You may have read this post before. It may have confused you, made you believe that this show would air last week Monday. If so, I apologize. Now, keep reading.
You’d be pleasantly surprised to find out what something as simple, casual, and priceless as a smile can do for you on a day that you’re down and out. Not just any smile, but a genuine smile that resonates from a deep and mostly unknown place. There is something remarkably unfathomable about the power of a sincere smile.
Sometimes, you look at all the problems you’ve had and have, and you can swear that you have it worst — until you meet the next person. It is relieving – in an unfortunate kind of way – to know that someone somewhere has it worse than you do. You don’t wish them bad, but it gives you hope to know that a person with a worse case is making it. So why not you?
This week, on Moments With Mo, Mo explores people who have been or are facing tough situations in their lives. What would you do if your face were burnt and disfigured by fire? Would you hide? Or would you face the world? And what about the people who bring smiles to such people’s faces? What does it take for them to look disappointment in the eye and greet it with a smile?
Kolawale Yusuf (Fire victim), Maxwell Johnson (African hero), and Mo |
Kaffy … clearly giving Mo a reason to smile. |
This is one episode that is sure to edutain you, and perhaps, get you a little teary-eyed. And that’s okay, too.
Watch this episode of Moments With Mo tomorrow, Tuesday, August August 31st 2010 on Mnet West Africa at 9:30pm. If you miss it tomorrow, you can watch a repeat episode on Wednesday, September 1st 2010 at 2:00pm, and on Saturday, September 4th 2010 (all on Mnet West Africa). Happy viewing J