I’m gonna keep this short and sweet. Here’s the story: Maria Butzki, mother of two girls (16 and 12) left her husband, Paul Butzki for her lover, Peter Gruman. But she did not know that she would miss her husband so much, and at the same time, she did not want to leave her lover. Somehow, the two men became friends, and Maria got the bright idea to move them both into the same house. Isn’t that wonderful?
So now, Maria lives with her husband, their children, and her lover. Both men have nothing but compliments for one another. Her husband, Paul Butzki says of Peter, “Peter is a great guy. When Maria first had the affair with him I was just heartbroken. But as I got to know him, I realized we have so much in common. We both adore fishing, and he’s like a surrogate dad to the kids.” And Peter, her lover, says of Paul (her husband), “We all get on so well. It doesn’t feel as if I’m sharing Maria. There’s no jealousy …it feels as if we area team.”
When I first read this story, my mouth dropped. I couldn’t believe that a wife would dare bring another man into her home. Like, how dare she! And then, I thought about it some more and I realized that men have been doing this for as long as I know. No one would raise an eye brow or write a story about a man who moved another woman into the house while his wife was still there. It’s perfectly normal. I’m sure that some of our fathers have done the same thing, and we have had to just accept it. Because they’re men. So they’re allowed.
So, giving it a second thought, I’m just thinking, yeah, whatever. What is good for the goose is also good for the gander. Abi no be so dem dey talk am? And in case you’re wondering, yes, Maria is sexually active with both men. She says, “The three of us never share a bed. Although I have a sexual relationship with each man, that side is kept very private. If Paul is out, then Peter and I might make love, and vice-versa. But both men turn a blind eye and we never discuss it with one another.”
Well, that settles it. Show of hands if you want to know what Maria put in these men’s food — and where you can get it for yourself your friend.
P.S. The “family” is currently looking for a bigger home in East London that will accommodate them all.
Source: Mirror
hahaha *pause* *resumes laughter* roflmao… well I guess jare, no be today man dem begin this madness
By the way, typo: “No one would raise an eye brow or write a story about a woman(MAN) who moved another woman”
Abi ooo! Indeed, men have been doing it since, so let me stop dropping my jaw. Thanks for pointing the typo out. Fixed it.
reminds me of the conversation I had last night with a sexually over sufficient man, that I really need to blog about…
Uwa mmebi no be small…hiohiohiohio…hiohiohiohio….hiohiohiohio…{btw, thanks Pearl for this laughter…I’m loving it}…hiohiohiohio…hiohiohiohio…{hisses and continues work}
Oh, Lord. So it’s now Pearl’s laughter that is the order of the day? Ngwa nu, let us go dia. Sexually over sufficient man? Pray, do blog.
lmao….i love this woman, if not that my hubby wears me out in that department i probably would have loved to know what she put in their food. lol thumbs up. men have been doing it for centuries, its time we stepped up.
Kiky, yes indeed! Men have been doing it tey tey. I can’t even vex for the woman. I wouldn’t do it (and Igwe would kill me before he lets me do it), but hey, whatever.
This is totally rubbish and utter disgusting and no moral’s at all, the devil’s model family, these are satanic people up the chain! A mockery to God’s marriage institution!
Well, yeah, you’re right. It’s a mockery of God’s institution, but she isn’t first or the last. It’s hard to criticize her when so many people have done it, are still doing it, have done worse, and will do more. Everything is romanticized these days. Everything is “cute”
The devil must be happy.
I haff faint. If she gets pregnant how will she know “who does it” ?
This is Sodom and Gomorrah inside her house
LOL. Well, there’s DNA test to figure out the baby daddy. But yes, indeed, it’s Sodom and Gomorrah inside her house — just as it is when men do it, too.
Oh well whatever rocks their boat…interesting times we are living in
Very, very interesting times.
So I watched dis movie ‘savages’, and I was like not possible, but guess I’m totally wrong. ‘Hilariously weird’ times we re in now.
Haven’t seen Savages, but yeah, you have described it best … it’s hilariously weird.
Polygamy has two children, polygyny and polyandry. This incident is simply the lesser known children getting attention.
Whatever floats their boat, but its obvious she is baking her cake and frying it too. Paul is the oga on top whom she loves but no money, while peter is oga on top who is the bank account whom she happens to also love.
Praise God and pass the Nkwobi
Hahahaha @ the oga on top. Really? We had to mention that here, too? Tehehe. Well, she’s one strong woman – physically, mentally, and emotionally.
Ha…this is one of those times when I read the article and had to now go back & read it again…I will not like what I wouldn’t want in my household…Now I remember being young and dating and there would be times when I would jokingly say, “Why can’t I be like Elizabeth Taylor but actually have more than one husband at one time, so if one gets me mad I would just deal with the other”. Of course that was a silly thought that I never really considered to be my reality…
We live in a society where so many things have to be explained to kids now days…to each its own but hell no I would now want to explain it to my kids, be it be woman+man+man or man+woman+woman.
Just for food of thought that woman better pray that lover boy doesn’t want one of the daughters in the future…its just a responsible thought since everything this situation is even occuring to begin with. Is it not Morgon Freeman who had a thing for his grand-daughter…or even Woody Allen marrying his daughter…so what if they were technology adopted.
On the other hand…just as Maria said she keeps her bed-lationships very priviate…she better hope that Peter and Paul are both on opposite sides of the house when she leaves out the house and not running off to each other… At the end of the day…I might be overexaggerating in my thoughts…but hey I’m human. Cause I think Peter and Paul are shaking hands to the left and right, hmmm anyway opinions are like buttholes. Everyone has one! Thanks for the share…indeed it gave me a rolling on the floor moment… If nothing else…talk about her having balls and girl power! She got what she wants! lol!!!
Nkeiru, I actually didn’t think about the aspect of Peter being attracted to one of her daughters in the future. That is mad interesting. I surely hope it does not come to that. But yeah, it’s definitely a strange situation to be in. And it’s weirder because she’s a woman with two men and we are used to a man with two women. Either way, it can’t be good for the children. This is a bad, bad example. And would probably be very confusing to the kids. Plus, girls tend to love their father, so I wonder if they will be mad at their mom.
way to go Maria! that’s the stuff! “when Paul’s out, then, Peter and I might make love”. Envious! But that must take guts which I don’t got… 🙁
Tokunbo, lol, it’s nice on paper, but I think it’s a bad, bad arrangement. Oh, well, what do I know?
I’d quickly bat both my eyes if this was the same scenario with a man bringing another woman into the home *Kanye shrug* Just saying…
Well, like they say, what is good for the goose is good for the gander. Abi? Thanks for commenting, Obinna. This is your first comment … I think 😉
Yup. lol how perceptive of you. It is my first comment. After I read your “Why Igbos and Yurobas should not marry.” I might have fallen in love with the mind swimming around in that head of yours… Anyway, in this case, I think this is good for neither the goose nor the gander. But as long as they have it worked out, I guess… I just feel uneasy at the thought of sharing an intimate partner.
Yayyyyyyy!!!! Thanks for commenting (and coming back again)
The mind around my head, I don’t even know. The things that go through it, they amaze me sometimes. Per sharing an intimate partner, yeah that would be totally weird for me, too. Forget weird. It ain’t gon’ happen. Period. Nasty!!!!!!!!
I find this deeply disturbing..this is not acceptable with two young girls in the same house! What kind of example is that showing them. Normally I have an each to their own opinion but not when there is kids involved. Put your children not your gritty sexual needs first. Seriously what is the point in being married? So SOME not ALL men have been doing this forever…that surely does not make it OK for women to behave the same. It is people like this that rile me…type of person that complains there is no gentlemen but acts like a hoe instead of a lady.
I would love to see how she would react if her husband rocked up with a new lover. Will they move her in too? Heck better buy a massive house soon in case the lover does the same.
Sarah, it’s definitely very disturbing. I personally won’t do it, but the other side of the argument is that men do it all the time and no one seems to wonder what their sons will grow up believing. Whether it’s a man or a woman doing, it’s not a lifestyle that I support. But then, it’s not my life, so I don’t have much say.