Welcome to August.
I was anxiously waiting for July to be over, so I’d be able to gist you about it. July was quite exciting for me. Apart from the heat, which has been a thorn in my flesh, I’d say that July has been a pretty darn good month. Speaking of July – AKA the hottest month of the summer – my air conditioner wasn’t working properly and I didn’t know it. We were both hot and sweating, but we both thought it wasn’t maintaining the cool temperature because it was so hot outside. My last BGE [utility] bill was $240, and I almost shit my pants. I’m not a big electric consumer, so I have never had a bill this high (not even half of it). But that’s by the way. The air conditioner is fixed now, so I’m actually looking forward to seeing the next bill.
In the month of July, I got to attend the BlogHer conference for the second time in a row. This time, it was in New York. As I mentioned in my conference recap, it was the best conference for me. Not only did I make new professional friends and connections, but I also got to speak on a panel sponsored by Prudential. I’m still on a high from the conference and the panel. I will speak about the panel again later in this post.
In the month of July, I also got interviewed for an article on CNN, and as I just typed the words now, I realized, I never actually mentioned on the blog that I got featured on CNN. Oops. My mommy has been going around showing everyone the article on her phone, and they in turn have been expressing dramatic “Hey!” and “Ah!” and “Ewo!” But I’m not complaining. She’s being a proud mommy. Dad hasn’t seen it yet. He doesn’t know how to go online, and mom hasn’t shown him. Don’t judge my dad. If I was not already married, this might increase my bride price, no?
But the crown jewel on July 2015 for me was *drum roll* I registered my beloved Verastic as a business. Yup. I’m a business woman now! An entrepreneur. Or Solopreneur. Although, I prefer to be called an Oga Madam. It’s only been a week since I registered the business, so I cannot tell you yet what challenges I’m facing. I can only say that registering Verastic is a tiny – yet very significant – step toward the ultimate goal. I cannot write about the plan here until it manifests.
Now, I promised to talk about Prudential again. I have been talking about registering Verastic forever, but I have been so afraid to do so. Registering a business in America is some serious legal thing. I am now accountable on a different level. I can no longer file Verastic’s income as part of Vera Ezimora’s income. Verastic will stand on her own. My baby has grown up and moved out of the home to be on her own. It has been very scary to say the least.
Ehen, about Prudential. I was a panelist with Prudential at the BlogHer conference, and we talked about women and finances. I was very honest about my desire and fear to register Verastic. I feared that I would go wrong. After all, I don’t have a business degree and I don’t know all the tax/business laws. What if I fail? [Oh, my darling Vera, but what if you fly?] So I told the attendees of the conference that although I was very afraid of taking that step, I would go ahead and do it. After I spoke the words, I felt accountable and obligated. So I did it. I was trembling while I did it, but I did it anyway. Igwe was there to hold my hand and laugh at me.
There are many other things that I want to write here and now, but I can’t. I promise to tell you as soon as I can though. But if there’s some big decision you have been afraid of making, go ahead and make it already. You won’t know all the answers now, but you’ll figure it out. Look at me, because I registered my business a minute ago, I suddenly think I have all the answers. Ha!
I can never say it enough, but I have to say it often: thank you so very much for all your love and support. Thank you for reading Verastic and sharing my posts. Please don’t stop. I love you so much for reading, and I pray we all have a blessed month of August. By His grace, I’ll be back to tell you about mine.
So that was pretty much July for me. How was yours?
P.S. I am gradually making small changes on the blog (like descriptions) – nothing drastic. But now that I am an Oga Madam, I have to be more cautious and serious. I have updated my About Me page and my Contact Page. As time goes on, I will make more changes. Not to worry, the content of the blog will not change.
*** Click here to read all my previous journal entries ***
July July July….. Hmmmm I don’t even know what to say about July right now. Except that I had to make an urgent, important and drastic decision, and up till now am still trying to figure out if it was the right one. God dey sha. I know August would definitely be better.
Carole, I hope it turns out to be the right decision.
Doing big things in 2015 girl. Congratulations. Patience is really a virtue. And to think you could have quit along the way. Kudos…..two thumbs up and if had more than two thumbs, I would have given it to you but then again that would be weird…..lol.
Awww. Thank you, Adabeke. Nne, I’m just trying to cross things off my wish/dream list oh. Dalu!
Oooooshey! Ginjah! Way to go Vera. Congratulations!
We thank God. Thannk you, Segun đ
I just went to read your “about me” page, girrrrlll, u are everything and more!. Your humor and writing sttyle is not from this plane – so relatable, i feel like i know you!… I cant wait to see you on my screen, i miss ur radio shows already & cant wait for you to sign that talk show contract with nbc. I pray all your dreams come true, amen.
BTW, loved ur CNN feauture, as always, fantastic
July was a fantastic month for me too. God blessed me exceedingly beyond my expectations and i thank God for August.
Keep flying Vera Ezimora, aint no stopping you!
Dalu, thank you sooooooooooooooooooooooooooooooo much!!! Your kind words will keep me smiling through the night, you have no idea. Thank you. I, too, am looking forward to being on TV. I won’t stop till I make it. Thank you. And I’m so happy that your July was great, too. Thank God.
Congrats, Vera. At least I know your age :p hahahaha. But yeaaaa, the best is yet to come for you. I kinda just know.
Hahaha. Silly you. You could have asked me đ You have not cause you ask not. Lol.
Can I get a Woot-woot for your achievements in July?!?!?!
Woot! Woot!! Thank you, Sweet Potato.
Congratulations Vera. More grease and vaseline.
Thank you, boo thang! đ
Congrats Vera. Great things are in store for you. You are a woman with a clean heart and that always makes you number one in line with God. Ask God for wisdom and He will will guide you. He never fails.
Brooms, stop making my eyes water! Thank you, Brooms. You’re an angel. I’ve been praying; when you can, please put me in your prayers, too. I need all the favor I can get.