That is exactly what I was doing.
Ms. Dufa: Go gay and disappoint all the men that have been breaking my door down, begging for my hand in marriage? No way! Okay, so maybe no one has been breaking my door down, but that's just because they don't know where I live. That's my story, and I'm sticking to it.
Kate: I soooo agree with you! I don't find myself staring at men oh. What is there to stare at? But a beautiful woman, mama mia!!! You have to stare and stare and STARE. And I'm just like, whatever did she do to deserve this beauty? I wanna do it, too!
Ken-Knotty: LOL! See oh, don't try to scam the scammer. You want me to post picture for what reason? Worry not, I have a better idea. How about I go back to school, find the girl, and take her picture instead? No?
Anoda Phase: I know. Don't mind Mr. or Ms. Anonymous.
ke..this babe you done crase finish! hahaha. yes, that is how people become gay!
Oh, you said "…is that how gay people become gay". So I presume this means that you are gay, and wondering whether your lustful acts of observation have made you gayer. I'm afraid to say, but yes. You are now gayer than ever before!!