I dreamt about Wizkid. It was one heck of a dream. First of all, I should say that lately, I have been dreaming every single time I sleep. No, not about Wizkid. I only dreamt about Wizkid once. So about the dream: there I was, looking through several goody-type bags filled with notebooks, pencils, pens, and crayons. It was when I saw the crayons that I freaked out. STOP. Hold that thought. Let me give you a little background information.
Seun Akinsanya has started a non-profit organization, and it is a very noble cause. His organization (The Seun Akinsanya’s Project) has one primary mission: to cater to the educational needs of primary and secondary public school students of Nigeria by providing school supplies and tuition payment. Of course, the organization cannot assume the school fees or the school supplies of ALL the students in Nigeria, but one student at a time, and one school at a time, a change is being made. I was talking to Seun Akinsanya on the phone and we were talking about his upcoming July trip to Nigeria to go and deliver some school supplies. He told me about pencils, pens, notebooks, etc. And he told me about needing little goody-type bags to put the gifts into. Now, fast forward back to the dream with Wizkid.
I was looking through several goody-type bags that were filled with pens, pencils, notebooks, and crayons, but when I saw the crayons, I freaked out. I thought to myself, “Oh, no! Seun did not buy crayons for the kids. The kids need crayons for school.” It was while I was freaking out about the crayons that Wizkid came up behind me, put his arms around my waist and said, “Baby, stop worrying.” And when he said that, it did calm me down. And I blushed. Then I picked up one of the goody bags, and on it, the words, “For the Wizkid Generation” were inscribed. And we both laughed. THE END.
So I know what you big-mouthed people are thinking, “Uhm, Vera, aren’t you like wayyyyyy older than Wizkid?” And to that, I say, “Age is nothing but a number! Mind your business!! Wizkid loves me like that!!! And besides, I’m not that much older than him. And no, I do not wish to hear whatever else you have to say about our relationship (or our age difference).” I mean, he called me Baby. That has to mean something (other than my obsession with Tease Me), right? It doesn’t matter how old a girl gets, she still gets tickled when her boo uses terms of endearment for her. A woman is just a girl with more experiences, but a girl nonetheless. I am still a girl. And Wizkid – God bless his heart – he sure knows how to tease a girl.
Poor Seun just got inside my dream. At least, that should mean that I also care for Seun and his project, right? I mean, sure, I got distracted from the crayons when Wizkid wrapped his arms around me, but I’d rather not be judged on that premise. Let’s just remember that I was freaking out about the kids not having crayons.
you are just hilarous…I’m a new follower and have read all your blog post( well almost all your post) and each one cracks me up…
Abeg a girl can dream O jare….and like you said, age is nothing but a number as long as he knows how to treat you right {if only this wasnt just in dreams…} lol
i’m i really 1st……yay…..always struggling to be 1st to comment in popular blogs…lol…
Oh. I forgot to congratulate you on being first. Yay!!! Too bad I don’t have a gift for you today. Come back tomorrow. LOL.
Hahahaha. I know, right? If only this wasn’t just a dream! You’ve read most of my posts? 😳 I am like seriously blushing here! Awwww. Thank you so much. You rock. I’m glad they’ve been cracking you up. Yayyyyyyyy.
That said, if Wizkid decides to tease me …. well, tehehehe *I laugh in Igbo*
Lol…..even your comments crack me up! My dear if wizkid does happen to tease you in real life, pls ask him if has an elder bro and hook a girl up eya 😉
Btw, I’ll def come 2moro!
Tehehehe. I will definitely let you know if Wiz has a older Wiz. Now, where are you coming to tomorrow? Well, tomorrow already passed yesterday — I guess. LOL.
well you asked me to come back tomorrow in a previous reply na…so i gree…hehehehe
LOL! iSee. Well, come back again tomorrow. That is the endless sign: COME BACK TOMORROW!!!
See me dreaming about someone that was dreaming about someone else. Haaaa! This life is Wickid… Wizkid? Wicked! Yes! Wicked!
Sha! That said, you cannot compare a wizkid to a banxman.
LOL @ comparing a Wizkid to a Banxman. Yes, indeed, I most certainly cannot. Technically, it’s your fault that I didn’t dream of you. If you had told me that you were dreaming of me, I would have dreamt of you back, but you know inform me nah. How I wan take know? Oya, let us reset and go back to dreaming of each other 😉
Vera do not rob the cradle oh
leave wizkid for us youngones
Bia, bia, bia! Let this be the first and the last time you imply that I, Vera Verastic Ezimora am not one of the youngones. This girl, no dey try me oh! I am young! Forever 21! Sweet 16! Under 18! I am all of the above and much more. No try me now, abeg. Just say you’re jealous of our love.
Agbaya oshi…
Vers shey u know u are older than me ehn! So technically, if wizkid were to be age conscious…. I will so get chosen first….
As per the seun akinsanya’s project… Is he accepting donations of materials or na only cash I’m want????
Taaaa! Gerrout! Na me and you follow dey find Wizkid? Were you there when he was wrapping his arms around me and calling me his baby? Mind yourself oh. Don’t allow this our decade-long friendship to just spoil now, now.
Per Seun Akinsanya’s Project, I have inquired on your behalf, and he said he’s accepting materials, too — preferably 2012 Range Rovers. Thank you very kindly for your generosity. Wait. On a serious note, he’s accepting materials.
Seeing as I’m not a great fan of Wizkid…I prolly should live and let live so….*zips mouth*
*unzips* It is robbing the cradle sha *zips*
Hahahaha. Why did you unzip your mouth again? Sebi you already zipped it before? *HISS* All you harers that are coming here and saying I’m robbing the cradle, just say you’re jealous of our perfect love, that’s all. And don’t you dare unzip that your mouth again.
Haba, Verastic my darling…. so you leave a fine hunky specimen of manhood (ie me) and go for a boy?
I know when you turned around u realised your mistake… Oya come to papa 🙂
Hahaha. Sweetheart, you disappeared! I had to do something in the meantime nah. I couldn’t just sit back and wait for you to show me some love. A girl needs to be loved. She needs to know that she is loved, and she needs to know that the love is going somewhere. You totally left me hanging. So when Wizkid came along, well …. you know nah! 😀
Wizkid? Whossat? Kudos to Seun Akinsanya for setting up this project. I’ve been to his website and I might be nitpicking, but I think the ‘s’ in the name is superfluous, I’m not sure it’s grammatically correct either. I’m only pointing it out because his aim is to help educate children etc, his grammar should be beyond reproach. Also, there are no projects listed on his website, but his ‘donate’ page is up and running. Where are the pictures of students he has helped so far? This is my tuppence input, I hope it is constructive, and I’m telling you V because you are his media manager. Peace out :).
What?????????????/ You don’t know my honey bun, Wizkid? *faints* OMG!!! *wakes up, reads comment, and faints again* Just YouTube him. My favorite song from him is Tease Me. So go enjoy.
Per Seun Akinsanya’s project, I thank you very much for bringing it up. It is very much appreciated. Clearly, there is a fatal (okay, maybe not fatal) error in the name. I have brought it up with Seun and the Directors. It was never meant to be that way. The problem now is that this foundation is registered in that erroneous name. What to do, what to do. We have a meeting on Sunday, and this is gonna be at the top of my agenda of things to fix.
About the projects and donation page: I had actually just spoke to Seun about the projects about two or three days ago. The very first project won’t be taking place till next month (the trip to Nigeria to go deliver goods, etc). However, I have suggested to Seun that there be a tab/page for upcoming events. That way, people know that the foundation isn’t stagnant. Per the donation page, babe, we need money oh! LOL. It is understandable, however, that people will not be inclined to donate until they see that something has been done or is being done.
The foundation is still a baby, really just a few months old. The American launch isn’t till October 29th 2011, and that’s because we want to have a project under our belt first before the launch.
Joxy, I thank and commend you very much for calling us out on this. You rawk. I will now go to the meeting on Sunday with a “I-told-you-so” arritude! Tehehehe
You are so pathethic. Child molester. Dss is coming for ur ass
The first error here is that you have referred to yourself as ‘fyne.’ Na who come dash monkey banana? Girl, you better stop this rough play oh! LOL @ DSS. Ehn, let them come! I am not afraid. Wizkid is over 18, thank you very much!
lol…I’ve given up on u Vera…u r just a comedian.
Anoda Phase, I don’t care what you say. I shall take your comment as a compliment! 😀
*Sigh*….Vera I do NOT share!!! 😀
No Limit, believe me, there is a big, fat limit to our friendship. You do not share what? Mind yourself oh! Wizkid and I started our love tey, tey, and we will not tolerate any kind of intruders. Gbam!
Big ups to Mr. Akinsanya! Nigeria is in need of young men like him. I will donate my lirrule money for sure.
I just caught on to this wizkid boy. He has nice tunes for sure but I can’t seem to get over “…axe your mommy…” *shiverrrrrr*. Either way, he’s associated with BankyW, I think he’s bound to make good music. smh at your unholy, ungodly, ‘pedophilious’ infatuation with wizkid. Repent before October. The lord is coming soon. :D.
Na your eye be dis? Longest time!!!!! LOL @ “Axe your mommy.” I hope you’ll make it to the concert? I have a special link for tickets. I’ll get back to you.
Smile @ funny post. I like your style. I got a small love-at-first-sighting-in-a-magazine crush on the Wiz too, so we’re crush sisters.
Please help me out here: are the comments about you being disqualified by age, those serious, or just for fun? Nigerians, please stop living on the dark continent. This is the bright continent and age shouldn’t get in the way of love.