I met a man. He’s unmarried and in his early forties. I have never been less attracted to a person. And it doesn’t matter that I am not attracted to him because we don’t have a kind of relationship where I should even be attracted to him. As much as I would love to, I cannot give more details about him because there are people who read this blog that know him. And err, I am not anonymous.
This man – let’s call him John – has a girlfriend who is young and beautiful, and when you see two of them together, they don’t look at all like people that would have anything in common. They’re like polar opposites, but each of them has what the other wants. He wants beauty, and she’s beautiful. She wants money, and he has it.
The way he dresses, the way he talks, the way he sounds — my, oh my. I’m literally having to control myself from bursting out laughing. I have known his girlfriend since high school in Nigeria, so I know that the only thing keeping her in the relationship is the money. She has always loved a man with money. The guy, however, I think he genuinely likes her, but he clearly needs to reevaluate his reason for loving her and staying in the relationship. Some bad things have gone down between them.
But the whole thing reminds me of a conversation I had with my mom. We were talking about men, women, and beauty. And mom said that for women, “our time eventually passes,” meaning that our beauty isn’t forever. More like the beauty we have in our twenties isn’t the beauty that we will have in our fifties. Well, I don’t know what mom is talking about, but I only get more beautiful by the day. Just when I think I can’t get any more beautiful, I surprise myself. That’s my story, and I’m sticking to it. But for men, however, it doesn’t matter much how good or not good looking they are, and it doesn’t matter whether or not they went to school. What matters is that they have money, and they can provide for their women/family.
This would explain a lot of things really. Like why women are the ones who alter their looks one way or another (tummy tuck, lots of makeup, breast implants, vaginal rejuvenation, liposuction, botox, anti aging this, firming that, and much more). How come men aren’t under pressure to beautify themselves? And how come women aren’t under pressure to provide for their men and family? (This is of course with the exception of single moms and/or women who have scums as men).
There are so many not-so-good-looking men out there that have women falling over themselves to sleep in their beds. While they may not have the good looks working for them, they do have money, and those that have fame and/or power in addition to the money are double and triple threats to regular men. How many times does a woman dream of sleeping with a man who has no money, fame, and/or power, just because he’c cute? But how many men wants to sleep with women – regardless of their money, fame, or power – just because she’s beautiful? A lot.
“Men are never ugly. Only rich or poor.” What do you think?
Your mum is right and either we like it or not that is the truth.
Its all about the money, and we guys equally know we can get any lady once the pocket is loaded..
Unfortunately this equally crosses over into matrimonial settings. Good marriage means they have the resources, while pressured marriage means minimal resources to get the basics..
Basically its not a win/win for the ladies since they can’t have their cakes and eat it.. You want fine boy with money means you will wait a long time..
As for we guys or to use Donald Trump’s words ” Anyone who says money cannot buy happiness doesn’t know where to shop”..lol
Guess men don’t need to be handsome, just loaded is sufficient for us.
“Its all about the money, and we guys equally know we can get any lady once the pocket is loaded..”
Any lady? Really? You’ve obviously not met me.
Lol! Berry that was not meant as a derogatory term to the ladies..
The fact remains money for the guys gives confidence..
That confidence means I can drop you without splashing on you, that I say in line with precedence set with the subject.
So when we talk money is the key, doesnt mean am buying you roses in the next seven days, go to Monaco for shopping, eat at the best restaurants in town and many more..
What it will do is,I will talk to you confidently which will sway your opinion about me, before you know what the time is we are sweating between the sheets..lol, that is what money does from a man’s point of view..
You wonder why the street saying in our society continues to emphasise that word “Packaging”..
The guys will “package” themselves well even though definition of poverty is in their pocket, but then the false presumption from the ladies automatically covers them with the veil of his true identity, before you know it bros don chop and move..lol
Safe to say is a generic view, your stance basically an isolated view fraught with pride rather than modern day reality..
Hope you get my drift???
Fad, for me, I really don’t even have a problem with men needing to be rich and women needing to be fine. I only care when it comes to me and my husband: I want us both to be rich and fine. Why not, if not? 😀
And I agree with Donald Trump.
Na true you dey talk oh! I have seen some couples that left me speechless I only closed my mouth when the word multi -millionaire was added next to the man’s name!
Pendo, I know that kind of couple. Lol. You’re shocked until you hear how rich he is, and then you say, “Oh, okay.”
Lol, true that a guy is never ugly has long as he has money but no matter how rich a lady is she can still be ugly
That’s true. Somehow, the first thing you think of a woman is if she’s fine or not – not if she’s rich or not. But I want to be that girl who has the best of both worlds: very rich and very beautiful
I heard that a lot when I was younger, I partly agree and not so much because I’ve seen how generalistic and simplistic it is. Who determines what is good-looking or ugly? Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder, right? Even poor men get beautiful good women, and ugly women get handsome, charismatic men. A man may be ugly and handsome with a beautiful woman, but why assume only his money attracted her? Maybe she likes ugly? Maybe his sense of humor is out of this world, or his bedmatics, or he understands her like no one else?
Myne, respectfully thinking you missed the magic word in this statement of yours
“Maybe she likes ugly? Maybe his sense of humor is out of this world, or his bedmatics, or he understands her like no one else?”
The magic word is “Temporarily speaking”, once the magic wand comes back to life, all listed will become secondary criteria..
The primary word is still the mulla…lol
Lol. Fad, you sef! I don’t think that’s always the case na. Sometimes, it’s not temporary.
Myne, I think it’s still speaking generally for whoever it is that is viewing the man/woman. Beauty is definitely always in the eyes of the beholder. That said, it doesn’t mean that every girl who is with an ugly man is with him for money. It just says that generally, all things being equal, a man’s looks wouldn’t matter much as long as he’s rich (even if he’s the finest thing on earth, his money still carries more weight).
I see your point but I sort of disagree with you. Lots of females would date a guy solely because of his hot,good looks and even spend on him if you doubt me,ask gigolos. I even feel its the other way around,I can’t even consider a man that is an illiterate,can’t speak good english and will probably embarrass you in front of your friends just because he is loaded. On the other hand,if a woman is beautiful and very attractive,her level of education,her intelligence,even her morals don’t matter,men will still flock towards her. Many women have nothing to offer but beauty and they still get all the men. The men that have only cash to flash end up as magas to fast girls.
Geena, but this is written and said generally. I am not saying that every single woman would date a man based on the size of his pocket and regardless of his looks. But generally, all things being equal, men don’t have to care as much about their looks as women, and women don’t have to care as much about their money as men.
Well I quite a lot agree with Myne. It necessarily don’t have to be the money or say the money alone.But there is one thing that get’s me curious, and I wish to get other’s view on it. Does it ever happen that MONEY create GENUINE LOVE? If you like someone for their money, that is lust yeah? Is it possible you truly love them and its because of the money?
Earniewhine, I don’t know if that’s possible, but my guess would be no because a person has so many parts to them, so when you only love them for their money, what happens if the person loses his/her money then?
This is absurdly sexist and I do not claim to invalidate it. There are so many sentiments contained in this post which do not facilitate meaningful advancement in any way other than illuminating a terrible fallacy of mostly emotionally ignorant men and women.
YOU HONESTLY BELIEVE that men aren’t under pressure to beautify themselves? That women are never chastised for seeking physical appearance solely? That single mothers are the only single parents? The only seemingly civil point I see questioned is why females are not under more pressure to be breadwinners. All of your remaining argument is horrendously biased.
“She has always loved a man with money. The guy, however, I think he genuinely likes her, but he clearly needs to reevaluate his reason for loving her and staying in the relationship. Some bad things have gone down between them.”
So the girl doesn’t need to reevaluate her reason for loving him.
Riches in an ugly world may only bring ugly things.
An Igbo adage says : Nma Nwoke bu n’akpa.
The beauty of a man lies in his pocket