I know this sounds like a rather crazy question. But a while ago, someone told me that I was a very cool person. This didn’t come as news to me, of course. I mean, look at me. I’m so cool, I’m freezing. Corny, I know. But the point is that the person went on to elaborate about how I was very easy to talk to and hang around with. Again, I knew this already. And once again, please take a look at me *twirls around, Kenya Moore style*
My coolness and general awesomeness apparently makes me a candidate for both men and women. I remember men hitting on me, but I don’t remember any woman ever hitting on me. Somewhere in my mind, I’m thinking that a woman might have hit on me and I might have blogged about it, but I do not recall at all. It may have happened only in my head.
Therefore, I’m feeling a little neglected. I know that there are lesbians all over the damn place, so why are they not chasing me down the road? What do other lesbians have that I don’t have – except a desire to be with women? See, it’s not that I am even remotely interested in being with a woman, but it’s just that I want the privilege to say no.
Plus, I’m really, really curious about how women toast fellow women. And I’m curious about what my reaction would be. You know how when a hot man winks at you, you blush a little bit? Well, would I have the same reaction for a woman? What would the woman look like? Would she be a total hottie with big boobs and a round ass? Or would she look more like The Rock in a dress? *shrieks at the thought of The Rock in a dress*
In other news, cats all over the world are freaking out because they just heard about what lesbians eat. Relax, kitties, I assure you, you are not the pussy they want. Pun intended.
So, ladies … has a woman ever hit on you? If yes, may I have her number, please?
P.S. I stumbled on this display picture because I made the mistake of typing lesbian in Google Images. Don’t. Do. It.
lai lai girl…i saw plenty girls kissing when i typed lesbian…hisssssss…..
Thou shalt not request for these kinds of things (unless you truly want it) cos they might come in plenty folds ooooo #datzall
Yeah, that’s why I didn’t bother again. I wasn’t looking for a picture of girls kissing. I just wanted a picture of a female couple. Now that I think of it, maybe I should have typed lesbian couple. Oh, well.
When you say things like Don’t.Do.It. of course you know we’ll go do it
Hahahahaha. You human beings! Tsk, tsk.
Lol. I got hit on my by a confused lesbian this past summer. Lol, I think she’s still in the closet or struggling with her sexuality. It was odd, she asked for my number after we met and of course I didnt think anything of it, until she texted me telling me she thought I was “super fine” anyway, unlike guys with whom its clear nothing will ever happen with, I couldn’t really find a way to be friends with her after I told her I like men. 🙁 She apologized for the assumption (it wasn’t like I was offended or anything) but there was no going back to casual convo.
Oh, wooooow. I can only imagine. I had a friend that came out to (group of friends), and it was so awkward after that. We we young though and in college though, still teenagers. And no one knew how to handle that information. She never hit on any one of us, but we were so uncomfortable. We didn’t know if we should look at her as a guy or a girl.
Ooooooh so this is wat caused you and “Stupid” to meet.
Weeeeeeeell, to answer your question, yes. I was so caught off guard I was confused and thought I was losing it for a minute. I just wanted to get away so badly. Now that I think back on it I can’t even remember the dialog we had. I just know I was plotting a getaway. Ummmmmm can’t give you a # tho Vera, I was not interest.
Yesss! This is what caused me to meet Stupid … I think. I think they only reason why I’m curious about it is because I have never experienced. If I ever do, I’ll probably run. Lol.
LOL! This post is hilarious!
Well, being one of the lesbians you speak of, I’d have to say that we aren’t any different from other humans who find someone attractive, except for the fact that our range of rejection is probably a lot higher than others (well…some…a lot of girls that i’ve dated were “straight”), but I digress,
I think that naturally heterosexuals believe that homosexuals are supposed to automatically be attracted to them. I hear it all the time “Kymmie, OMG I would never have sex with a girl but…wanna make out?” LOL and I am supposed to want to do it because…hey, I am a lesbian and we like ALL girls right? HAHA! I love it.
Either way, funny post!
*gasp* A lesbian responded!!! Lol. I think I’m star struck right now. Hahaha. Thank you so much for responding, Kymmie Jre. I can only imagine how ridiculous it is that we expect all lesbians to be attracted to all women. It’s not like all straight men are attracted to all women, right? But I think it’s mostly because we don’t understand. Or let me speak for myself, it’s because I do not understand it. And because I am Nigerian, I understand it even less. But yeah, I still totally wanna be hit on by a lesbian. 😀
Well uhhhh, what are you doing later???/ *Cheese*
LMAO, I kid! I knowwww, the concept of homosexuality is even more puzzling to us Africans (I come from Nigerian background on my dads side (Igbo), but born in Kalabsha, Aswan Egypt) and even to this day my family thinks its the oddest thing on this planet. IDK…in a way I think its pretty odd too, women are weird :/
I think I just blushed. Loool. Nigerian + Egyptian … sweet!! The land of Pharaoh, lol. Per the whole gay thing, I have given up trying to even understand it. In my books, it is what it is. But err, yeah, women are definitely weird. Lol
There’s an epidemic of lesbians flirting with straight women at the YMCA, even if you wear a wedding ring and frequently mention your loving man’s name in conversation. What is a straight woman to do?! Wear a T-shirt that reads: “Happy Hetero”?! Good grief!