When I started blogging, it was just for fun. It was my personal space online to share my thoughts. And I think most of us who were blogging at that time started blogging for the same reason. Now, I have been sharing my thoughts online for 12 years. I look back on some posts and I am amazed at the season I was in when I published them.
Actually, the main reason why I am always reluctant to delete blog posts is because I believe they are reflective of that time in my life. They are my truth at the time of publication. All that being said, while I don’t believe that “all good things must com to an end,” I do believe that for this particular journey – the journey of Vera Ezimora, the blogger – has come to an end.
I won’t stop writing, and I won’t delete this blog, but I won’t update it either. You’ll still be hearing from me, but it won’t be via this blog. I have big plans that I’d like to explore. Verastic has afforded me so many opportunities that I never even anticipated, and you can read about some of them here in my post, 10 Reasons Why You Should Blog.
All that being said, if you’re still reading and your jaw is still on the floor, then thank you because I think that means you kinda, sorta care about me. Also, I am not shutting down this blog. No way!!! But the thing is that ever since I mentioned that I am currently going through some things, the outpouring of love has been stupendous. I mean, only me? Una love me reach like this?
Some of you send me messages that make me cry my eyes out. So, naturally, Vera being Vera and being unable to be completely serious – no matter what is going on in her life – I began to think to myself, “Hmm, Vera, if these Sweet Potatoes can make you feel special just because you mentioned you’re going through a hard time – and you never even gist them the full story oh! – imagine what they would do when you play with them small and tell them that in short, you’re not doing again sef?” And that is how this post happened.
Essentially, this is my way of saying that I appreciate your love. And if you are mad at me for saying that I’m shutting down the blog, then all I can say is, “Ahn, ahn! Somebody cannot play with you again?”
UPDATE: While I have your attention, I have one kin small announcement to make on Wednesday (July 11th 2018), so come back, please! I won’t do rough play with you people again. I promise 😀
Wow! That was scary for some minutes. “Why would Verastic want to shut her blog down?” “Thank God, she isn’t”
Haha. Thank you, Sarah! I, too, am glad that I’m not.
Don’t play like this again o!!!!….. I was already preparing my flight ticket to your house…….Shut down kwa??? Rough play of the century…..
Hahahahahahahahahaha. I don’t even know you, but I’m imagining your voice while leaving this comment. Looool! Biko, you can still get that flight ticket and come visit oh!
Omg! Thank God this was a huge joke. What? See me sweating as I read that title. You got me on this one. Biko, stop that play. Keep your head up dear. The odds are in your favour. Whatever we go through is normal to life and will always pass. Count your blessings and be happy as always. Now. I’m pumped. Waiting for all the gist of happy ever afters
Thank you, doll! Honestly, I’ve been counting my blessings oh. That’s why I’m here writing happily. I am so glad that I got you though. Obviously, I cannot be using April Fool’s Day for jokes anymore. I need to create my own April Fool’s Day. Lol. And I, too, am looking forward to all the happy ever afters.
What a big joke…biko don’t play with us like that again. Some of us have high BP.
Hahaha. Please forgive me o! I don’t want to aggravate the high bp. Loool
We gat you
through thick and thin
we here……
Azzy, thank you for your priceless words.
Thank God. I literally read with my mouth open to the end. This my relief outlet too & I would’ve been extremely disappointed. With that being said, can’t be selfish either. I hope you’re doing great. We love you & continue to stay/be beautiful & amazing. ❤️❤️❤️
Mounahhhhhh!! Thank you, boo! Now I’m blushing. Thank you so much. And I’m sorry that your relief outlet hasn’t been as consistent in providing a relief outlet for you. I’ll do better.
My goodness you’ve made this sweet potato comment by force. Nne how have you been. Always on my thoughts.
Look what the cat has dragged in. If this is what it takes to make you come out of hiding, then I have to be threatening to stop blogging at least once a week oh.
This year has definitely been trying to say the least, but I wake up everyday grateful to see another day and the smile on my little man’s face in the morning reminds me that whatever I am going through aint nufin!
so make like me and PUSH THRU SMILLING HONEY!
And push through, I am!!! Thank you, doll. You’re amazing. Kisses to your little man.
ughh LOL. you actually got me, hahahaha. I mean, till the very last line, I felt so betrayed: I was like, “how could she? how dare she shut down this blog? WHYYY??” whew thank God it was just a joke Lol.
Loooool. I’m sorry oh, Ife! I did not mean to betray you. I never would1!!! Who born the Vera wey go betray a whole Ife? Lol. Never, ever.
Damn fool!
You guys, this mad girl never tells me what she will be blogging.
So I – Fufu of lyfe, No 1 Verastic fan, Verastic personal hype chic – have to wait like everyone else!
V- You are an ASSHOLE.
Dang Funmi! This blog must have really got you so bad… 😂
Yeah, Ayo, clearly, I got her. I’m good like that!
Jokes on Jokes… I’m sure you already know lol
Lol. Mikki, don’t mind this yeye girl. Don’t know why she’s taking it so personally. Lol.
Looooooooool! Fufu, I talk to you most about Verastic. You, of all people, should not have fallen for this. Didn’t we just discuss the new posts I’ll be sharing? Loooool. See your life.
I Knew you were joking sha, so the joke is on you…
But in any case, DON’T EVER TRY THAT AGAIN!!!
Hahaha. Yessir! I will try not to, but based on logistics, it is highly unlikely that this will never happen again. Lol. And not to worry, I’ll get you next time.
Haaaaaa please don’t joke laidis again o.
Loool. Olami, I cannot make promises! We’ll see how the spirit moves me. Lol.
You almost caught me there!!!
Chineze, I’ll try harder next time. Lol.
Thank God!!! I love your blog.
Awww. Thank you so much, Fanny! I’m staying, you’ve convinced me. Lol.
Ruuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuude lol
Yesss! Darris me. Coman beat me. Hahahaha
Haha. As someone who has been reading your blog from day 1, I was sad for a second, then I remembered how you do this kain strong play sometimes. Lool. Pls stay Vera. To be honest over the yeas i have lost the other blogs so pls stay
Mo, thank you so very much for your continued love and support. I appreciate you soooo much! And I’m staying. But it’s been a while since I played with you people like this nah. Abi?
For goodness sake, woman! I stopped my “work” here in the UK at home as a heavily-pregnant-but-still-busy woman. I was thinking “Hmm. I should have just completed and sent the draft I wrote in response to Vera’s request to get to know us. Maybe that would have played some small part in encouraging the sista to still do her blogging thing.”
Right, let me get back to being a silent sweet potato (I know I know… tut tut tut!)
Amifa, warn yourself oh!!! I wee just provoke and threaten to shut down my blog again oh. So I have to be threatening to stop writing before you pipu come out of hiding? Meanwhile, I’m rubbing that baby, our Baby Sweet Potato. I wish you a safe delivery.
Ah beg. My sister, let’s not go down this road again. I have received all the warning that was necessary.
Thank you; God willing, all will be well with delivery.
Hahahaha. Thanks, Amifa! All will go well with the delivery. Please share pictures when you born oh!
Come on Vera, stop dis kain rough play! This kind of talk is making my heart go gbimgbim.
Tehehehe. No more rough play. Ndo! 😀
CHAI!!!!!! You got me big time!! Mehnn!!! I really thought this was it!! Pheeeewww!! Thank God it’s only a joke. I beg no be this kind joke you take dey do person like this!!
All the same, I hope you are doing well and keep living your best life! Nne, it is well!!
Dalu, nne!! But this joke was sweet ooo —- at least to me anyway. Lol. I’m even now wondering how I can top it sef. Hahaha.
……that was how my heart almost stopped pumping. PLS you can not play this kind of play with me again oh. Love you to bits
Awwwww. Thank you, Bukola! Love you right back. I won’t play like this again …. I think. Lol. I’ll try!
I was so madddd at you until i got the later part😀 bad child!
Hahaha. Bad child indeed. Over happiness was worrying me at the time I conceived of the idea to write this post.
Shebi you know that you are not serious 😐😐😐
I kuku know. I cannot help myself.
Bia Vera, kedi udika egwuliegwu di nka? Odikwa too expensive.
Hahahahahahahahahaha. Biko gbaghalu’m oh!!! Looool.
Kai, Vera why na? You gave me an heartbreak…..Please don’t do this again
Awww. So sorry, boo, but happy that I have that effect on you.
Wow… this was one big ‘April Fool’ sorry July fool. You got me there
My dear, my April Fool posts in April no longer work, so I had to get creative. Lol.
So glad you are just messing with us.
Awww. Thanks, Olami! So glad too.
o boy. My heart was just racing.
Tehehehe. I got you good, didn’t I? 😀
Which kain rough play be that??
But yes, I’m a silent sweet potato and I think we’re great friends in my head (just like you & Chimamanda)!
Rooting for you and praying for God’s very best for you in Jesus name.
Woo hooo!!! I’m all for making friends in the head. Lol. And I consider it a great privilege to be a friend in your head. Thank you for the best wishes; I’m doing great.
Even though i havent commented in a while, believe me when I say I read every post, especially because I keep hoping to catch a glimpse of how grown Ada Verastic is now.
Reading this, I felt a tang of sadness and worry, then sadness and then……
Don’t play like this again!
*major sideeye*
Loooooooooooooooool. So did you feel that all your emotions of sadness and worry were wasted? Ordinary small play, you’re here shouting. Hahahaha! Thanks for your concern and worry sha. And you’ll see Ada Verastic soon.
Aunty Vera I don’t like this kin play ooo. But thank you for the morning laugh. And yes we love you and your content( from which most of us have gotten to know you). Xoxo
Thanks, boo! Lol at all of you not liking this kind of play. Tehehe. This is just the beginning!
I knew it had to be a joke.
Lol. You know me too well, Manny. You need to stahp it!
I actually believed it O_O. Glad you’re staying, even though you speak in code half the time, and actually never follow up with sharing like you say you will lol.
When are you going to share what you’re going through? We may be able to help!
Belle, I assure you that you cannot help me with this particular situation. I haven’t shared because I cannot share yet. I’m eager to share and I’ll share it as soon as I can. But ehm, glad you believed it.
Bia Vera take our time ohh, see how my heart skipped a beat. Dont be playing this kain play with me biko, do you know how many times i refresh your blog everyday? kpachalanya.! I’d be back tomorrow for the announcement
Loooool. See warning oh! Well, I have been warned. I no go fit try am again.
Nne Biko this joke was to expensive.💖💔💔
Halfway through I had to go back to know if I missed anything.
I was already cutting onions.
Awwwwwwww. You love me! Lol. Ndo, nne. Put the onions away.
Vera be careful o,don’t give us high bp biko.
Tehehe. Forgive me. It’s just that I have too much love for you people oh