This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of Famous Footwear. All opinions are 100% mine.
I think it was last year that a special video started making its rounds on the internet. It was a video of some unsuspecting people interviewing for a job. They were told that they would have to work twenty-four hours a day and not get paid, and all of them thought it was ridiculous and concluded that no one would ever do such a job. And then they found out that someone was already doing the job: mom. They cried, and so did I.
When I first saw the video, I was not a mom, but now I am. Also, when I was pregnant, I met a lot of moms who told me how painful childbirth was, but how they could not wait to do it again. I feel the same way now.
When I quit my job to become a stay at home mom and full-time blogger, I did not anticipate that it would take me three times as long to get anything done because as Ada Verastic grows older, she also becomes more active. For example, once you open the dishwasher, she crawls as fast as she can to come to it – just for her to take everything out of the dishwasher. When I turn on my computer, she has to be a part of it, too. She wants to either type on the keyboard, smack the screen, or close the computer altogether and stand on it. Either way, my blog post takes me several hours more to write.
On any given day, I have about 20 to-do items on my list, and by the end of the day, I might have accomplished only three of them because in-between everything I’m doing, I also have to be a mom. I have to play with Ada Verastic, feed her, change her, stop her from changing the configurations of the printer, rescue any piece of paper she’s eating, seize the remote control from her, stop her from putting her hand in the toilet, and make sure she does not successfully turn the gas stove on. Sometimes, I don’t have time to take a shower. I shower in my dreams.
In spite of all these, absolutely nothing can compare to the joy that I get from being a mom. To look at Ada Verastic and know that she’s all mine, that I grew a person in my belly – that is the best thing ever. But finally switching from Summer to Fall is icing on the cake. Too, too many times, I have told you how much I love the season of Fall. For me, that’s a new beginning. When I was in school, Fall was a fresh beginning, so although I am out of school now, Fall is still a new beginning for me.
Everything is beautiful in the Fall. Fashion is bolder and makeup stays longer and our bodies are fresher, thanks to the cooler temperature. I won’t have less work to do in the Fall, and I won’t give Ada Verastic less of my time, but I can do it feeling more beautiful because I will be dressed in clothes and shoes that I love. At the very least, I’ll be a stylish busy mom – which is a totally different feeling from just being a busy mom.
When you look good, you feel good. I can’t be the only one who takes a lot more selfies on days that I know I’m looking good. It I know that I am dressed well, it makes me feel a new kind of confidence and excitement. And when I am confident, I accomplish a lot more. Even my emails pack a more powerful punch.
For me personally, there are few things that can make me feel very confident, and one of them is my lipstick. The other one is my shoes. My earrings can send me over the edge with excitement and confidence, too. Today, I’m wearing the Women’s Clover Bootie by Fergie, which I got from Famous Footwear. I get so excited about shoes that I find myself arranging and rearranging my shoe rack, trying to find a perfect spot for the newcomer. And on days that I’m feeling overwhelmed at home, I take a few seconds to retreat to my room and try on some shoes. Then I look at my feet in the mirror and I feel that excitement creeping up again.
I’m very excited about what this new beginning has to offer. And I’m very excited about the lipstick, earrings, and shoes that will be coming on the journey with me. For some shoespiration, check out the Famous Footwear Instagram page.
Stay beautiful.
Nyc shoes