You guys, I’m going through Insomnia. Seriously. I’ve always been a night person and I’ve always preferred to be awake at night, but usually, whenever I put my head down, I still fall asleep. And although I go to bed late, I still get at least six hours of sleep – whether I go to bed at midnight or at 2am or at 4am or even at 6am. I have been especially able to flex my sleeping muscles since Yeere came because then I could stay awake without disturbing or being disturbed by Ada Verastic.
Everything has changed now. No matter what time I go to bed, I just lie there and toss and turn, and before I know it, it’s morning. Then, just as I start to fall asleep, Ada Verastic wakes up and needs my attention. I’m sleepy during the day, but I keep myself awake because I want to fall asleep at night, but when night comes, sleep eludes me. You know how you’re so sleepy that your eyes burn? That’s how I usually feel, but sleep still refuses to come.
Saturday night into Sunday morning was just terrible. I couldn’t fall asleep, and each time I did fall asleep, I couldn’t stay asleep. Eventually, I abandoned my bed and came to sleep on the couch in the living room. It was about 7am when this happened, and church was at 11am. It took a while, but I finally started falling asleep —- then Igwe woke me up at 8:30. Oh. My. God. I became a raging ball of fire. I was pissed. He thought he was doing me a favor by waking me up and urging me to go back inside. Back in my room, I couldn’t fall asleep. So that was the end of my sleep. I didn’t sleep again till after church. Church was great by the way.
Oh, and when I’m lying down and trying to sleep, my brain is busy thinking of everything from what to blog about to what I want my future kitchen to look like and to how many plates of nkwobi I will eat once I land Nigeria. I just can’t shut it off.
I admit, I have been stressed lately, and I suppose that this is contributing to my lack of sleep, but I’m becoming desperate. Tomorrow, I’m thinking about going to the pharmacy to grab some sleeping pills. My body cannot handle another sleepless night.
Help, Sweet Potatoes!
I can relate darling…..sorry about that but you’d need to work on not getting all stressed out before you stop working and maybe, listen to music………
…re: raging ball of fire **ROTFL** (rolling on the floor laughing). oh my, your poor Igwe. You won’t kill me with laughter truly.
Ok down to serious business: forget the sleeping pills (not good for you anyway). One sure fire way to attract sleep is to get a work out — do some cardio, jog on the spot, jump on a bike, something. I guarantee you the soundest sleep ever in addition to clearing your mind.
Yes to cardio. Sex too. Vera, you know what to do 🙂
Aww. Sorry. About that. It’s 1pm here and I am still awake. I am a night person. I find it hard turning my Brain off to sleep but eventually I do. Meanwhile there’s work tomorrow. Good thing I don’t live in Lagos and have to be up at 5am. I get migraines when I don’t sleep well. Funny thing is its easy for me to sleep during the day. For some reason I sleep easier and faster during the day, but seeing as I have a day job as a lawyer and courts don’t open at night, lol, I really don’t get to indulge my day sleeping habit.
I don’t think One sleeping pill will kill you. Don’t make it a habit though.
I meant 1am.