I was driving to a meeting yesterday when I received a phone call. It wasn’t a number that I had saved, but I picked it up anyway. He was calling from my hosting company, and he was calling to tell me that I need more bandwidth than I am currently paying for. Apparently, my blog traffic is too much for the bandwidth I have, and I now have to upgrade (and pay double of what I’m paying right now).
I don’t like the part of paying more, but I don’t mind it just because of its implication. Too many hits on the site? Yes, please. If there is a way to even quadruple the hits in the very, very near future, I am down. More hits = more money, and you know I’m an Igbo girl. Ha!
All jokes aside, I have you, Sweet Potatoes to thank for this. Thank you for reading. Thank you for sharing. Please do both more. I was looking at my old e-mails and I found an e-mail I exchanged with a former friend in which we were discussing the stats of Verastic. This was in 2009. My pageviews were just under 10,000 per month, and I was so excited! The unique visits were about 6,000. I cannot tell you in words how happy I was with those numbers. As far as I knew, I was in the VIP section of the Bloggers’ Corner.
Five years later, Verastic’s page views have multiplied by more than 25. I have gotten so used to seeing the new number that I have forgotten about the days when 10,000 was a huge deal. In fact, if I did not see this PDF document attached in an old e-mail, I would have never, ever even remembered that once upon a time, I used to have less than 10,000 page views. All I could say when I was re-reading the e-mail was woooow.
Whether it’s in blogging or in school or in business or in another career or even life in general, the same thing applies. No matter how much we have, we generally want it bigger and better. When I had 10,000 page views, I bet I couldn’t even imagine having the numbers I have now, but now that I have these numbers, I judge it like it’s nothing while I eye having a million page views. And when I get to a million page views, I’ll just want two million.
Because I keep shifting the goal post, I never feel like I am quite there. The moment I get closer, I shift it again. There are days that I get sad that I am not where I want to be yet. Where are my millions of dollars? Where are all my businesses? Where are my mansions? My name is supposed to be up in lights! Yet, if I were to tell you the things I can do now that I could never do before, you probably will not believe me. This is a story for another day. I am happy to be where I am, but this is still nothing compared to the big picture. I have dreams so big that I can’t even say them.
For now, I just want to sincerely and deeply thank everyone of you for reading this blog. Whichever way you choose to access this blog – directly, via subscription, via social media – you are impacting my life deeply. Please believe me. You make me sleep better at night, and I am not making this up. I lift you up in my prayers. I don’t know everyone by name, nor do I know what you want and need most in life, but God does.
Thank you.
P.S. I have been meaning to share some blogging tips that I have learned along the way. So far, the posts are all in my head. I’ll endeavor to put them up. Hopefully, they’ll help someone.
YAY to 2 million page views!
Yes ooooo!!!
Lol. Fufu.
Congrats girlie 🙂
Thank you so much, Adabeke.
Congrats girlie :-). You are most welcome.
Congratulations, This is Awesome.
Please watch out before you pay for some increase in bandwith. Some of these host companies don’t really explain how it works to you.
I use bluehost and I have 3 websites on my bandwith that are active and I’m still wayyyyy far from it being full.
Please inbox me and I will tell you more about it or we can even chat over the phone.
Abeg, make them no 419 you with thier grammer o. 🙂
I understand that companies always wanna sell you stuff, but I will not be upgrading just yet. I have to do my research – mentally and financially. Lol.
Oluwavera waa sere omo! Way to go sis!
We should have a Verastic block party soon.
I want my share of those blog hits in cash please:) Congrats babe! Now let’s multiply those numbers by another 25!!!
Vera Vera Vera chai na only you waka come this blogging thing?
This is amazing! I’ve been blogging for almost 2 years and I love it but I feel like its picking up slowly. Some days traffic is great other days I just want to shut down my page. :'(( . Anyways i’m so happy for you girl! Keep chasing that goal, and as for me i’ll keep reading.
Lady Gaby, keep at it – if you really like it. I’ve been doing this for 8 years, girl! I’ve been meaning to post blogging tips, and I’m yet to get to it *sigh* Maybe I can start next week. Anyway I can help, I’d love to.