Yesterday, I was at the house of a client for a meeting. We were having general discussions about the subject at hand when suddenly he started talking politics, which somehow catapulted into America, the World Bank, and Dunkin’ Donuts. My client told me that his son’s girlfriend works at World Bank and that he does not like World Bank because they are foreign and they help foreigners. He went ahead to add, “I don’t like foreigners.”
If he had told me this years ago, I would have been pissed off and I would have felt the need to defend foreigners. But it was Vera 2.0 who was sitting across him yesterday, and Vera 2.0 has come to realize that not all things need to be responded to. Vera 2.0 also knows that some people are crazy and have guns and won’t mind shooting anyone for any reason.
When he told me that he did not like foreigners, I honestly was not fazed or offended. If anything, I was amused. I figured that either this man did not know I was a foreigner – which would be strange because of my accent – or he and I had different understandings of what it means to be a foreigner. Also, he must not have known that the great United States of America was built on the backs of immigrants (AKA foreigners).
For a brief second, I thought about schooling this man. I was going to say something along the lines of, “I’m a foreigner, and this isn’t awkward at all.” In fact, my mouth had parted and was ready to speak. Then I remembered all the random shootings, and all the people who have lost their lives because they said the right thing to the wrong person. And I decided that I am not quite ready to die, and what does it matter if some old man does not like foreigners? I am a foreigner sitting on his uncomfortable dining chair having a meeting with him on how to better his life. And most of his plans are dependent on my help and input.
From where I was sitting, I was the winner, the real MVP.
P.S. He does not like Dunkin’ Donuts because – according to him – it’s owned by foreigners.
P.P.S. I really think that he has a warped sense of what it means to be a foreigner. Perhaps, his idea of a foreigner is a non-American who does not live in America — not necessarily American immigrants. I might be wrong.
P.P.P.S He did not look like a violent man who would hurt me, but none of the lunatics killing random people looked like lunatics until we knew they were lunatics.
I loved your reaction. Like you rightly said, their madness no dey show for dace neither is it written on their foreheads.
Ola, my dear, e no dey show at all oh. I had to run.
And this is why America needs to review its gun laws
Pendo, I completely agree. It’s so crazy that some people are actually opposing this.
Hahahahahahaha, even me sef feel like laughing. Ignorant sure is a crime. First of, politics is a real touchy subject I try to stay away from unless it’s a discussion between family and close friends. So the house he is living in, the materials that were built with it, his couch, fridge, microwave, TV, bed, etc., where were they manufacturered?
I give him credit for at least having an old person syndrome and spitting out what is on his mind. Unlike some people that say it indirectly by saying they only use American made products.
P.S. I love the new Vera 2.0 :-). Great mannerism.
Adabeke, I didn’t even join him in the political conversation. I was just smiling and nodding the whole time. Thank you for loving Vera 2.0! 🙂
You will be amazed at what a lot of people say behind closed doors. I like how you dealth with the situation. ignorant men like him are everywhere.
Thanks, Lara. I am not surprised at all that he feels the way he does. I was only taken back because he was speaking to a foreigner about not liking foreigners.
Yea plsss… we got plans
Like an Oprah master class of Oprah/Gayle and Vera/funmie
Hahaha. Fufu, see your life. You’re thinking only about yourself.
You know, before I got to where you talked about whether he owned guns. I was already thinking to myself that hope Vera didn’t say much because what if the man had a gun or something. Some of the most disturbed psychos in America look very regular like you and I. It’s best to tread carefully, because we, the sane ones pretty much love our lives. Let him wallow in his ignorance abeg. lol
Not at all! I did not say anythin to put me in trouble. It was not worth it at all. People are really crazy.
Oluwavera, omo toh sharp gan! Nne, you did well not to argue with the man. I wouldn’t think he’d get so upset though but no need to try find out.
He might be referring to how most people prefer “Made in America” product/services to the foreign ones.
For me, discussing politics with clients/colleague is almost a “No-No” as things could quickly escalate and get personal, especially if we differ on opinion.
Segun, thanks a lot. I did not think he’d have a gun and shoot either, but I did not want to find out for sure. Lol.
Biko, please as the reigning LAST(wo)Ma, pray tell the meaning of MVP?
Thank you.
Lol. MVP is a term used in sports. It means Most Valuable Player. The guy in the picture (Kevin Durant) was the NBA’s MVP for this year. So people have been using his picture and speech for memes. [He said his mom was the real MVP]. Hope this helps?
Lol smart move. I wish I was as mature as you. I would have at least said something lol
When you start becoming scared of lunatics, you’ll have no choice but to become mature. Lol.
It is well.
They never do look like murderers.
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No, they really never look like murderers. Crazy.