I refuse to believe that BlogHer16 is over already. I have been looking forward to BlogHer16 since BlogHer15. I was 6 months pregnant while at BlogHer15, and the conference was not even over before I decided that I will be back for BlogHer16 AND Igwe and my then-unborn child must come, too! Now BlogHer16 has come and gone, and yes, both Igwe and the now-born (nine months old) child (Ada Verastic) were there. There were so many gracious sponsors at BlogHer16, but there are three in particular that I want to tell you about today (in no particular order).
We all know TNT, right? They tell us all the time that they know drama. Well, they were there, and indeed, they know drama. Also, they sponsored our breakfast on Friday morning, and it was yummy. TNT has a new show premiering on November 15th at 9/8c, and it’s called Good Behavior. It’s about Letty Raines – played by Michelle Dockery – and she is a thief and a con artist, and fresh out of prison. But she overhears the conversation of a hitman and decides that she has to stop him from doing the job he’s been hired to do. What could possibly go wrong, right? We watched the preview, and I can tell you right now that a lot can and does go wrong. But don’t take my word for it. Set your calendar and watch it!
This was my one good behavior for the day
A couple of good reps with the BAD t-shirts on.
I visited the TNT booth at BlogHer16, and I was so impressed with the friendliness of the reps. First of all, they gave me t-shirts. The black one says BAD, and the white one says GOOD. In case you’re wondering, I like the BAD one better — because I’m bad, I’m bad, you know it. Judging by how many times I have put up blog posts recommending TV shows to watch, you know I love watching TV, so it was a pleasure to visit this booth. Visiting the TNT booth was like visiting an older Nigerian relative. Have some water. Drink some juice. Take some coasters. How abut some adult coloring books and crayons? Would you like more t-shirts? Oh, look, we can do your nails, too! They were extra friendly and hospitable.
Water and juice
Adult coloring books and crayons
A rep doing a blogger’s nails (didn’t do mine because they were already done)
Fun coasters; can’t wait to use them!
Prior to ever meeting Best Buy at a BlogHer conference, I was already a fan of the brand. I don’t remember an electronic device that I did not purchase from Best Buy – my cell phone included. But when they sponsored BlogHer15 last year, I really fell in love with them because firstly, they brought my boo, Kem, and I got to take a picture with him. Secondly, I won a Ninja food processor, so yes, Best Buy is Bae.
The Best Buy Booth
Verastic & Bae
My experience at the Best Buy booth was pretty much like my experience at the Best Buy stores. I was like a kid in there. I just wanted to touch everything and play with everything. Also, if you’re reading this Best Buy, I apologize for eating your display grapes, but I had to check if they were real. And after I realized they were real, I had to check again a few more times because they were so sweet. The reps were so nice; they did not chase me away.
I was trying to watch PETS.
Tell me those grapes don’t look too pretty to be real. And hi Freddie!
A girl and a chair
Freddie Prinze Jr. was at the Best Buy booth promoting and giving away his new cookbook, but unfortunately, I missed him. His wife, Buffy Sarah Michelle Gellar was also one of the keynote speakers. Di na nwunye (husband and wife) doing the darn thing. I love it.
Also, Best Buy, it’d be nice if you send me this chair and the movie, Pets. And other things, too. Please contact me for a full list of things I want. I’m just saying.
Merck For Mothers
This one was the toughest booth I visited. As a mom, it was emotional for me, especially after reading some of the things that people wrote. Merck For Mothers aims to end maternal mortality and have a world where no woman dies giving birth. Wouldn’t that be great? BlogHer16 was not my first time meeting Merck For Mothers. I met them last year at BlogHer15, but I was not very social with them. I was six months pregnant and afraid of everything. I did not want to think about mothers dying while bringing life into the world, but I also knew that my reluctance to think about it was not going to make it stop happening.
The vision
MOMents that matter
Even in a developed country like America, women are still dying during childbirth. I cannot count how many stories I have heard and read about maternal mortality, and it’s truly heartbreaking. At BlogHer16, we were encouraged to share a MOMent that matters, and I did not know what to write. Vera Ezimora, the writer, was short of words. I do not take it for granted that I had a baby and lived to tell the story because too many women don’t get that chance, and I am not a better person than them.
Reading other people’s MOMents and wondering what I could possibly add.
Me writing
What I wrote
After I was done writing
The Merck for Mothers rep was so helpful and patient. She explained the mission to me, played with Ada Verastic a little, and even took these pictures of me while I wrote my MOMent. Technically, what I wrote was more of a thought than it was a MOMent, and that’s because I was quite emotional and did not know what to write. Now that I’m here, I can say that a MOMent for me was when the doctors pulled Ada Verastic out of me and said, it’s a girl! That was the MOMent that my life changed. That was the MOMent that I started wondering what I did with my life before Ada Verastic. Thank you for your work, Merck for mothers.
That’s it for now, Sweet Potatoes. I’ll be back to give you the full gist (video included) of my time at BlogHer16. Watch this space.
P.S. I don’t know the name of the Merck for Mothers rep who took my pictures, but she was so lovely (and apparently also a great photographer). Thank you!
P.P.S. Apart from the pictures of me at the Merck for Mothers booth, Igwe took all other pictures of me. Told you I was going to put him to work.
Awwwwwwwww… The Merck part got me and your write up is so straight from the heart.